KEY SCRIPTURES: 1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬-‭12‬ , NLT; 2 Peter 2:1-22, NLT; 2 Corinthians 11:13,-15, MSG; 1 John 4:1-6., NLT

The RIFT between the “Apostate Church” and the “Remnant Church” that's been prophesied about will accelerate in 2024 and beyond, because the FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER — with all the prideful, religious, and incessantly ambitious men OCCUPYING and PARADING  around —  “their anointing”, “their calling”, and “their importance” will seek to SELF-PROMOTE, NAME DROP, and PULPIT SWAP to keep up appearances and to keep people interested; by “maintaining the status quo”, “spinning the narratives they have mastery of”, AND “claiming to have some special revelation” that keeps folks TOTALLY DEPENDENT upon THEM; not JESUS CHRIST! 


There is a difference between the "TRUE and FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER", and understanding the difference between them is ETERNALLY-CRITICAL to maintaining an "open heaven" over the work of ministry; which we're ALL supposed to be doing "IN HIS NAME"..

The "FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER" is MAN’s HERCULEAN ATTEMPTS (flesh-driven and motivated) apart from “appropriating Christ's Finished Work” — as the SINGULAR PRIORITY; instead of forcefully demanding “law-based leadership” (Old Testament Rule Keeping) that’s entrenched in PERFECTION and RELIGIOSITY trying to lead Christ's Church.

The "False Order" is founded and focused on legalistically correcting, incessantly demanding "excellence" (I.e. - perfect performance), and PLAYS the "POLITICS OF CHURCH", to both manipulate, control, and protect their reputation and the perception of others, “ABOUT THEMSELVES".

The "TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER" is man's humble obedience in fully and consistently appropriating Christ's Finished Work (Grace-Full Leadership), to lead Christ's Church.

The TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER is founded, grounded, and focused upon “character development through Christ being formed in us” AS THE PRIORITY, without regard for “human applause”, “human opinion”, or “political power”; to create its own: PERSONAL AGENDAS for “self-aggrandizement”, UNGOLDLY ALLIANCES as “support systems”, or UNACCOUNTABLE STRUCTURES to create "man-centered kingdoms"; where no outside accountability is welcome!

In the NEW TESTAMENT REALITY IN CHRIST of the TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER, we are to "take the principle of the O.T." and then adaptively infuse "the practice", "the posture", and "the principles" of Old Testament Scripture in a way that both balances and benefits "the better covenantal realities" of our New Testament Promises — By properly leveraging the convergence of the past and the present, for greater understanding and impact in fulfilling the Ministry & the Word of Reconciliation; which we've ALL been given since we accepted Christ!

Why do we need the "true" - Apostolic Order, "in Christ"?

In order for the Universal Church in the 21st Century to remain relevant and respondent to Christ's Inexhaustible Headship in the present reformation, we must be "apostolic" in our theology and operation; to SEE the government of God's influence and impact upon our local fellowships, our struggling communities, and in every nation for God's Glory!

The apostolic mindset or attitude - and the prophetic thrust that guarantees results, as an extension of Christ's ministry in the earth, is represented by the increasing and intensifying weight of His presence and power amongst HIS people, by transforming us more and more into His likeness; requiring a theology - "fully informed, historically balanced, and practically lived"!

The "manifesting sons" cooperatively align and agree with Christ as His ambassadorial representatives, that take the mandate to occupy and to disciple the nations to heart. We sacrifice, serve and suffer for righteousness sake - until Christ returns, and then we use our influence to draw the lost and to communicate His heart of love for the world, which He died to save and to redeem.

Being "in this world, and not of this world" places a burden of responsibility upon us "to relate, and not to debate"; "to care and share, not judge and begrudge"; and, "to be holy as He is holy, not be legalistic and self-righteous".  Steering from a religious impotence and sterility, an apostolic and prophetic people embraces the ebb and flow of the Father's heartbeat, and allows the fluidity of movement and manifestation never to be stifled by tradition, unbelief or indifference.

So, the "what would Jesus do" philosophy, truly represents the simplification of an authentic "apostolic vision" (or a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led pursuit "in Christ"), except the real question from an apostolic people demands movement, evaluation and change on an ongoing basis; as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Now we can recognize that "apostolic succession" is NOT about any "one" person in particular; like the Catholic Church has championed in placing emphasis upon the Apostle Peter as their "first pope"...

The way we should properly "see" the kingdom and discern its apostolic framework as believers in Christ is by recognizing that MANKIND has:
- "GOD-GIVEN" MANDATE (dominion and influence over the earth),
- EARTHLY SOVEREIGNTY ("limited", free will or volition), and
- PERSONAL AUTHORITY ("limited" authorization and representation in Christ's Name - as directed by Holy Spirit, based upon The Ultimate Authority of Christ & The Father's Care, and HIS Living Word)

- UNMITIGATED SUPREMACY (Absolute & Unending Power)
- UNCHECKED SUPERIORITY (Uncontested & Unworthy Opposition)
- UNLIMITED SOVEREIGNTY (Supernatural & Inexhaustible Headship)

"The Government of God" is that which we derive from Scripture that describes both "the shadow" and "the reality" of heavenly things manifesting in the earth, mirrored through both Old & New Covenant examples of the patterns and principles of the tabernacles, the temples and the ceremonial system; without the limitation or restriction "formerly imposed" by there "dispensational significance".

Now, God's Government in the earth, is NEVER outside of Christ's Inexhaustible Headship, alongside "The Paraclete" (Holy Spirit) working in, through, and on behalf of fulfilling God's Great Plan for the Ages. So, the work of "church fathers" from centuries past, should reflect "man's attempt to both perceive and honor what they understood of the Scripture"; yet revealing that the Kingdom of God is NOT held hostage or hindered by objections, misunderstandings, opponents, religiosity, misinterpretations, misapplication, cessation-ism, or the "replacement theologies" of men.

As a result of "properly shouldering" HIS "apostolic burden" for the church (as seen in Jesus' prayer John 17), we may finally realize our basic responsibility, as every believer and leader's priority, perspective and responsibility becomes a "corporate cause" the entire Body of Christ's bears in prayer; through our collective and "mature" servant-leadership; through the abiding-faithfulness we have to HIS people (as leaders) and to one another (as HIS Body); and through the total dependence that we have upon HIS grace at all times!

So, "the New Testament Reality in Christ" should demonstrate "Spirit-led leadership", which is not 'perfectly accurate', but 'spiritually conscious' and unwaveringly committed, to maintain our devotion and desperation for God's grace and unfailing love; as we consistently act as the supporting foundation in the walk of faith, for every believer and the nation's that we disciple in HIS name.

Without this kind of balance in Christ's Church, our "spiritualizing things" - and then ignorantly abdicating our responsibility to Christ and to one another, will cause us to both cloud and falsely "credits things" to the Holy Spirit; which was neither authored, initiated or originated by Christ's overarching authority and prophetic agenda!  And, as the delusion and pursuit of this "perfect order" (in the church) is sought after in the fragmented reality of this cursed cosmos, the more pronounced (every day) our futility will become in aggressively pursuing our way; which is all too often the focus of "the religious", "the indifferent" and "the unbelieving", who will continue to act crosswise of the very spirit and nature of The Reformer Himself - Jesus Christ.

Making everything "peachy for the peeps", by "temporally-motivated church leaders", is one of the reasons that incompetence, instability and sterility has become so common amongst God's people, and the absence of legitimate "supernatural power"; to produce the seed of change in the people, which seems too be so illusive and uncommon.  This is both how a "true" and "false" apostolic order and the prophetic alignment that should be produced in every believer (especially leaders), is NOT manifesting or producing fruit that remains.

ALL THINGS being "complete in HIM" (Jesus Christ), according to Colossians 1:9-20, means that the dispensational administration, in respect to the "chronological time" of human history, seems "progressive" in the sense of our greater enlightenment and understanding of "The Truth" (in the person of Jesus), and the unfolding of many "mysteries to be revealed".  Yet, we cannot "add anything" to "The Finished Work" or to the "Canon of scripture", in the practical and present-tense reality that our experience represents "continuous revelation" or "apostolic succession".

The "unfolding mystery" that the Body of Christ now benefits from today, was "hidden from the ages", and has been revealed through the "foundation of the Apostles and Prophets" (Eph. 2:20-21), as it is ultimately fulfilled "in Christ", according to Hebrews 1:1-4; and, "in these last days spoken to us by HIS Son".

The "Five-Fold Ministry" of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, are "functions" of "the Gift" of Holy Spirit, who reveals The Mind of the Spirit within the scope of "all things being finished", but yet "a mystery or progressive revelation to us" in the walk of faith that we all have in Christ.

The "manifestations" of "the Gift" - Holy Spirit, do no compete, compromise or conflict with Christ's Finished Work, but simply complement and characterize - through ambassadorial representation, the Will and the Ways of God to the world that has yet to receive Christ.

Therefore, as an "extension" (The Body of Christ) of Jesus's Dispensational Agenda - which is the Consummation & the Restitution of All Things in CHRIST - until "all things are placed under HIS (Christ's) feet" (1 Corinthians 15:20-28), and the end of this Age is fulfilled (our current "Grace Dispensation"). Christ's Goal is to "deliver the kingdom of Heaven" (the First Adam's lost authority "on earth", by succumbing to Satan's tyrannical rebellion) "to The Father, when HE puts all enemies under HIS feet."

"The Spirit of Grace" is just another way of referring to "the Finished Work of Christ - being progressively revealed to us, HIS 'earthly extension' (the Church), and "as long as we are "Spirit" - led, controlled and directed, we properly represent HIS "Dispensational Agenda" in and to the world, under the "true" Apostolic & Prophetic Order of the Kingdom of God; or HIS Government  - being the primary and permissible supernatural influence, through all authentic believers in Christ.  If we are truly "spiritually aligned" to HIS Eternal Kingdom, we will NOT act in disagreement or disunity with the six-thousand plus years of human history, from the standpoint of it being like a "prophetic pipeline" of cumulative understanding on our part (chronological history); where the deposit of "truth" in earlier time-periods is not discarded or misaligned to the mystery revealed (in Christ) in our present day and time..

In other words, the different dispensations of time (in human history) are NOT "separate ways of salvation", but simply reveal the "unfolding mystery" and "redemptive thread" of The Father's Great Plan for the Ages, to ultimately (by grace through faith - and through the 'finished work' of Christ) redeem lost humanity.

"Before the Cross", mankind was saved on the basis of "looking forward and into" - Christ's atoning and remitting sacrifice for us, by believing the revelation thus far given to them, which set the stage for the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; where "HE who descended into the depths of the earth" (hell), "led captivity captive", and then triumphantly rose for every person.  Now, HIS hidden representation in the Old Testament has been fulfilled through the Law and the Prophets, and in our New Testament reality, we simply believe, receive and rest till all is accomplished according to HIS will.

Today, the "manifestation" of Prophecy (as an example) through a functionary in Christ's Church (any willing believer), "says NOTHING new", but that which AGREES with what is inherently and intrinsically apart of the Finished Work of Christ...

"INSPIRATION", or what others may deem "personal revelation", is NOT born of human ability, intellect or strength, but - Holy Spirit's leading, in complete agreement and alignment with the Godhead's Agenda, the Word of God, and the witness of accountable and sound believers in Christ, who have "no other order to prescribe to"; but that of The Inexhaustible Headship of Jesus Christ! 


SEEING and WITNESSING the Outworking of the True and the False Apostolic Order: SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT..

  • Refer to the True and False Apostolic Order on AskPastorWalter.com

Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM

TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER — total and radical dependence upon The Inexhaustible Headship of Jesus Christ 

FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER — leveraging and wielding the influence, reputation and power of MEN apart from and WITHOUT a singular devotion, commitment or dependence upon God.

SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT exists within CULTURAL CONTEXT, and "it" is "how" the CULTURAL MAGICIANS within each industry "keep people pursuing", although their more than likely RESELLING, RETELLING, or REPRODUCING a dependency on themselves "in you", so that you remain LOYAL and FAVORABLE to support their cause even when you don't really benefit — you're stuck in a cycle of co-dependency; and the ONLY WAY to get free is "to let go and LET GOD" to recover from the CULTURAL BANDWAGONS that you've been riding on for years without REAL CHANGE..

The Cultural Dimension The general landscape of society where both dominant-culture and sub-cultures form throughout every dispensation of human history, including the renaissance period, during world wars, or in times of societal upheaval or uncertainty. Culture consists of art, beliefs, customs, institutions, language, literature (endless bodies of knowledge), music, and science, which influences every person on earth, no matter what kindred, tribe or tongue they belong too. As the enemy uses the "fallen" world system's attitudes, appetites appearances, and adherences towards conformity and peer pressure to keep the "hook in the jaw" for continuing to seduce every confused, religious or searching person – God's redemptive plan for  One New Man in Christ is being established throughout the earth, through every available, dependent, and surrendered vessels that will undergo development through discipleship and suffering for righteousness sake. 

Satan's Scheme: To distract humanity from assuming the position in life that would rightfully align their lives with God, and impact the most people for eternity.


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