Jeremiah C. Johnson: I really appreciate you sharing the backdrop behind all the online chatter about your process in 2021, because I along with many others (I'm sure) watched and prayed, while the messiness and muddy waters of the fallout contributed to the already strenuous tensions and trouble that it seems is very necessary and important that the Body of Christ has had to walk through.

Thank God for seasoned men and women of God that we're there to comfort and correct you for the bumps and bruises that have contributed to your growth.  But, I have somewhat of a completely different perspective on the "crushing" as you've described it, because God has intentionally given me advanced training and schooling (spiritually speaking) on suffering, sacrifice and service "unto Him", by intentionally doing His Bidding and advancing His Kingdom — without the pursuit of "pomp", "pulpit" or "popular platforms".

Because of the Lord's Providential Leading and the graceful and timely training and impartation of my highly regarded and esteemed ninety-five year old Spiritual Papa and Mentor, Pastor Edward N. Smith of the Trinity Broadcasting Network — who was both the former staff pastor of the international TBN Network, and the senior pastor of Trinity Christian Center of Tustin, I've received a well needed and well established understanding, because of his advisement of me to listen and pray since 1999.  As I've consulted, watched and served "behind the scenes" at the highest level of ministry and traveled all over the country, my aim was NOT to be heard, famous or recognized; but just to be used!

Many people would point toward your "youth" alone as the reason for your trials and trouble!  Because oftentimes, religious fundamentalists and traditionalist closely "toe the line" in regards to the "maturity level" and age a person should be; related to the authenticating and proving of "ministry gifts" being used and given "voice", over time..I don't disagree with this!!

Personally, I can relate to the frustration with the control and manipulation of men, and also disagree with ministry gifts being "held hostage" because of ageism, which I've experienced while I suffered, sacrificed and served from the time I was first deemed a "prodigious child"; according to church elders from my childhood (6 years old).

Jeremiah: I believe that you bought into the "false metric of ministry"; and because of your "gift" and giftedness, you lacked the "capacity" to know and understand how what you heard and shared, should have been properly handled very differently from the onset; but that's now water under the bridge.

Because of jealousy, frustration and jockeying that's going on all over the Body of Christ, I admonish you "in love" to divorce yourself theologically from owning ANY ideas that you need to be humiliated (crushed) before you can be used..Simply humble yourself under the Mighty Hand of God.


We crave attention, applause and approval..

We covet and pursue worldly position, false prosperity, and power that intoxicates..

We involve ourselves in politics by being political while mixing it in our sharing of the Gospel..

We attempt to be the "first" or only one that said "it" for popularity sake..

We don't seek others to weigh or judge what we've heard, before we say it..


I'm NOT accusing you of anything. I appreciate you opening yourself up to the feedback of those who support and love you. I would admonish you to let God purge and cleanse your understanding of what He wills and He wants, because "being greatly used and anointed" doesn't have to end in humiliation or "crushing", unless FLESH seeks to glory in His Presence and Satan is "given place" through our negligence, ignorance, disobedience, or consent!   

YOU were NOT ATTACKED, HUMILIATED or CRUSHED because you're "so anointed"!  You came under attack, received death threats, and were maligned in ungodly ways because "FLESH gloried in His Presence"!  WS-3 Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM 

BLOG LINK:  https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2011/11/true-and-false-apostolic-order.html?m=1






Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Corporate Line: (424) 352-4940

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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