"What is Kingdom Advancement all about?"
“Kingdom advancement” does not necessarily mean the ascendancy of Christianity (from the standpoint of religious denominations), and especially in the scope of the proliferating and heated debates amongst global thinkers, world religions and spiritual seekers. But, true kingdom advancement is revealed through the exaltation of the Headship of Christ in thought, word and deed - by His ambassadorial representatives in every dimensional reality of our earthly existence.
As long as Christians are "for Him" (in agreement and allegiance) in pursuit of His purpose and in pure devotion to His will, we are a part of that never-ending expansion, or increase of His Kingdom – in which there shall be no end. The end of a pathology or conformation associated with a dispensation of church (human) history is NOT necessarily a sign of disappointment or correction from the Father; but simply a developmental expansion of our understanding of His will and purpose through the climax of the ages.
Our partnership and cooperation (or the lack thereof) does not communicate or reflect the stability and reality of the unshakable kingdom that believers in Christ Jesus are a part of. As we “enter” and “orient” to the infinite complexity and boundless potentiality of the Kingdom of God, we in turn will consciously develop the ability to see and understand - and in turn properly represent the kingdom by doing the “greater works”.
The knowledge of God's glory in the person of Jesus Christ for the true disciple represents the introduction (spiritual rebirth) and development of His nature and character “in” the diligent seeker (sanctification through discipleship). His glory is known through the continuum or progression of His revealed will in our hearts - that remains radically and totally dependent upon Him at all times and in every way, through the ages and stages of life.
Many of our leaders are truly disengaged from the complex socio-economic and geo-political landscape, because of being romantically captivated, easily intimidated or apathetically distracted. When we’ve not earnestly engaged the culture – we in turn relinquish the significant positional benefits of our spiritual occupation without deliberately and prophetically engaging in the centers or mountains of influence. This resignation eventually leads to compromising of our own biblical convictions, and leads us into captivity to the wavering misalignment and blaring disagreement in the culture, by our reactions to the environment with unsound eschatological misinterpretations of the scriptures through conformity (winds of doctrine and doctrines of demons), which gives veracity to the hostile voices and forces that seek to malign and distort our influence on the masses for Christ.
Though the church is often intentionally marginalized and incessantly ostracized through the hurling accusations and assaults by aggressive societal forces, the Christian community must endure hardness as a good soldier and step up its game in the end times, to allow our counter-cultural influence to act as a bridge and mediating agency in the midst of the dominate culture’s philosophical platforms of debate that vies for priority and supremacy in the hearts of humanity.
End of Blog. WS-3
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