"The kings 'Behind' the kings"!
‘Special Insights On Spiritual Government & Spiritual Warfare'
"Can God's Goodness Be Understood By His Government?":
Note: The purpose of this blog post is to frame a proper understanding of the spiritual (angelic and demonic) governments, so that we may begin to comprehend on another level - the goodness of God, as opposed to the wickedness of the devil and his diabolical operation.Its also important to note that God's overarching rule, creative genius, and sovereign influence is present in every spiritual and earthly government, which He governs in His providential care on behalf of humanity.
God's goodness is often blurred and confused: whereby evil is wrongfully attributed to God the Father and to our Redeeming Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Understanding "the goodness of God" is the first important point, and the most critical principle of the Bible's empowering truths on this subject, both to properly discern our spiritual warfare in the order that God established it for our protection, and to build the kind of unfeigned faith within us that will move mountains; which in turn fulfills God's promise of victory in and for our lives, through Believer's appropriating Christ's efficacious work that was accomplished and fulfilled at The Cross of Calvary.
If humanity in general - and Christians as a whole, "question" God's goodness, based upon the commonality of our human suffering and the unavoidable life tragedies we may all experience, without a clear and distinct understanding of the spiritual dimension, the task of "making disciples" (and as a result of that tedious process - "winning souls") is a constant fight that seems to be totally insurmountable and a burdensome mystery; in which the most "dedicated of believers" are unwilling to engage, due to the common fear and the demonic retaliation and onslaughts that occur as we "really" determine in our hearts - to walk with Christ!
We have all suffered due to our own innocent-ignorance and apathetic laziness, but in the last days, Believer's must become more devoted and sophisticated in our approach to spiritual warfare; if we want to successfully participate in the "front lines" of Christ's end-time agenda in the earth.
So, what are "Principalities, Powers, World Rulers of Darkness, and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places" all about anyways?
"Our Spiritual Warfare is Against "Principalities":
The concept of principalities is understood by the Greek word "arche", meaning, chief or ruler. These principalities are "ruling" demonic spirits possessing executive authority or governmental rule in the world.
As we will see, these ruling powers usually involve or affects a particular nation, people or race - by virtue of their (the people's) God-ordained importance or significance to the Plan of the Ages, as determined by The Lord Most High!
There are evil angels or demons, ruling the kingdoms of this world that oppose the truth of God, and of which Satan is the chief prince or ruler; of both the world system and its organization of demons - as noted in the Gospel of Matthew.
In Matthew 12:24, the devil is called "Beelzebub", meaning "lord of the dwelling", in which these wicked spirits are subject to and operate under Satan's dominion. They, like their chief prince, direct, control, rule and carry out the present darkness of this world through the yieldedness of human beings of every kindred, tribe and tongue - for the sole purpose of destroying and diminishing Christ's redeeming work on our behalf; with the ultimate intent and tyrannical agenda of influencing the final death and sentence to hell of every human being ever born into time.
"What Do These Principalities Do?":
In the "New Testament Reality" or covenant that the believer operates under, Christ has assumed all power and all authority in the heavens, in the earth, and under the earth. So, all principalities and powers are subject to His authority, and until His Second Coming, the Church in cooperation and obedience to His will, yields to His influence and redemptive plan in reaching the world or lost for Christ.
The mere "occupying presence" of a believer in any given region or territory provokes Christ redeeming sacrifice to come to bear, and through His empowering grace, the believer may shift an entire population with prayer, the wisdom of the Word, and repentance as our weapons of choice.
What, if anything happened in the "heavenlies" between the Old and New Covenants?
Christ dispossessed the legitimate right of principalities and powers to legally oppress, torment or dominate the lives of those who will completely surrender to His authority; and where wisdom and righteousness (His way of doing things) increases, the powers of darkness, or strongholds are completely broken.
Principalities are one of the identified ranks of the different orders of the company of angels, spoken of in Hebrews 12:22, which has an "indefinite number".
The American Heritage Dictionary defines "principalities" as:
1. A territory ruled by a prince or from which a prince derives his title.
2. The position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty.
The idea of a "prince", or demonic spirit ruling and controlling a region, is supported in the Old Testament book of Daniel, chapter 10.
Daniel is visited by an angel in response to his prayer before God. This angel, who was sent by God to answer Daniel's prayer, was delayed for 21 days because of a battle that took place between God's angel and "a prince of the kingdom of Persia."
Daniel reveals the angel's message in the following verses:
In Daniel 10:12-13, "Then said he [the angel] unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten [humble] thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia."
The spiritual battle, for this angel, was of such magnitude that Michael, the archangel of God and designated "Prince" of Israel, assisted the angel in the battle. Another enemy of God, the prince of Greece, is also mentioned in the verses below, as coming to Daniel as the battle with the Prince of Persia ensued.
In Daniel 10:20-21, "Then said he [the angel], Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince."
The book of Daniel gives us an excellent example of how these unseen spiritual entities fight to increase and maintain their realms of influence and control in order to hinder God's purposes. In addition, as previously stated, these princes are named after the nations, or rather the principalities in which they rule.
"What is Satan s Ultimate Battle Plan?":
It is Satan's purpose to deceive the nations, and to keep them from obtaining a knowledge of God's truth and salvation through The Son, Jesus Christ.
In the book of Revelation, chapter 20, Satan is depicted as a deceiver of nations. The Greek word for deceive is "planaho", and according to Strong's Greek Dictionary, this word means to "cause to roam from safety, truth or virtue, go astray, seduce, wander, and to be out of the way."
Satan's major success, in deceiving a nation, is due to a lack of discernment on the part of the people of God. When God's people are blind to the invisible forces of supernatural evil that are operating and influencing their visible human agents of political, social, religious and philosophical programs.
Satan's greatest victory would be to convince the world that he just doesn't exist. However, God signifies the devil as "the author of sin, sickness and death", and warns us to be alert and vigilant because "the devil, as a roaring lion roams about seeking whom he may devour." (1 Pet. 5:8).
The devil controls and influences the kingdoms of the world, and we are not to underestimate his influence and power, nor believe that this is the will of God.
God is telling us to "stand" against these evil forces, by equipping ourselves with the knowledge and power of God, and looking unto Christ as our perfect example.
In Luke 4:5-7, "And the devil, taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered (to surrender or yield up) unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine."
These are "kingdoms" - (Strong's #935) is defined properly as "royalty, that is, (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively): - kingdom, + reign.
There will also come a day in which we are told in the book of Revelation 11:15, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."
However, until this Scripture is fulfilled at the Second Return of Christ during the Great Battle of Armageddon, we can only conclude as the Apostle Paul instructs, that our wrestling will involve a constant engagement with principalities, or peoples and regions under the influence and deception of Satan.
As a consequence of Satan being the prince or ruler of the kingdoms of this world, also described in the Bible as the "kingdom of darkness," we know that this spiritual warfare is a "life and death battle" that we should not be fooled or "sleep on", because Satan can and does prosper evil people in the world to do wickedness!
"What are the Classification of the Angels in God's Government?":
It is important to know the classification of angels, to better understand and strategically partner with the governmental organization of God, as a believer in Christ Jesus.
There are thought to be several "celestial orders" of this government within the heavenly host, according to Colossians 1:16.
1. Seraphim
2. Cherubim
3. Thrones
4. Dominions
5. Principalities
6. Powers
7. Virtues (Falsely Suggested), better described "Graces" (of humanity)
8. Archangels
9. Guardian Angels (Suggested by the Catholic Church)
There is however, no concrete Biblical proof of the exact "ranking order" or arguable importance of these different angelic groups. Their functions are described, but aspects of the "chain of command" are yet a great mystery to us.
The same could be said of the "members" of the Body of Christ, with many different functions that certainly do show specific regard or reference towards the levels of authority - but all under the Supreme Authority of our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ; who is fully accountable and unified with and to the Composite Unity of the Godhead.
According to 1 Corinthians 12:18-21, the Bible says, "18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.19 And if they were all one member, where were the body? 20 But now are they many members, yet but one body.21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you."
Only the Lord God Almighty can say what the orders of "importance" that the angels take in His heavenly host, for He both commands and governs their assignments and cooperation according to the Counsel of His Will; and He also established the parameters for their responsiveness to the declarative pronouncements of mankind upon the earth, who willingly participate according to our covenant-connection and obedience to Christ - as we are controlled, directed and led by the Holy Spirit.
Seraphim, Cherubim and Archangels are identified in the Word of God, with specific detail that allows us to reliably know some of their characteristics and duties, and also be somewhat assured of their responsibilities and rankings within the order of the heavenly host; but as ALL the members are required in any given professional sport's team, unless the exact numbers are "on the field", a penalty or disqualification is certain to occur.
God's governmental structure is totally secure, completely impenetrable, and absolutely superior to any other "spiritual power" in or under the creative order established by His hand. The strategic cooperation and coordination of His Sovereign Council within the Godhead is faintly understood, but is clearly revealed through the scope of the universal influence and unchecked authority that governs the Church's operational effectiveness and reach in the nations of the earth.
The "10/40 Window" is an area of the world that contains the largest population of non-Christians in the world. The area extends from 10 degrees to 40 degrees North of the equator, and stretches from North Africa across to China.
Things like the "10/40 Window" not only reveal the regional territories in which the gospel is permitted or given voice, but more importantly demonstrates the degree in which the forces of darkness will attempt to shut out the influence of the righteous representation of missionaries, the Bible, evangelization, and even certain humanitarian efforts.
When you really think about it, this requires no further explanation or commentary, as you consider the density of the world's population lies within this border; and Satan's greatest resistance would obviously come from the innocently-ignorant, corrupt and demonically-influenced world leaders in these areas.
"What About the Other Angelic Orders That Were Mentioned?":
We can not be as certain about Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, and Guardian Angels. At best, we can examine the meanings of the words, and attach that value to describe the characteristics of the angels in those ranks, according to the scriptural application we discover in both the Old and New Testaments.
Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers are identified as ranks of angels according to Colossians 1:16-17.
"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." (Col 1:16-17)
This Scripture suggests that there is both a visible and established government on earth, consisting of thrones, dominions, principalities and powers - and that there is an invisible, but just as established government in the heavens, consisting of the same types of administration.
With this interpretation, the ranks of Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers for some of the angels "in heaven" can be established with general attributes assigned. As we further examine and compare the "seen governments" established by God on earth, then we can easily imagine the "unseen government" of these spirit beings, to describe the same characteristics of the unknown as the known.
We cannot be absolutely certain of this, however, because the Word of God does not reveal explicit knowledge of these things to us in great detail.
With this in mind, it is worth our exploration to ascertain the general details about the governments of these spirit beings, administering the different "created places" that are unseen by us; but seen and administered to by the angelic residents in the heavenly sphere. Some of these "created places" are represented by the altars, high places, and covenants that exist in the spiritual dimension, in which we may only "see" them as the Spirit allows us to discern.
Principalities - (Strong's #746) are "a commencement, or chief (application of order, time, place or rank); first estate, magistrate, power principle, rule."
According to God's Word:
"Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the Love of GOD, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" (Romans 8:38-39).
We are told to beware lest any man spoil us through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Jesus Christ dwells in all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. We are complete in Christ and Jesus Christ is the head of all principality and powers. (Colossians 2:8-10).
We are warned NOT to worship angels or men! Let no man defraud your reward by delighting in false humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. (Colossians 2:18).
John was given the prophecy of the Book of Revelations, and after which he saw and heard all that he was permitted, he fell down to worship before the feet of the angel - which had showed him all those things. The angel told him NOT to bow down, he was a fellow servant, and a brother of the prophets; he should worship the LORD GOD. (Revelation 22:8-9).
We are warned not to get caught worshiping or serving the sun, moon, stars, or the host of heavens (angels). This is an abomination. Anyone worshiping the sun, moon, stars or the host of heavens shall be stoned till they die, was e severity of the O.T. Law against such idolatrous actions. (Deuteronomy 17:3-5; Deuteronomy 4:19).
The Apostle Paul instructs us to put on the "whole" of our spiritual armor, because our battle in this world is a "spiritual" one. A warfare that involves the trickery and power of the devil, as opposed to a human battle with militaristic or physical weaponry.
Even though human beings certainly and most often play a key role "in total ignorance" and "in indirect cooperation" with the diabolical schemes and strategies of the devil, they are being used by these entities for the purposes of accomplishing evil, without ever having a clue that their Satan's "agents of darkness", by the deeds, imaginations, thoughts, and words they represent in life.
"The kings Behind the kings":
Evil spirits are the "true power" behind those who oppose the things of God (knowingly or unknowingly). This is what I and many others call "kings Behind the kings"; or the demonic spirits behind the influence of our world's leaders on every societal level.
Lance Wallnau's prophetic picture of the "Seven Mountains of Influence" actually depicts these strategic centers and societal power-bases, where institutional powers and the remnant elite position themselves to wield their corrupt agendas and self-centered motives.
This is the meaning of Ephesians 6:12, "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
"Hidden Spirits" camp out "in and around" these key positional authorities in responsibility, and the realm of the occult or demonic root systems of "strongmen", are established to the degree that God's people are absent or unengaged "in or around" these societal playing fields.
The condition of the hearts and minds of humanity is the backdrop for the greatest warfare that has ever been fought or recorded in our history books!
Entire nations or territories, which are dedicated to dark powers, exists as a result of the unrepentant "righteous" or the unresolved "unbeliever" - whose hearts have either become polluted or influenced by the enticing suggestions and evil imaginations that lure the people of God from their commitments to the cause of Christ; or as rebellious opponents and disbelievers have resigned to reject the only sacrifice that's acceptable to the Father, in the person of Jesus Christ; therefore turning over complete control to demonic powers by commission or omission.
"Proximity to Evil is Dangerous for the Believer":
In the hallmark passage on prayer that Christ taught His disciples in Matthew 6:5-10, in verse 13 the Bible says, "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
As a believer, we should be governed at all times by and through the Holy Spirit's counsel, leadership, protection, and admonitions. "Proximity to evil" is therefore a matter of our cooperative obedience to follow hard after Him, while hearkening to His voice in every step of faith we take in every day life.
Because of the gross darkness covering the earth, we must be renewed in our commitment to be Spirit-led, and allow it to be the basis for the release of blessings, as well as the foundation for keeping us from any activity associated with the curse that may be prevalent in an environment that we frequent without our conscious knowledge of evil lurking in proximity to our family, friends or finances.
As a believer, we are supposed to "set the climate" and "subdue the environment" with our influence and prayers, so that demonic powers are bound from infecting, interrupting or isolating people from the knowledge of Christ and His Kingdom.
With this properly understood, our authority "to bind and loose" (Matthew 16) takes on greater meaning. Why? Because as a believer, we have "limited sovereignty", and the Ultimate Sovereign in authority is Jesus Christ - who has the heavenlies covered, as we properly steward the earth and it's inhabitants.
We do NOT have dominion over people, but we do have authority over all Satanic and demonic operations taking place in the earth. The degree that we "learn of Him" is the subsequent impact we can have in our walk with Christ, as a citizen of the Kingdom of God, by powerfully lessening the influence of people under Satan's control.
These "Keys of the Kingdom" are on the key-ring of Christ, which He took full possession of following His bodily resurrection from the dead; when he descended into the lower parts of the earth, kicked Satan's butt, and forever laid claim to the keys of death, hell and the grave; and finally ascended to be at the right hand of the Majesty On High.
In another blog post, I will go into depth on the "spiritual graces" of the believer, but suffice it to say, the difference between our current capacity (spiritually speaking) and our ordained potential, according to God's perfect plan for every human being, is our continuum of growth as we mature "in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The "space" between capacity and potential requires "grace", especially as it pertains to the Believer's service and witness on behalf of the Kingdom of God! Without it, demonic spirits seek to occupy space - like squatters on a piece of property that use the "vacant lot" to assume temporary ownership of use, until their legally evicted or imprisoned, according to the level of the violation and any subsequent loss or damage done to the property.
In Proverbs 6:30-31, the Bible says "People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house."
This passage clearly identifies that the Believer's authority is in tact and never diminished "when" demonic attacks come against our lives and our families. We must know and exercise our spiritual rights in our Christ-given authority, in order for this legal representation and transaction to take place.
The promised "restoration" for believers is NOT solely God's responsibility, we have a strategic role to play - but ultimately our "times" are in His hands!
Our willingness to live our lives with and on purpose is the determining factor for greatly limiting the proximity for evil to prevail against us!
Our Spiritual Warfare is Also Against "Powers and World Rulers of Darkness":
The Greek word for "Powers" is "exousia", which means "derived or conferred authority, the warrant or right to do something, or delegated influences of control". Although the word "powers" is left unclear as to Paul's precise meaning in the verse, this expression is used elsewhere in scripture to infer the powers that be in authority.
In keeping with the context of this verse, this would include all high-ranking, evil or supernatural powers, including the power of sin and evil in operation in the world at present. The fruits of this type of evil can obviously be seen in drug cartels, gross poverty, plagues, terrorism, prejudice, racism, injustice, and other heinous crimes against humanity - even toward the animal kingdom.
Some Christian authors also associate "world rulers" with magic and demonic pagan gods, such as the Ephesians' Artemis, and seems to be in line with the pagan culture of ancient times; in which temples were dedicated to these demonic pagan deities.
And let us not forget "Molech," the national god of the Ammonites' in Old Testament history. The priests would place the "sacrificial children" into the brass hands of the image, in which these helpless victims would slip into the fire below. This is described in Scripture as the "abominations of the nations" (2 Kings 16:3, ASV).
Our Spiritual Warfare is Against "Spiritual Wickedness in Heavenly Places":
The Greek word for "wickedness" is "ponerea", and means "depravity and particularly in the sense of malice and mischief, plots, sins, and iniquity". (Strong's Gk. Dict.).
Malice [A. H. Dict.] is defined as:
1. A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.
2. Law - The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another.
Satan is also depicted as the "prince of the power of the air". Since Satan is the prince of the power of the air, these wicked spirits, in high places, are often understood to be the collective organization of all of Satan's demonic spirits.
These malevolent spirits also work evil and mischief and operate in our atmosphere, if we permit them to. They operate as close to the very air we breathe, and reach to realms beyond. All kinds of spiritual filth are propagated in these realms, for the purpose of humanity's deception and subsequent destruction.
Prior to becoming a Christian, we too walked according to the prince of the power of the air, according to Ephesians 2:2-3, "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others."
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (1 John 2:16)
As Christians, we are delivered from the power of the prince of the air, and from the sinful nature that once ruled our path in life.
"Jesus Christ IS the Most High and Supreme Governing Authority":
When we received God's Holy Spirit, at the moment of our conversion to Christ, we were "translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God's light", in which we now have God in Christ in us.
We are continually delivered and empowered by Christ through the Holy Spirit, as we walk according to His Word and Spirit that He has given to us to walk and live victoriously in this life.
As we do this, we take our seat in the heavenlies with Christ, for scripture declares in Ephesians 2:5-7, "Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."
Jesus is also called a "Prince", and as He is called the Prince of Peace and of Life (Isa. 9:6 and Acts 3:15), we can celebrate His Supremacy over all principalities and powers. Whose kingdom plays no part in this present world system of darkness, except through the Body of Christ universally.
Prior to His arrest, Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:30, "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."
In John 18:36, "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
Please note: Jesus is not speaking against the Jews, for Jesus and His followers were Jewish. He is speaking against the hypocritical religious authorities, who would have Jesus killed versus lose their sphere of control over the people of God, in which their own "bellies" became their god.
"The Mystery Revealed":
The details of God's plan and His provision of escape from Satan's kingdom of darkness through faith in Christ, was kept a mystery from the beginning of time. It wasn't until the revelation of the Son of God on earth, and His complete victory in His death and resurrection for the salvation of humanity, that the mystery of salvation through Christ is revealed to us.
The Apostle Paul states, in 1 Corinthians 2:7-10, "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory. Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
In other words, if God's enemies knew that the Lord's death would bring the Kingdom of God and His power into the hearts of every believer, with His gift of Holy Spirit - and thus bring God's light into the world; they would not have crucified Him.
Who is your prince? For the Christian, Jesus Christ is our Prince of Peace and Life, and we will reign with Him forevermore!
The Mystery is also revealed in Colossians 1: 26-27, as "...Christ in you, the hope of glory." Jesus Christ, Who came as a light in the world, a light that the kingdom of darkness tried to extinguish. But through the sacrifice of Christ, the Son of God, God's gift of Holy Spirit is given to every believer in Christ (Christ in you), in which, through the manifold wisdom of God, one Lord and Light, continues to sow a vast Kingdom of Light."
Again, in 1 Corinthians 2:8, "Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
What are you willing to do now that the mystery has been plainly revealed in the personhood of Jesus Christ? EDUCATE YOURSELF!
"WE are More Than Conquerors!":
When attacks become more intense, it is NOT just an indication of the devil being busy...it's a lack of agreement, cooperation and unity amongst the saints!
It's an opportunity to "go deeper" in your devotion to praise, pray and worship your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! He has ALREADY overcome the world (and all it's evil systems), and unless we take our authority in Christ BY FORCE - we may continue to remain casualties of war in a fight that is FIXED; We Win!
God will make each of us "more than equal" to every storm, every attack, and every contrary circumstance; but we HAVE TO intensify our spiritual posture and take authority over the harassment, torment and illegal entitlements of the enemy against our families, communities, nation, and the world - with purity, boldness and consistency so "that the gates of hell cannot prevail against us"!
Occultists and satanists actually fear the "uncompromisingly righteous", and even those given over to demonic possession, dare NOT to engage with the mature believer with insight and understanding of Christ's Finished Work, and our authority to walk victoriously before Him all the days of our lives!
The "boldness" normally displayed by those under demonic influence is generally amongst the "superficially committed", who in their own ignorance rant and rave at the intoxicating powers that they've become acquainted with - out of their own woundedness, hate and hostility towards the Church of God, or any form of righteous representation; that belittles their self-deification, self-personifcation, and self-exaltation that is associated with the diabolical strategy of Satan and the kingdom of darkness against humanity through self destructive attitudes and means.
This is partly the reason their efforts and endeavors (occultists and satanists) are quite secretive, unless in their attempt to demonstrate that their power is "equal to" or superior to God's power, especially amongst the mental midgets and complacent Christians - who often stay in their silos and cower in fear; are afraid to dethrone and overcome these forces of darkness, without in some way becoming "subject" or a ending up a casualty of war.
The "disguise" of satanic opposition is veiled by anger, fear, overt eroticism, and hate. It works the most among the innocently curious, the ignorantly seductive, and the glaringly hypocritical. This is how the "evil root system" forms within the lives of unbelievers, which is fueled by the tide of cultural conformity and fleshly indulgence.
As believers, any form of compromise, complacency and the lack of conviction concerning God's word will allow the residue of the curse to be prevalent in our own lives.
In the days to come, I will continue this post and provide more strategic insight into the Believer's battle in the cultural dimension, and prayerfully it will assist God's people in supernaturally routing and demolishing the demonic disturbances that impact your life and mine!
Now, if this doesn't motivate you to PRAY - I don't know what will!
P.S. - In the next blog post, I will get more in-depth on the other areas of spiritual government, including the important of the "graces" associated with the Believer's ongoing development in Christ.
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
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