Sub-Title: Identifying the Blindspots Associated with Hype, Celebrity, and Fame!'
It is NO WONDER or COINCIDENCE that "Piggyback Prophets" seem to have "a word" EVERY DAY — accept, you/no one CANNOT be in "intimate relationship" (in a HEALTHY WAY) or truly be meditating "in the WORD with GOD"; without being STILL, SENSITIVE, and SILENT every once and a while..
So, it must be video-hopping or the ANOINTING of OPPORTUNITY that automatically "kicks in" and functions as a result of the "SEO spirit" that pursues disciplines and the "ALGORITHM gods" — that their hearing from; NOT JEHOVAH GOD!
I UNDERSTAND that "ministry in GOD's WORD" is NOT evil or wrong — even if, what motivates your posting, is ALL ABOUT "making money" or "provisions for your house"..
THE ISSUE IS — "God Processing" always takes EVERY THING into account. Especially, the FAITH-BUILDING EXERCISES that leads to a DESPERATE DEPENDENCE upon HIM; when the discipline of "work for wages" is ALSO "the will of God"..
AND, what GOD expects of YOU, when your bills need to be PAID — so, "your name in lights" is NOT THE GOAL!
INTIMACY WITH GOD, "is", so that REAL WEIGHT (of Glory) rests upon YOU; and instead of fanfare, applause, and "likes", you get BURDENS REMOVED and YOKES DESTROYED, so that the "pursuit of YOU" is minimized — while the PASSION FOR HIM becomes unbridled; and the people grow and mature into CHRIST's MATURE BRIDE! WS-3
COMPANION BLOG: (https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2011/09/burdens-of-ministry-marketplace-leaders.html?m=1)
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Sub-Title: Identifying the Blindspots Associated with Hype, Celebrity, and Fame!'
It is NO WONDER or COINCIDENCE that "Piggyback Prophets" seem to have "a word" EVERY DAY — accept, you/no one CANNOT be in "intimate relationship" (in a HEALTHY WAY) or truly be meditating "in the WORD with GOD"; without being STILL, SENSITIVE, and SILENT every once and a while..
So, it must be video-hopping or the ANOINTING of OPPORTUNITY that automatically "kicks in" and functions as a result of the "SEO spirit" that pursues disciplines and the "ALGORITHM gods" — that their hearing from; NOT JEHOVAH GOD!
I UNDERSTAND that "ministry in GOD's WORD" is NOT evil or wrong — even if, what motivates your posting, is ALL ABOUT "making money" or "provisions for your house"..
THE ISSUE IS — "God Processing" always takes EVERY THING into account. Especially, the FAITH-BUILDING EXERCISES that leads to a DESPERATE DEPENDENCE upon HIM; when the discipline of "work for wages" is ALSO "the will of God"..
AND, what GOD expects of YOU, when your bills need to be PAID — so, "your name in lights" is NOT THE GOAL!
INTIMACY WITH GOD, "is", so that REAL WEIGHT (of Glory) rests upon YOU; and instead of fanfare, applause, and "likes", you get BURDENS REMOVED and YOKES DESTROYED, so that the "pursuit of YOU" is minimized — while the PASSION FOR HIM becomes unbridled; and the people grow and mature into CHRIST's MATURE BRIDE! WS-3
COMPANION BLOG: (https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2011/09/burdens-of-ministry-marketplace-leaders.html?m=1)
Sent from my iPhone
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