"IT'S HARVEST TIME..." - Prophetic Word for 2012/2013 Transition.
Here is another story Jesus told: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. "The farmer's workers went to him and said, 'Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?' "'An enemy has done this!' the farmer exclaimed. "'Should we pull out the weeds?' they asked. "'No,' he replied, 'you'll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.'" (Matthew 13:24-30 NLT)
A truckload of purveyors, prognosticators and prophets with different "bents" will be proclaiming some things on the heels of certain events to come, and others will claim "they said it first" to draw attention to themselves; but, the Spirit of Grace has been waiting for the opportune time to SPEAK to HIS people with "ears to hear" - and I'm grateful that HE has allowed me the opportunity to capture this awesome transmission from heaven to earth...And, the proof is in the pudding, as they say!
I completely understand, that if ANY of these so-called "prophetic predictions" don't happen - the heresy hunters, as well as the "complacent church" will scream "false prophet"...
BUT, "by faith", in an attitude of complete brokenness before The Lord, and humble thanks for even being able to hear HIS voice - I submit these to you for your prayerful observation and strategic intercession.
In Deuteronomy 18:15-22 (NLT), "Moses continued, "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you yourselves requested of the L ord your God when you were assembled at Mount Sinai. You said, 'Don't let us hear the voice of the L ord our God anymore or see this blazing fire, for we will die.' "Then the Lord said to me, 'What they have said is right. I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on my behalf. But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.' "But you may wonder, 'How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the L ord ?' If the prophet speaks in the L ord 's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the L ord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared."
Because, the Body of Christ has NOT held so-called (false prophets) and "true" prophets to accountability, and NOT by attacking them if their predictions "by faith" do not come to pass, to the letter; because "we prophesy in part".
BUT, the boldness associated with releasing "a word" before there are supporting details to confirm the predictions, happens less and less - because of the fear that the person might be labeled for "missing it"!
Well, there have been thousands of books, prophecies and false predictions that have gone unchecked by the Body of Christ. But now, the Spirit of Grace is exposing the false from the authentic "quickly" - to disavow people from following these personalities that "borrow from other people who can hear"; but end up adding their soulish mixture in the equation that spiritually paralyzes any real progress or kingdom advancement from taking place by a spirit of divination or Jezebellic influence.
The "spirit of divination" or PYTHON is fostered in and amongst believers through the apathy, complacency and desensitization of God's people to HIS ways, which is revealed by rejecting HIS voice and heart through others; and by "squeezing out" the fervency and earnest heart-felt pursuits of God's wavering children caught between the mixture of humanism and hedonism.
PRAY FOR ME as I continue to learn, to listen, and to speak on the Lord's behalf, as HE wills and as it pleases HIM.
P.S. - It is my belief, with a pretty good degree of certainty, that all of these things will start prior to the close of 2012, but will be EVIDENT and fully manifesting before the conclusion of 2013.
Blessings, WS-3
WORD FROM THE LORD - To post on 11/6/2012
On the eve of the greatest contention (economically, politically and spiritually) that has ever been publicly broadcast, the Spirit of Grace is brooding over this land with the heavy-weighted hand of the goodness of The Lord, and an "open heavens await God's people, because "the remnant" of the universal Body of Christ is boldly proclaiming the righteous decrees that please The Lord God Almighty - The Lord Most High!
"Companies of believers responsive to MY pleas for intervention and righteous representation in strategic intercession have begun to supernaturally navigate and translate from shore to shore, on divine missions and mandates to reclaim, renounce and restore the light of MY word into and over "ravaged lands" - full of darkness, deception and perversion.
I AM pleased that a movement towards refocusing CHRIST'S Inexhaustible Headship, as the Head of the Church, while efforts to abandon earthly titles and deceptive representations, is gloriously alive and afoot in pockets of the United States where the greatest "outbreaks" of MY Presence will occur.
Where "the church" has been complacent and disengaged, territories have numerous acquired squatters and simpletons, misrepresenting the true heart and mind of the Spirit, which is bringing swift judgment and conflict into their own sphere; while consuming them with darkness without their knowledge - until it suffocates the "life" out of them, and a "severe fall" becomes the remedy for their change of heart.
Many words have been spoken and yet more predictions have been made, but My heart burns and brightens as I see a mobilized and rallying people, moving crosswise of all the "popularity and pomp", to properly align with ME - The Lord God of ALL righteousness, justice, mercy, and truth.
My heart bleeds as I watch the spirit of divination, delusion, pride and seduction consume "wandering hearts" - and miss the greater message that should be both seen and heard during the exposure of the pervasive darkness and moral decline that has marked the humanistic rhetoric and false representations that the masses have ignored; very soon to their own potential peril and demise.
- President Obama's "embarrassing loss" will fuel a "quietness" amongst the ranting voices, but will also ignite a conversation amidst the political parties that has never transpired before.
- The incoming President, Mitt Romney, will be heavily burdened by the Spirit of God the first and second quarters of 2013 to resign all "party politics", and draft an amazingly anointed "plan" for a bi-partisan strategy in addressing every major concern of the general electorate beyond party lines. Immediate results of his leadership will be attested to across party lines.
-"Apostolic Government and Prophetic Alignment in 2012", was the primary source of defining and determining the 'Lord's side' from every other earthly and conflicting agenda of men; the "results" of that, in 2013 and beyond, will be very noticeable and identifiable to those with ears to hear, and eyes to see.
- A firestorm of lawsuits and legal entanglements for the exposed mismanagement and undue influence "behind the scenes", will mark the next few years of President Obama's previous administration's stewardship, of our government, its internal affairs, and the misuse of the authority of the Executive Office.
- Supernatural breakouts of deliverance and healing, in vulnerable pockets of this nation, will lead to national revival and recovery, as harvest from "unexpected places" emerges with greater intensity; this includes sparks and "profound sayings" from the Tweens, teens and young adults in the U.S.
- The Latino population in the U.S. and around the world will flourish as "la familia" establishes a groundswell of recommitments, withdrawals and repentance from permitting the ungodly influence of our predominate culture to influence in a negative way - the paths of progress laid out before their "community" as a whole.
- Latino ministers will emerge with a greater degree of prominence, in many respects "replacing" a lot of the African-American preachers that have allowed idolatry and worldly trends to influence their ministry's representation in and to their communities.
- A blaring divide and upheaval will be seen amongst the "black community" in the United States, and "African" evangelistic efforts in and to the U.S. will become prominent, as well as "established and unknown prophetic voices" will "clear the land" of its blatant misrepresentations and cultural strongholds. "African ministers" will bring proper context to the struggle of African-Americans preachers and leadership, in the U.S. and abroad.
- Economic alliances between public and private organizations will proliferate in 2013 and beyond, and uncharacteristic growth and change will emerge as a renewed focus on faith and values becomes priority
- The resurgence of Christ-ordained boldness and demonstrations will mark the rising generation of sold-out intercessors and remnant-soldiers championing the cause of Christ's Kingdom - while aborting every man-centered escapade and spirit of divination meant to be a distraction by the hordes of hell
- "Good intentions" and "conflicting interpretations" will bring dark spirits (principalities and powers) into every landscape where opinions and preferences have greater importance than God's word.
- Trend-setting ministerial works will emerge as bright and shining lights amidst a landmark time of deliverance from the bondage of lust, perversion, and seduction that will be "openly seen" in 2013; including the deaths of major "figureheads" and spokesmen on behalf of this satanic agenda.
- The rise of "independents" in the political arena will balance out the partisan feuds of the political parties that have previously limited "sure progress", in the areas of economic and social injustice, human trafficking, Christian persecution (worldwide), and the abortion issue.
- The abortion "issue" will take on new significance, as new scientific evidence and a sudden "change of heart" hits many faithful members of the Pro-choice community; especially those who are "Christian".
- By the 3rd quarter of 2013, economic indicators will become "clearer" - as the recovery begins to be physically seen to a greater degree, and the needed regulatory changes will reveal the way for bi-partisan efforts to prosper.
- The entertainment industry (Hollywood) will see emerging companies growth and development, with a faith-based focus that will dramatically change the way "business is done".
- "Spiritual Unity" and discipleship will take on new significance amongst mainline, evangelical and Pentecostal churches all over the world. "Unity Projects" will be established at an all-time high.
- The State or Nation of Israel will see its "greatest days of prosperity", and the world will take notice, as international media "curiously reports" on the flood of inventions, new technologies and oil discoveries that economically positions the country for the needed provisions for the imminent threats that exist.
- Reputable pollsters and statisticians will report on the interesting trends in our predominate culture, including "national" indicators that shows a drop in high school dropout rates, teen pregnancies, teen suicides, gang violence, and the rate of recidivism amongst "black" teens.
- "Black teens" will be a part of the outcry seen in our nation around the 3rd quarter of 2013, or near the Jewish New Year "Rosh Hashanah", in 5774.
- "Balance" will begin to take place in our housing and stock markets by the conclusion of 2013, which will reveal "new" possibilities, as the indicators maintain the same trends and results.
- A Supreme Court Case will become a bone of contention between "the church and LGBT" community, but emerging voices within the ranks of both camps - will broker dialogue that has never transpired before, and a "suggestion" or demonstration of healing and repair, will begin.
- "Public confessions" from prominent ministers will proceed "public exposure", and a "course for accountability" and a "bridge of reconciliation" will be established amongst a diverse and multi-denominational cooperation of ministers.
- Several "key" leaders in the occult and "Church of Satan" community will openly confess Jesus Christ, and loose a tidal-wave of black-hair and black-dressing teens beginning to cry out to God.
- Many tragic deaths of prominent "Hollywood types" will lead to open conversations about the underlying influence of the "spirit world" in the lives of these people.
- Middle East contentions will settle down somewhat, and major offensives by a consortium of nations in the region will root out tyrannical leaders that are oppressing their people.
- The "innocent blood" of aborted children, as well as the premature deaths of young children and "believers", through the multiple demonic afflictions and assaults that have occurred over the past twelve years - due to the "legal access" granted through "unchecked" generational curses and iniquities, fear, indifference, and unbelief, has been judged by The Lord; and the "harvest" from these precious seeds (lives/souls) will blossom and flourish in many ways and amongst many families, until the Joy of the Lord consumes the lives of the "broken and left behind" - who have determined to "stay their course" with The Lord, although unanswered questions and pain consumed them for a season.
Anyone who has really walked with the Lord has gained an acute sense of both God's voice and presence - not because they are a "spiritual guru" or super-spiritual person, but their steadfast pursuit for growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ develops a keen sense of - The Word of the Lord!
Over the past eighteen years, I have learned that the best way to develop in both your "office" and in your spiritual gifts (as the Lord wills), is "by reason of exercise and use", as it is clearly stated in the book of Hebrews.
Also, having a heart that desires to know the Father's heart on every matter in life that is of concern to you personally, and to those we love and care about, will also help to bring clarity to both HIS voice and HIS ways.
While we continue to grow in confidence and become His mouthpiece at "kairos" moments, it is our sincere desire to provide encouragement, edification and understanding where it may be lacking it in the Body of Christ.
We should NOT "practice" on others, but learn by reason of the exercise and use, and through our developing relationship with the Lord; what He has released us to speak on His behalf.
PLEASE BE PRAYERFUL about ANY/ALL "so-called" prophetic utterance you hear, to ensure that it lines up with God's word, does not violate any civil or spiritual laws, or place you and/or anyone else in imminent danger, physically or spiritually.
Cooperation with the Lord is our responsibility. Walking by faith and not in presumption, is the key to walking in the spirit consistently and victoriously.
The difference between faith and presumption is, presumption reasons, analyzes and justifies behavior based on a wrong perception and woundedness of the soul - so it cannot rightly divide the word of God, or properly align itself with godly counsel. Presumption normally takes on the form of a "renegade spirit", and violates the Law of Love due to fleshly mindsets, selfish pursuits and vain imaginations of our own hearts.
This Word From the Lord should encourage you to stand more strongly on God's Word, and learn to wait on Him the right way with the fruit of patience and humility to be openly seen.
FROM THIS DAY, the specific direction your life goes should be based upon "the known" factors (God's will) the unknown factors and life (God's providence), as well as your own present state or ongoing level of immaturity/maturity and disobedience/obedience to The Lord's daily dealings and prodding with you; through HIS Word, by HIS Spirit, and through HIS anointed people led by Christ alone!
"During HARVEST TIME, the sickle is YOUR MOUTH, through your 'praying and sayings' that are IN AGREEMENT with The Lord!"
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
Does the outcome of an election signal God's approval or disapproval of a nation's course? A better question might be this: Does our faith hang on the outcome of a national election? I raise this question for my own sake as much as that of others. Was I focused on the election in hope that God would use the outcome to somehow give indication of spiritual things to come? I ust confess that I was. But is God so limited that He must valdate His purposes through a human process? Absolutely not! We must look to God for that which is of a spiritual nature. He doesn't require one leader in place of another to accomplish His purpose. He can do just as well with a Pharoah on the throne as He can with a Darius. His will WILL be done. So then, let us put our trust in Him no matter who occupies the White House.
ReplyDeleteLyle Randles