"Impacting Your Generation"
When God called a prophet to their generation in the past, He familiarized he or she with their assignment; He introduced them to their audience; and He prepared them for the associated atacks of the opponents and critics that would act as sources of growth and development, during the walk of faith with Christ!
According to Hebrews 1:1-2,God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds."
According to Revelation 19:10,"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Since Christ accomplished the "finished work", every functioning five-fold ministry gift should be all about seeking His exaltation and glorification, until the ultimate redemption of our bodies - or at His Second Coming.
The consummation, restitution and restoration of all things in Christ will occur in these last days, as Christ fills all-in-all. To the degree that we will empty ourselves and become "meet and fit for the Master's use", is the extent in which we'll see the advancement of the kingdom in our own lives.
Today, the Body of Christ should be prophetically engaging the dominant culture with the Word of the Lord in our mouths, and the testimony of Jesus in our hearts - as a violent company of committed disciples with a singular focus on fulfilling His greater works!
As a extension of Christ's ministry in the earth, we are obligated to discover and fulfill our God-given purpose without compromise or without being distracted.
Many of the ruinous theological positions and doctrinal stances of our day and time, still divert the focus from Christ to mankind.
If their is going to be an undeniable and verifiable impact upon this generation, we're all going to have to "look unto Jesus"!
Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto ME."
Since its all about Him anyways, let's make your focus about His fame and not yours, and your generations will never be tne same again! WS-3
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