There is a "Corresponding Continuity" (I.e.- Clarity, Consistency and Credibility ) to the voices that Christ has ordained "to represent HIS Cause, HIS Community and HIS Kingdom", even though ALL of the Body of Christ - whether their considered "clergy" or "laity", should be able to speak with grace, love and truth to the curious masses that are learning, listening and looking for "true representations" of this Eternal Kingdom that we're all apart of...
We are ALL at different levels, concerning the unique gift(s) and grace(s) that may be operating in our lives: first, based upon our own personal commitments to develop, grow and mature - as genuine disciples of Christ; and, also based upon "the exercise and use of our gift(s)", as we're directed and inspired by The Lord - in submission to the "earthly authority" that HE has placed us under...(which is THE ISSUE for many people; we're NOT SUBMITTED to a "qualified Elders" in Christ's Church)
THE POINT IS: All of us "have opinions", but we should be very cautious, prayerful and careful about "how we wield our swords around" (sharp tongues); especially, if we're NOT qualified to speak on certain matters...Your opinion is NOT "an overcoming testimony", and it can NOT save anyone - ONLY Jesus can save any of us!
"Thank God" for inspiring words, anecdotal statements, as well as healthy interaction and exchange; every thing does NOT have to be "deeply spiritual" to be impactful...You "sharing your heart" is quite powerful, but even more so, "if you're LED by the Holy Spirit!
For example: Watching a "PBS Special" about a particular subject matter does not qualify any of us (the next day; Lol) to go and instruct others at a local - educational institution, and neither does it make us a "subject-matter expert"..
We obviously can "share our opinions and valuable experiences", but, we should be spiritually-governed, in that -we don't EVER raise our experiences or opinions to the point of being received or understood to be infallible and "sacred"! We MUST destroy the "Messiah Complex" in the church, by choosing to make a spirit of "humility" to be the foundation of our sharing with one another!
Every "idea", philosophically or theologically - must be challenged, and unless it's "essential doctrine", it should be; BUT, some conversations "we" should just position ourselves to simply LEARN, LISTEN and PRAY, because we're honestly "not qualified" to "pass judgment" or argue our half-cocked point-of-view, without the education or the related vocational experiencE to do so!
"Platforms" of any kind can be very powerful tools and experiential opportunities that may allow us, to "find our voices", "use our voices", and "hone or perfect our voices"..
BUT, if you're going to "represent Christ", get all of the education and instruction you can; BEFORE seeking your audience and broadcasting "prematurely developed concepts", which point to your inexperience, ignorance or indifference towards pursuing proper application, preparation and study..
"Social Media" and interactive platforms like this, are extremely important in "leveling the playing field", dismantling and demystifying some of the unhealthy religious systems that are keeping people captive, and for building bridges of unity and agreement amongst Christ's Body..
BUT, this same social platform, "for the imbalanced, inexperienced and indifferent", can be the cause of more strife, division and confusion - if we're not careful to "stay in our lane", grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, and "let God, be God!"
I do APPRECIATE "the saints"...
Now, let's make sure we're NOT misspeaking, misrepresenting or misapplying scripture...AMEN. WS-3
#Saying-This-In-Love! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario)
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 524-0654 Ministry Office
"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
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