"WHO CARES?" CHRISTIANS: Do you realize how often speeches are "plagiarized", statistics and accomplishments are distorted, media representations are outright lies, and people's characters are actually assassinated for no good reason! THAT's POLITICS!! Why in the world are YOU getting caught up in who stole someone's speech? Have YOU spent ANY TIME interceding on behalf of this country -- and WHOEVER is elected, because without them (the male or female leader whose placed in office) being radically dependent upon the Lord, and all about seeking HIS face in every aspect of their leadership, there will be increased suffering, tragedies and even greater corruption in the highest office of the land! LORD: Move the Remnant of your church to a place of MATURITY, PRAYERFULNESS and INTENTIONAL FOCUS on Your Agenda and Your End Time Purpose! Please help us NOT to distort or pollute our witness to the watching world, with meaningless cu...