

These BLARING CONTRADICTIONS are shifting the political landscape in our nation.  But, some of us don't want to really broach the subject, or face the music on a practical level... It's VERY PAINFUL to "deal with our stuff", while also finger-pointing at the incidences where "improper procedure" or "selective profiling" with the police (as an example) has been exposed; as it rightfully MUST and SHOULD BE, every time it's discovered.. While, the HATE-filled "political landscape" (BOTH PARTIES) — and the "selective-outrage" and hostility that we have for these incidences that are REALLY "few and far between", they can't fully account for THE STATE OF OUR COMMUNITIES!! And, when we decide to CONFRONT THESE ISSUES, there will be an "accelerated healing" and "community transformation amongst black folks" in our communities — and, its MY PRAYER that we "get there"; VERY...


— Being God's Blank Page In the End Times.. ANY THING given to GOD FIRST will NEVER BE LOST!! The HARD THINGS that are difficult to LET GO, represent "losing our lives for His Sake".. With ABBA's AGENDA being forwarded with purposeful zeal and intentional priority, IDENTITY, INTIMACY, MATURITY, and UNITY are the ongoing focus in preparation for the URGENCY and the IMMINENT RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST! A form of discipline and correction has already been released by The Refiner upon the entire BODY OF CHRIST at every level, and timely resignations, thoughtful inquiry and probing questions are driving many believers to UNFRUITFUL ENDS — to hold onto THINGS that could definitively alter their ETERNAL FUTURE; if they continue to prioritize temporal things before eternal things.. Dispossess = divest or dislodge; detach from Possess = have complete power over There are some "forceful transitions" that are NECESSARY, where CAPACITY, CREDIBILITY and COMPETENCY ...


Sometimes, "giving up" can be THE "starting point" that propels you out of indecision, off-ramps, and ruts! As "people of faith", we're told to "hold on to the promise", and we should, but RESIGNATION or SURRENDER - is never to the detriment of the child of God! WE are "in covenant" with The Lord Most High, and HE is absolutely jealous over YOU and ME; and REFUSES to let us settle for anything less than HIS perfect will! The disorientation, disgust and dissatisfaction that you may feel at times, with the overall progress in your life - is warranted, and HE's not upset with you for sharing your heart-frustrations with HIM, pouring out your tears, or for asking HIM to confirm the direction you're taking - that seems to have no real advantage or purpose for you... You KNOW that God is infinitely wiser than you, but the internal conflict and wrestling surrounds YOU - "feeling unworthy", recognizing how you...


"Fulfilling Purpose" is NOT about "being supported", but about "being obedient" to do WHATEVER God says to do! Some of US have made the acceptance of people about our "calling", which we "see" as the platform, the pomp, and the prosperity — the "end all" (climax) of our walk of faith in God! So, instead of treating it as an indication of their interest in His Voice through us, we allow it to negatively impact the use of our voices "for Him", because we're enamored with THEIR APPLAUSE! The reason this is SO IMPORTANT...Because, GOD "looks upon the heart"! INTENTIONS, MOTIVES and HEART DISPOSITIONS are singularly GOD's main or highest priority and focus for HIS dealings and affairs amongst mankind! LISTEN: I didn't say that GOD is concerned with mankind's BEHAVIORS, MISTAKES and SINS...HE completely resolved those issues AT CALVARY! GOD is most interested with us "g...


FAMILY:  Acceptance, Affirmation, and Approval, are NOT evil or selfish, when the context for the "need" is from a place of brokenness, sincerity and authenticity —oftentimes derived through life trauma, bad decision making, or absent and missing influences in our lives. Listen: We ALL have a "deep need" for nurture, for love, and for a calming reassurance in our ongoing maturity and growth; and especially during our unpredictable developmental transitions, spiritually speaking.. But, the reality is, many of us are sorely lacking in our foundations, because of either missing parental guidance in these areas — or just through encountering the well meaning, but partially equipped: teachers, pastors, counselors, social workers, mental health professionals, youth advocates, and concerned family members that are also OPERATING FROM A DEFICIT, spiritually speaking! YES — We ALL do "our best", but "sin" and it's fragmenting imp...


"PUBLIC SERVANTS.." Anytime we think about "public servants, normally the first thought we have is in regards to those who serve a "public office", like a mayor, city councilman, or any other political office that has direct responsibility "to the people".. PREACHERS are also "public servants", but their first accountability and allegiance is to Almighty God; but, right after that - "we" are responsible and accountable to the people that God has "given us too"! One of the many realities that has become such a foundation in my soul is: - "I can't lead people, where I haven't been!" - "I can't relate with people, who I can not 'see'!" - I can't impact people, when I'm not full of love!" - I can't walk with people, unless I'm living, talking and walking with God!" There is NO GOOD THING in us, accept The Lord h...


"WHO CARES?" CHRISTIANS: Do you realize how often speeches are "plagiarized", statistics and accomplishments are distorted, media representations are outright lies, and people's characters are actually assassinated for no good reason! THAT's POLITICS!! Why in the world are YOU getting caught up in who stole someone's speech? Have YOU spent ANY TIME interceding on behalf of this country -- and WHOEVER is elected, because without them (the male or female leader whose placed in office) being radically dependent upon the Lord, and all about seeking HIS face in every aspect of their leadership, there will be increased suffering, tragedies and even greater corruption in the highest office of the land! LORD: Move the Remnant of your church to a place of MATURITY, PRAYERFULNESS and INTENTIONAL FOCUS on Your Agenda and Your End Time Purpose! Please help us NOT to distort or pollute our witness to the watching world, with meaningless cu...