FAMILY: Acceptance, Affirmation, and Approval, are NOT evil or selfish, when the context for the "need" is from a place of brokenness, sincerity and authenticity —oftentimes derived through life trauma, bad decision making, or absent and missing influences in our lives.
Listen: We ALL have a "deep need" for nurture, for love, and for a calming reassurance in our ongoing maturity and growth; and especially during our unpredictable developmental transitions, spiritually speaking..
But, the reality is, many of us are sorely lacking in our foundations, because of either missing parental guidance in these areas — or just through encountering the well meaning, but partially equipped: teachers, pastors, counselors, social workers, mental health professionals, youth advocates, and concerned family members that are also OPERATING FROM A DEFICIT, spiritually speaking!
YES — We ALL do "our best", but "sin" and it's fragmenting impacts and affects upon humanity, will not be completely or fully remedied until Christ's Return!
MEANWHILE, the devoted Christian can be "more than a conqueror" and "completely victorious", over ALL the plans, schemes, and wiles of the devil, but THAT doesn't negate the "felt needs" we ALL HAVE in these areas..
The reason we see so many people GREATLY USED yet HORRIBLY BROKEN — and STILL BOUND by some "pet sin", is because we tend to believe "our spiritual high's meet the emotional needs"; and THAT is a lie of the enemy!
ALL the FALLEN PREACHERS, PEDOPHILE PRIESTS, and SEXUAL PREDATORS that seem to "hang out" around the church, are definitely IN THE RIGHT PLACE ("the church", God's hospital for "the redeemed") except when they came expecting to encounter THE POWER OF GOD, in too many instances; they did NOT!
That's why it's necessary for us ALL to BE HEALED, BE MADE WHOLE, and BE EMPOWERED through God's Holy Word, so our minds can be ACTIVELY changed, focused and renewed according to HIS WILL! WS-3
Sent from my iPhone
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