

YOUNG MINISTERS & YOUTUBE 'GREATS': > BE CAREFUL and TAKE YOUR MOUTHS OFF OF GOD's SERVANT..CELESTIAL of The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog WHEN GOD CALLS YOU TO SERVICE In SEPTEMBER 1996 , when I accepted my 1st "official assignment" for my ministry and my consultancy, I had NO IDEA what the Lord had in mind for my journey! The initial contact that I received, was for a mega-church located in Louisville, Kentucky. I was asked to: 1) teach the men's Sunday school class that morning; 2) preach the 11am service, and 3) offer some guidance to the ministry for "how" to approach their weekly services, community outreach and youth programs; and I was EVENTUALLY honored to do so.. BUT, it took me receiving a LOVING REBUKE from ABBA, before I had could recognize or even have enough confidence to accept the assignment that came "directly" FROM ABOVE! WHEN GOD CALLS YOU to the work of ministry, as an one of the Ascension...


"ABBA's LANDSLIDE-AVALANCHE IS ON THE WAY!" In this POWERFUL PROPHETIC WORD, Tim Sheets reveals a timely message for the BODY & BRIDE of CHRIST — drawing parallels between the story of David, and the current SPIRITUAL BATTLE facing our nation.. As the EL ELYON (THE LORD MOST HIGH) is raising up HIS CHOSEN LEADERS, we are called "to stand firm in faith", and TRUST GOD for DIVINE INTERVENTION.  THIS WORD will inspire and equip you, to properly engage in STRATEGIC "spiritual warfare", and prepare for the COMING SHIFT in leadership and authority in our government, nation, and world!  WS-3 A Prophetic Word For The Fall Season | Tim Sheets Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) CEO/Principal WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC. Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933 **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator This message is intended only for the use of the address and may contain infor...


MARXISM, SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM is NOT "the answer"!  BUT, MAGA with a twist, is.. The "same way"'that the M ain S treet M edia ( MSM ) is NOT the ONLY KEY to CHANGING the NARRATIVE in our country, so MAGA is MORE than a "political party and movement" — it's a mechanism meant to reimagine the GLOBAL IMPACT and the PERVASIVE INFLUENCE of "Making America Great Again" through: — Activism and Advocacy surrounding the need to build the bridge between the "felt needs" and "political change", by understanding that SOCIO-ECONOMICS (the realities and rhythms surrounding the ranging experiences of POC) and SOCIAL CHANGE (the raw data and trends relating to the known generational disparities associated with environmental and societal movements and expansions); THIS is where DEMOCRATS prioritize their focus on the politics that they engage, leading to WHY their narrative is POPULAR and REAL to the average American expe...