

"Original man complexes" and the search for "cultural and spiritual identity", is becoming more and more prevalent amongst "black people", generally speaking. But, WHY? Our generation is in "crisis mode" at the highest level, and the "identity crises" in our communities is more prevalent than it should be! A  complex  is a structure in the  unconscious  that is  objectified  as an underlying  theme —like a  power  or a  status —by grouping clusters of  emotions , memories, perceptions and  wishes  in response to a threat to the stability of the self. WHAT ARE "THE ISSUES"? Spiritual Bondage, Fatherlessness, Gangs, Consumerism, Poverty Mentalities, Entitlement, Entertainment Culture, Ignorance of History, Systemic Racism, Cyclic Poverty and Government Dependence, etc.. DEMOCRATIC STRONGHOLDS OUR PEOPLE are way to intelligent to be duped by the historic and blatant ideological poison of “race-identity politics” that is the F...

"NEVER APOLOGIZE" for "being YOU"!

"NEVER APOLOGIZE" for "being YOU"! BUT, that's NO EXCUSE for being CALLOUS, CARNAL or INDIFFERENT, either! IT's FUNNY...When I came across this picture, I thought of my MOM & DAD, who are now both with The Father above! BUT, I could SEE THEM "in ME"! MOMMA: Was a finicky personality, with an amazing soprano voice, and the biggest smile and "smarts" that I've EVER seen! She was a Valedictorian, mental health professional for over twenty-five years, and owned more SHOES and CLOTHES than anybody I know on earth! She was also a sweet woman -- with a beautiful and broken spirit (because of LIFE and my parent's DIVORCE), but no matter "how much she stumbled" in her life; she ALWAYS SERVED GOD!! She was the person used mostly by GOD, who showed me MY LIFE CALLING -- and "how" MY GIFT from The Lord would ultimately be used for the Kingdom of God! DADDY: Was our "resident comedian" that exude...


"PIGGY-BACK PROPHETS ARE NOT FOCUSED ON INTIMACY WITH GOD" Sub-Title: Identifying the Blindspots Associated with Hype, Celebrity, and Fame!' It is NO WONDER or COINCIDENCE that "Piggyback Prophets" seem to have "a word" EVERY DAY — accept, you/no one CANNOT be in "intimate relationship" (in a HEALTHY WAY) or truly be meditating "in the WORD with GOD"; without being STILL, SENSITIVE, and SILENT every once and a while.. So, it must be video-hopping or the ANOINTING of OPPORTUNITY that automatically "kicks in" and functions as a result of the "SEO spirit" that pursues disciplines and the "ALGORITHM gods" — that their hearing from; NOT JEHOVAH GOD! I UNDERSTAND that "ministry in GOD's WORD" is NOT evil or wrong — even if, what motivates your posting, is ALL ABOUT "making money" or "provisions for your house".. THE ISSUE IS — "God Processing" always takes EVER...


HOW MANY COUNTIES/HOW MANY ELECTORS/HOW MANY POLLING PLACES? TOP FIVE THREATS TO ELECTION INTEGRITY ( Election bellwether counties in the United States are counties that vote in alignment with the country as a whole in United States presidential elections, so that the county votes for the candidate who ultimately wins the election. The strongest bellwether counties are those that back the winning candidate in all elections. There are a total of 3,142 counties or county equivalents in the United States. ( ELECTORAL COLLEGE In the United States, the Electoral College is the group of presidential electors that is formed every four years during the presidential election for the sole purpose of voting for the president and vice president. The process is described in Article II ...