I appreciate this article, although I believe that there is a more "constructive way" for God's people to "accept the humanity" of their pastor...
The sentiment of Bishop Jones is correct, but the premise for "instructing God's people" (in particular) is always, THE WORD OF GOD!
I don't think that God's people have a problem with HUMANITY...
BUT, I do believe that they have a problem with CARNALITY, and its inexcusable, especially when "playing the grace card" has such tremendous implications to:
- what "spirit" people receive from the minister and his weekly message;
- what issues will be "prevalent" in God's people, because the principles relating to "spiritual authority" and "the Law of the Lid" have a direct affect upon the innocent and the ignorant that follow the fallen;
- what the people SEE done without true recourse, remorse or redress, as the "private failures become publicly exposed", and saying sorry - isn't enough!
The Body of Christ must hold these men accountable, without judgment, malice or unforgiveness!
Everyone is NOT graced to address spiritual authorities who have wondered from the way, but there should be an active "community of elders" across denominational and theological lines that will properly address our broken leaders; and, lovingly restore them "in a spirit of meekness", so that CHRIST is pleased with our unity and agreement!
I DO NOT think that a petition should have been the "first recourse" for the Christian community, and maybe it wasn't..?
BUT, if we're going to "invoke and invite God's supernatural healing grace and power", we MUST resign to follow the scripture in the "spirit of the letter", as its written!
"Community Elders" should have invited these (6) pastors to a closed-door meeting to discuss this program and the surrounding issues, to HEAR one another out..(STEP 1)
Based upon the fallout of that meeting, the following other steps should be taken:
STEP 2 - Wothout revealing the details of the meeting to the general Christian community yet, employ a time of fasting and prayer around the issues..
STEP 3 - The same group reconvenes to share "what they've heard", and facilitate a point-by-point problem/resolution report.
STEP 4 - Once the language and content has been reviewed and aligned to "sound" biblical standards, disseminate the information on every available medium to the Christian community!
- For all things to be done in decency and order..
- For the brethren to dwell in unity, so we don't bite and devour one another.
- For the world to know that we are Christians, by our love!
References: 1 Cor 14; Eph 5; John 13.
THIS is what I'm CALLED to do!
I'd LOVE to facilitate this conversation..I just HOPE that God's people and these pastors - WANTS, HIS WILL?!?
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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