What is True Kingdom Advancement?

True Kingdom Advancement is…

1.       New Testament Biblical Christianity in the Gospel message and targeted outreaches of the Apostolic and Prophetic Company of believers (Kings and Priests) that pray, worship and fellowship together.

2.       “Shared” spiritual leadership (five-fold gifting) with the highest regard for the uniqueness of each function of every member that encourages qualitative and quantitative growth without hierarchal power struggles.

3.       Public ministry governed and established upon the one commandment, “LOVE”, which acts as the foundation for the operation of every manifestation of the Spirit, the fruit evidenced in and through the life of every member, and the radical liberality and freedom of the entire local fellowship - without taking license to sin, by God’s grace alone.

4.       Uniform accountability, respect and support, one towards another, where no “big - I’s” and “little – me’s” exist.  Where “greater honor” is due – it should and will be given, according to the Scriptures.

5.       The employment of biblically-inspired methods of ministry practice, not limited to weekly teaching or preaching that reduces corporate gatherings to “sermons and songs”; but the reactivation of the Acts of the Apostle’s ministry model, which is biblically accurate and encourages the holistic growth of the Body, as Jesus prayed and intended.

Here are some historical and theological truths that challenge the institutional church's mindset.

·         Greco-Roman oratorical and philosophical underpinnings have historically been the basis for Christian practice and theology that’s evolved from a clear source of paganism and insidious doctrines induced by fleshly indulgence and demonic powers, at every level in our celebrated religious hierarchical structures.

·         Institutionalized Christianity:  Pulpits, sacramental tables, sacerdotal functions, clergy-laity power structures, liturgies, etc – have bastardized the organic flow of the Life of the Spirit of Christ through and among His people, and even injuriously crippled the Church – while spawning the proliferation of a multitude of spiritual “mental-midgets” and passive followers in the “gray” or fog of ignorance that makes us irrelevant to the world around us.

·         Many traditions have made the commandments of God of no effect, and the cultural, economic and social “injustices” (of the Holocaust, slavery, etc) and the pathologies and propensities that develop from these tragic incidences and warped leadership influences (in the name of religion) - have led to frequent justifications of the many twisted theological interpretations of men – and in turn, held as sacred.  And, as a fact of history - if ever questioned or challenged – plead “heresy”, as a pronouncement over those who won’t submissively adhere.

·         “Traditionalism” is an obvious form of pride and idolatry – with no life of the spirit at its foundation.  What is normally unacceptable in the world of religion, is often due to the growing influence of progressivism and humanism, which dominates many important conversations about religious-faith within the public square (Christianity specifically); and is successfully silencing the voice of Christians, who are generally seen as archaic respondents and completely out-of-touch with history or the realistic probability of solving the world’s complex problems.  “Jesus will fix it” now has no merit, when His “representatives” have so much worldly mixture in the message and methods!  Christ can’t really be experienced in tangible ways as a result - that would lead to the prophetically sought-out societal reformation, which only He can establish; and finally will, in the ages to come.

·         Contemporary hierarchical religious structures and exalted “superiority leadership models” of the church, has been genuinely championed and lauded as “authentic spiritual headship” over God’s people, who in turn have been sadly crippled to fully function as Christ’s body standing entirely up under the weight of His inexhaustible headship – with all power resident in His Person in the heavens, in the earth, and under the earth.  The people “get empowered” when “the leader” – get’s ready!?  While – real explosive graces and gifts lie dormant within the local fellowship, because ‘the servants are sitting around, and weren’t hired to work in the vineyard’.

·         The true Ecclesia, or “called-out ones” with the heart to embrace true biblical Christianity that’s based upon the whole counsel of God’s word (along with accepted archaeological, theological and historical evidence) should highly regard the “Theory of Change”, which is characterized by some scholars as intentionally studying - 1) culture, 2) epistemology (knowledge construction, 3) and historical analysis of a highly regarded belief system or ontology of a people in light of the scripture’s immutability and inerrancy.

o   As this occurs, and we honestly assess and evaluate our so-called Christian practices and roots, the dismantling of man-made religious systems of thought, indoctrination, and institutionalization will be dramatically eradicated from the landscape of authentic Christianity – solely focused on Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

·         “Mastery” of the present-day systems of sterile religiosity and celebrated platforms of pagan practice, pomp and pulpiteering, is the greatest distraction and seduction of God’s people and the lost world - since Satan’s first tyrannical ploy to deceive mankind from the beginning. 

·         Spiritual development and seniority has its place in leadership models of the church that don’t hold God’s people captive to one man’s singular “vision” or pursuits, which either breeds unhealthy dependencies within the Body on “a leader” – or exalts this “personality” to the extreme of stifling/grieving the Holy Spirit; to appease the “one in charge”, while leaving the people to die in the pews, as sedentary and passive subjects.

·         The doctrines of supposedly “learned” men, through the perversion and manipulation of the proper scriptural context often supports skewed or false interpretations (and will be exposed more and more) as we prayerfully deactivate the clergy-laity power structure , and God’s voices for the times arise from their prolonged rejection and leadership-abuse that’s been perpetuated through the decades of mark-time ministry, boastful parading, and talent showboating ; where the “screaming” limited impact on the world is the indicting evidence of spiritual impotence and barrenness amongst the spiritual elite of the day!  

·         As a priesthood of believers, embracing the indentified and ordained roles within the Body of Christ for its perfection (equipping the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body - through the identified five-fold ministry functions) is extremely important, from the standpoint of fulfilling God’s original intent, shared leadership focus, and through the cooperative flow of the entire Body of Christ in radical dependence and in passionate bridal-intimacy for Christ. 

NOTE: This is NOT an attempt to throw the baby out with the bath water – I'm releasing Christ to “be” head of His Church, without prejudice!  

Serving the “One” exalted office of the Supreme Head of the Church – Jesus Christ, then allows everything from His Personhood to vibrantly flow, as an extension of His earthly ministry that’s empowering every member in full authority through the Holy Spirit; to reveal the mind of God “in us” and “through us”, and to release total liberality of each member by demonstrating the fullness of the life of God in true representations and manifestations, as commonplace – with a glaring witness to the world that reveals God’s end-time glory and purpose for the Church, before Christ’s imminent return.

What contributing factors have limited the impact of The Church’s witness in and to the world on Christ’s behalf?

·         Disobedience (Essential Doctrines and The Great Commission)

·         Ignorance (Apostolic Identity and Kingdom Priorities)

·         Negligence (Christo-centric Unity and Servant-Led Leadership)

The centerpiece of God’s great plan for the ages, and the central figurehead of all eschatological and historical preeminence in the Old and New Testament is the Savior and Lord of all mankind, Jesus Christ – King of all kings and Lord of all lords.

·         Returning to God’s original intent

·         Relying upon His Inexhaustible Headship

·         Restitution of all things consummated in Christ, as He fill all-in-all



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