“LGBTQ & The Black Church” and “When Christian Charity Usurps Christian…
"LGBTQ & The Black Church" and "When Christian Charity Usurps Christian Ministry.."
I'm talking about BOTH these subjects because the PROBLEM with one is the ISSUE with the other..
RELIGIOUS TRADITION has kept the Church from EMBRACING without COMPROMISING, and from AFFIRMING (due to cultural pressures) without ACCEPTING (because of our biblical mandate) because of the FEAR OF JUDGMENT, the REALITY OF OUR HUMANNESS, and the POWER OF RELIGIOUS CONFORMITY..we have failed.
The church has traditionally informed, influenced and guided the day-to-day lives of many African Americans. "The black church is not just a place of spirituality and enlightenment, but a place of empowerment for African Americans," says David Neale, founder of Black Lavender Resources, a consulting firm specializing in diversity within the LGBTQ community.
Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks, of Inner Light Ministries in Washington, D.C., agrees. "Spirituality is almost impossible to separate from black life," says Cheeks. "The church is a stabilizing force and a place to connect not just to God but to community, as well."
Yet some in those churches have been unwelcoming to people with a different sexual orientation or gender identity.
"The black church, the oldest institution and pillar of the black community, has historically dictated the community's stance on homosexuality — either you don't talk about it, or you condemn it," says journalist and blogger Lynn d Johnson. It is daunting to come out only to face the fear and misunderstanding of society in general, but many LGBTQ African Americans must face that same ignorance within the very institution that has for so many been the centerpiece of their community. Although no largely African-American denomination has issued a public statement outlining its position on homosexuality, the stances of individual churches and ministers are revealed on Sundays.
"The motto of the black church seems to be 'don't name it, don't claim it,'" says Mandy Carter, a founder of the progressive organization Southerners on New Ground. This informal church dictum has led many LGBTQ African Americans to find and create other places to exercise their spirituality.
Christian Charity vs Christian Ministry
Charity or charitable acts does NOT distinguish us from the world at all! Only the POWER OF GOD, does, and will distinguish us in these last days when nothing else can!!
- admitting to human weakness, not bowing to it
- asking for and relying upon God's help, not pridefully representing human strength, perfect performance or human ability
- In order for God's Unlimited Power to be available, total surrender is necessary and requisite.
Charity = voluntary generosity, support and helpfulness
Ministry = the collective execution of a governmental authority, purpose and plan
KINGDOM KEYS & DISTINGUISHABLE DIFFERENCE: Between charity and ministry, that is..
- Employing the Supernatural
- Accomplishing the Impossible
- Establishing the Unshakable Kingdom
The MASTER KEY to being faithful, fortified, and fruitful is ISAIAH 40:30-31, ASV
"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:30-31 ASV)
- Waiting/Stand
- Desperation/Cry Out
- Availability/Hunger
- Prayer/Communion
- Humility/Anticipation
There will NEVER be an occasion when we're doing CHRISTIAN MINISTRY that SACRIFICE, SUFFERING and SERVICE don't remain a critical part of the individual and collective efforts that need to be made, because it (our work) must be done "in faith"!
"Acts of charity" don't actually require "faith", but they do require generosity, which is like a sharpening exercise for the "giving nature" that every believer should live out in time.
Wisely, "charity" has been used as a "hook" or "seeding act" for sharing the love of God, and has led too many opportunities for the Gospel to be disseminated and souls to come into the kingdom. Because the "felt need" is bigger in the hearts and minds of broken or needy people that are distracted from hearing Gospel truth, when their immediate need as gripped them with desperation, fear and all consuming worry, etc.
With "Kingdom Values", the qualifying and quantifying standard of its representation is NOT the opinions, preferences or policies of "men"; it's ONLY and ALWAYS the Word of God!!
Using human definitions, qualities and standards as a standardizing barometer, will ONLY lead to pursuing and promoting of the "false apostolic order", with its changing, unjust and incessant humanistic standards surrounding excellence, efficiency and effectiveness; even if you're completely ignorant that by certain attitudes and behavior you are aligning with it (the false order).
"Blindness" has deep implications. If we're going to talk about a "subject matter", whatever it happens to be, and the rudiments or foundation of it have not principally be demonstrated, introduced or experienced by either party in communication about the said issue, having deep dialogue about it is a gross waste of valuable energy and time.. Fundamental understanding and rudimentary principles being known and understand matters in whether the dialogue is fruitful or not; principally speaking..
The arrogance of your ignorance..Making appearances your rule around every judgment you make about people!! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180
California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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