If "predicting events" were ALL that the "prophetic word" were about, many "cultural commentators", "popular newscasters", and "notable historians" would have all been considered "prophets" - long ago!
Sadly, God's people seem "so enamored" by anyone's ability to "hear" or "predict the future", but "what are we doing with these insights" - more than "shouting" and "standing dumbfounded" (literally; lol!); but does it really PROFIT anyone, at all?
In the recent episode of "alleged" terrorism at the Los Angeles Int'l (LAX) Airport, Kim Clement prophesied about these events, "months before there occurrence, actually happened"...But, WHY?
So, we could sit around and just - "wait for it too happen"...?
So, we could "become 'fans' and supporters of Kim Clement's ministry"...?
So, we could "feel - deeply spiritual, and see ourselves better than the world"...?
"WE", the Body of Christ, are supposed to walk in our authority, NOT "abdicate it" to circumstances and situations that arise in the world, like apathetic - "spiritual fat-cats"!
The Prophet Amos has profound words that are often referred to, when "predictions" take on the primary focus of "the prophetic". But, if we read this passage in "context", with understanding of God's Mind, we will NOT misunderstand that "finite men" (believers or unbelievers) faintly grasp the Mind of the Spirit, unless HE CHOOSES to "let us" discover the "hidden mysteries and secrets"; which are "hidden for us", NOT from us!
In Amos 3:7-8, the Bible says, "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?"
In context, Amos speaks of "the coming judgment upon Israel". God revealed this secret to His prophets, and it was prophesied for years and years - before it happened, so Israel would have ample time and "every opportunity - TO REPENT!"
In context, GOD EXPECTS "the world too sin"! BUT, when "HIS people" decide to compromise, or to follow the ways of the world - HE is forced to let the consequences of our hard-headedness and hard-heartedness, to act as the source of correction that realigns our hearts and lives - BACK TO HIM!
God "especially" reveals the secrets of HIS "coming judgment", so that men will have time to repent, and no reason to be surprised! Such secrets of God are revealed to them that they may inform the people; that, by repentance and conversion, they may avoid the evil, and, by walking closely with God, secure the continuance of his favor!
We must remember what the context of the Prophet Amos is, and understand that this does NOT mean that GOD - "does nothing, without CONSULTING a prophet first!
Although, "'the EARTH', HE has given to the children of men" makes reference to the "legal responsibility" that GOD has deferred to mankind. (Ps. 115:16) HE "ultimately" and "originally intended", mankind to seek and to trust HIM, as their ONLY source! This does NOT give man "omniscient rule" in any way! Even "with" the Holy Ghost, we have "limited sovereignty", and REQUIRE total surrender to The Father's Agenda - and NOT our own!
In Ephesians 3:5, the Apostle Paul describes how God deliberately "hid the nature of the church" (being a "new body", not Israel and not Gentile) from Old Testament prophets. This is one example of something that God "didn't announce" or "explain", until it happened; without giving a "prior revelation" to a prophet. We are simply "an extension" of Christ's ministry in the earth, and require ongoing agreement and alignment, to keep from becoming mission-drift or "fascinated by the supernatural"!
"A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?": Amos is saying, "Don't blame me. I'm only the messenger." As natural as it is for a man to fear when a lion roars, that is how natural it is for the prophet to prophesy when the Lord GOD has spoken.
Now, it's time for God's people to "take advantage" of the foresight and insight that comes to the "conscious" - functionary vessels, with those who have "ears to hear"!
When your "in" a season, "prophecy" about "what is too come" - is unnecessary, because the manifestations are "in" our process of walking-out the steps that are just before us..
"God's silence" is NOT HIS "disconnect" or "disinterest" in what concerns us, but how "it" moves us towards "ends in HIM" that advances HIS greater cause, which we often fail to see or concern ourselves with!
The "prophetic word" is more than the spiritual impetus of our forward movement and resignation in surrender to the cause of Christ, to the place for which God has uniquely established for us..
It's also "the means" by which the supernatural ability (by HIS grace) to withstand uncomfortable circumstances and challenging things, is appropriately understood to be a critical part of shouldering the burden "the prophetic word brings", which disrupts the status quo and the culturally stagnant waters of our religious landscape!
Let's NOT make the prophetic word "an escape-mechanism for the imbalanced and improperly spoken words of prophecy", which all too often sends us on rabbit trails to nowhere!
Let's honor the Word of The Lord "in context" to scripture, by NOT falsely - forcing or spiritualizing things that do not require such "deep revelations", but sensitivity to Holy Spirit's leading; so that our hearts are captivated by "one thing" - the Voice of God Almighty...WS-3
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
If "predicting events" were ALL that the "prophetic word" were about, many "cultural commentators", "popular newscasters", and "notable historians" would have all been considered "prophets" - long ago!
Sadly, God's people seem "so enamored" by anyone's ability to "hear" or "predict the future", but "what are we doing with these insights" - more than "shouting" and "standing dumbfounded" (literally; lol!); but does it really PROFIT anyone, at all?
In the recent episode of "alleged" terrorism at the Los Angeles Int'l (LAX) Airport, Kim Clement prophesied about these events, "months before there occurrence, actually happened"...But, WHY?
So, we could sit around and just - "wait for it too happen"...?
So, we could "become 'fans' and supporters of Kim Clement's ministry"...?
So, we could "feel - deeply spiritual, and see ourselves better than the world"...?
"WE", the Body of Christ, are supposed to walk in our authority, NOT "abdicate it" to circumstances and situations that arise in the world, like apathetic - "spiritual fat-cats"!
The Prophet Amos has profound words that are often referred to, when "predictions" take on the primary focus of "the prophetic". But, if we read this passage in "context", with understanding of God's Mind, we will NOT misunderstand that "finite men" (believers or unbelievers) faintly grasp the Mind of the Spirit, unless HE CHOOSES to "let us" discover the "hidden mysteries and secrets"; which are "hidden for us", NOT from us!
In Amos 3:7-8, the Bible says, "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?"
In context, Amos speaks of "the coming judgment upon Israel". God revealed this secret to His prophets, and it was prophesied for years and years - before it happened, so Israel would have ample time and "every opportunity - TO REPENT!"
In context, GOD EXPECTS "the world too sin"! BUT, when "HIS people" decide to compromise, or to follow the ways of the world - HE is forced to let the consequences of our hard-headedness and hard-heartedness, to act as the source of correction that realigns our hearts and lives - BACK TO HIM!
God "especially" reveals the secrets of HIS "coming judgment", so that men will have time to repent, and no reason to be surprised! Such secrets of God are revealed to them that they may inform the people; that, by repentance and conversion, they may avoid the evil, and, by walking closely with God, secure the continuance of his favor!
We must remember what the context of the Prophet Amos is, and understand that this does NOT mean that GOD - "does nothing, without CONSULTING a prophet first!
Although, "'the EARTH', HE has given to the children of men" makes reference to the "legal responsibility" that GOD has deferred to mankind. (Ps. 115:16) HE "ultimately" and "originally intended", mankind to seek and to trust HIM, as their ONLY source! This does NOT give man "omniscient rule" in any way! Even "with" the Holy Ghost, we have "limited sovereignty", and REQUIRE total surrender to The Father's Agenda - and NOT our own!
In Ephesians 3:5, the Apostle Paul describes how God deliberately "hid the nature of the church" (being a "new body", not Israel and not Gentile) from Old Testament prophets. This is one example of something that God "didn't announce" or "explain", until it happened; without giving a "prior revelation" to a prophet. We are simply "an extension" of Christ's ministry in the earth, and require ongoing agreement and alignment, to keep from becoming mission-drift or "fascinated by the supernatural"!
"A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?": Amos is saying, "Don't blame me. I'm only the messenger." As natural as it is for a man to fear when a lion roars, that is how natural it is for the prophet to prophesy when the Lord GOD has spoken.
Now, it's time for God's people to "take advantage" of the foresight and insight that comes to the "conscious" - functionary vessels, with those who have "ears to hear"!
When your "in" a season, "prophecy" about "what is too come" - is unnecessary, because the manifestations are "in" our process of walking-out the steps that are just before us..
"God's silence" is NOT HIS "disconnect" or "disinterest" in what concerns us, but how "it" moves us towards "ends in HIM" that advances HIS greater cause, which we often fail to see or concern ourselves with!
The "prophetic word" is more than the spiritual impetus of our forward movement and resignation in surrender to the cause of Christ, to the place for which God has uniquely established for us..
It's also "the means" by which the supernatural ability (by HIS grace) to withstand uncomfortable circumstances and challenging things, is appropriately understood to be a critical part of shouldering the burden "the prophetic word brings", which disrupts the status quo and the culturally stagnant waters of our religious landscape!
Let's NOT make the prophetic word "an escape-mechanism for the imbalanced and improperly spoken words of prophecy", which all too often sends us on rabbit trails to nowhere!
Let's honor the Word of The Lord "in context" to scripture, by NOT falsely - forcing or spiritualizing things that do not require such "deep revelations", but sensitivity to Holy Spirit's leading; so that our hearts are captivated by "one thing" - the Voice of God Almighty...WS-3
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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