

Family: There's a GOOD REASON that most of the notable New Testament (NT) characters that play significant roles in the Biblical record, were founded in the "marketplace". A few of the dynamics that "plays big" on the importance of this truth: Context and Messaging..  A MARKETPLACE in Biblical context means  any place of public resort, and hence a public place or broad street  ( Matthew 11:16 ; 20:3 ), as well as a forum or market-place proper, where goods were exposed for sale, and where public assemblies and trials were held ( Acts 16:19 ; 17:17 ). "One dimensional people" CAMP OUT around "revelation", without truly understanding its significance "in" and "to" the predominant culture — or in the world that "they live"; because they (the world) will NOT discern "spiritual things" with their own intellect!  When PERSONALITIES popularize a “word” or glamorize a subject, if their intent is ONLY to see...


"Sanctified experience", more than the "bumps and bruises of life" - is a better teacher; if we will allow it to be! I've watched the unfulfilled desires (emptiness) in the eyes of others -- and myself (in the past), lead down some of the craziest paths and to some of the most nauseating destinations; especially in relationships! When I look at people now in the place of my present maturity and brokenness, I'm moved at times to let them "push the button themselves"; or decide "to want what they say they want", by walking according to their stated confession...Otherwise, we all just become quite paralyzed in our developmental process. Why Pastor - that's so cold and disengaging? Because, leading people to water that's sitting right in front of them, is not real leadership; its a sympathy often born out of unresolved pain "in you" that you see in them, which contributes to their excuses — and is simply the vei...

“Guaranteeing Christocentric Teaching and Preaching”

"Guaranteeing Christocentric Teaching and Preaching": 1) Can people "see Christ" in the overall message and points that you're sharing? 2) Is the message founded in love and focused upon Christ being formed in each of us? 3) Did we communicate "how" to best apply the principles being taught from the Word of God for our own lives? 4) Are we actually doing what we're teaching others to do? 5) Have we confirmed the truth with two or three other biblical examples of the principles that are being taught? 6) Did we provide the proper context for which the author, book, message, and impact was felt or realized during the time that the scripture was actually written?  WS-3 Sent from my iPhone


With Great Men of God like ...Bob Jones, Myles Munroe, and John Paul Jackson transitioning off the "earthly scene", discerning Christians must ask themselves, what does the timing of their departure mean to the present season that we find ourselves as the Body of Christ? Yes, their words and their teaching remains with us, but what about the mantles and the ministry that is to be carried forth; according to the prophetic time line that perfectly cooperates with the consummation and restitution of all things in Christ? "Of the increase of HIS Kingdom there shall be no end", so that could only represent and signal - greater manifestations and more precise revelations, through the "chosen vessels" that have embraced the preparation and process, which often appears to have no association with what is presently "passing off the scene"! I have been commanded to build quietly and deliberately,  but NOT without an intentional connectedness to what God ha...


Jeremiah C. Johnson: I really appreciate you sharing the backdrop behind all the online chatter about your process in 2021, because I along with many others (I'm sure) watched and prayed, while the messiness and muddy waters of the fallout contributed to the already strenuous tensions and trouble that it seems is very necessary and important that the Body of Christ has had to walk through. Thank God for seasoned men and women of God that we're there to comfort and correct you for the bumps and bruises that have contributed to your growth.  But, I have somewhat of a completely different perspective on the "crushing" as you've described it, because God has intentionally given me advanced training and schooling (spiritually speaking) on suffering, sacrifice and service "unto Him", by intentionally doing His Bidding and advancing His Kingdom — without the pursuit of "pomp", "pulpit" or "popular platforms". Because of the Lord...


DELAYS.. This evening while I was meditating, I saw a SEA OF FRUSTRATED PEOPLE, wondering — "What's taking so long for the promise of God in my life"? AND, the Lord showed me a few things that we can "pray against" and "pray for", to EXPEDITE THE FULFILLMENT of what GOD SPOKE to each of us.. PRAY AGAINST: — Disobedience, Ignorance and Negligence of both believers and unbelievers that God is dealing with about "their role" in the fulfillment of HIS Promise concerning you. — Demonic distractions and intrusions, taking people "off course" from intersecting your path, or being attacked with "spiritual blindness" - so that they cannot perceive (see) what GOD wants them too see. — Apathetic responses to HIS leadership in their lives. If we regard the wind, we will not sow (Ecclesiastes 11). — "Demonic squatters" that are legally permitted to block or hinder progress, because of our own repeated missteps, which opens up...


Almost three years ago now, the Father spoke to my heart about shifting in the way that I was communicating through the various platforms that I'm communicating on.. Today, as I've been praying while fellowshipping with the Lord, it's become even clearer to me "why" the use of my voice has been tempered and adjusted the past few years — so that His Glory can be revealed; absent of anyone thinking it was "me" apart from "Him"!?! What do you mean? "Personality-driven ministries" spend the majority of their time highlighting and spotlighting "the person" that God may or may not be using, instead of focusing and pointing to the ONLY PERSON that actually matters in the scheme of deliverance, salvation and transformation that is "born" of His Spirit alone! If you pay attention to most of the antics and emotionalism that placates as "power" in too many of our American churches in the West, it's...