#GOD's PREVAILING PROMISE to "the Remnant"...
GOD's PREVAILING PROMISE to "the Remnant"... "Whenever a person truly has a desire to obey God's commands—when that person loves and respects God's Word—the Holy Spirit supplies them with all power and ability to fulfill those commands. That is the blessed provision of the New Covenant." (Papa David Wilkerson) This profound revelation that Papa Wilkerson communicated through one of his daily devotionals, is the focus of what I'm hearing The Lord proclaim over HIS Body today, in light of the "new" understanding and expansion during our necessary learning-curves; as a "community of believers" in Christ in this peculiar season that GOD has strategically used to begin helping us all, to perceive and to acknowledge HIS ways - like never before. What AMAZES ME, is how The Lord continues to progressively advance HIS kingdom in the earth, despite all the various "developmental continuums" existing in the Body of Chris...