"Apostolic Government & Prophetic Alignment in 2012": THE CHARGE

In order for the Universal Church in the 21st Century to remain relevant and respondent to Christ's Inexhaustible Headship in the present reformation, we must be "apostolic" in our theology and operation - to SEE the government of God influence and impact our local fellowships, our communities, and the nations for God's Glory!

A church is an "apostolic house" when their desires to produce an "apostolic mindset" or servant-hearted attitude, and the prophetic thrust that guarantees God's Power and Presence as an extension of Christ's ministry in the earth, will experience the increasing and intensifying weight of His Personhood, in transforming His people into His likeness, more and more!

The "manifesting sons" cooperatively align and agree with Christ as His ambassadorial representatives that take the mandate to occupy and disciple the nations to heart. We sacrifice, serve and suffer for righteousness sake until Christ returns, and use our influence to draw the lost and communicate His heart of love for the world that He died to save.

Being "in this world, and not of this world" places a burden of responsibility upon us "to relate, and not to debate"; "to care and share, not judge and begrudge"; and, "to be holy as He is holy, not be legalistic and self-righteous".

Steering from a religious impotence and sterility, an Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry embraces the ebb and flow of the Father's heartbeat, and allows the fluidity of movement and manifestation never to be stifled by tradition, unbelief or indifference.

The Spirit of the Lord is only grieved by an expression of worship, when it is more about the personality's performance than praising and exalting His Holy Name, and bringing glory to His Person and not our own. For the Bible says, He values every voice.

The "what would Jesus do" philosophy is the simplification of a true apostolic vision, except the real question from an apostolic house demands movement, evaluation and change, as directed by the Holy Spirit.

There are (3) things to remember for 2012 and beyond:

1) the Spirit-led life with the highest regard for personal discipline and holiness, by the Grace of God - will be the only requirement for seeing the supernatural in unprecedented ways, beginning in 2012;
2) the contention between the sacred and secular will be at an all time high, and Christ will be seen in greater glory than in any previous generations as a "mark" of His sovereignty, supremacy and superiority;

3) the educational balance that God has been teaching us all through the extended times in our uniquely catered fiery trials and storms was only meant to recalibrate and re-center us into perfect alignment with Christ's ways and the Kingdom of God.

The continuity and continuum of God's efficacious work in your heart and life is on a steady and consistent progression - "because of the increase of His Kingdom there shall be no end".

If we resist any part of the pressing "system override" that is presently on course, you will miss the great purpose He's had in mind from the foundation of the earth concerning the work of the Kingdom of God.

In 2012:

- God is going to strip the impotent church of its programmed and religious modes of worshipping Him. It doesn't produce the spiritual environment that will attract the world or powerfully deliver them once they come!

- God is going to let leaders do what is in their hearts to do, even if it produces destructive ends in their own lives.

- God is going to raise up uncontaminated channels that hear His voice without a limiting affect based upon egocentric mixture to draw attention to themselves.

- God is going to use the efficiency and responsiveness of the Remnant Church to further His own ends, while sometimes working through, in, and around the Complacent Church.

- God is going to allow the intensifying darkness to consume the rebellious and unrepentant hearts of leaders who've both misspoken and misinterpreted the signs of the times for personal gain.

- God is going to let the dark spirits that have been permitted a chief place in the worship among the saints to lead to tragic ends, because witchcraft has become the primary source of strength, and consistent resistance of the Holy Spirit will now be quite costly.


Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)


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