I'm SURE that most of us "people of color" will see the removal of the Confederate Flag as some "major victory for black folks", but the fight or struggle (as they say) won't go away, because "a long-standing symbol is no longer politically correct"!
I am NOT SAYING that there is "no progress" being made, or that "people haven't changed" since the flag was first hung atop state building throughout the south.
But, I am saying that "when physical walls fall, spiritual strongholds still must be broken", and we'd be naive to believe anything else!
So, when it comes to the deeply held beliefs, systemic policies, and overt prejudice that's been wrongly championed by both civic institutions and churches throughout the years, we must understand the work left to do to "change hearts" -- through consistent prayer, and one person, one family, and one community at a time.
As CHRISTIANS we should KNOW two things:
1. The BATTLE is "NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and against the rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places" -- that actually works "THROUGH PEOPLE"! SO, we "bind the spirit", "love the people", and "represent our God in every way, at all times"!
2. Until we address "the heart of the matter", we haven't addressed the problem one bit; and THIS is the reason -- just changing "external symbols of prejudice, doesn't result in a change of heart! "In Christ", there is NO DISTINCTION, so the matter of equity or equality is supposed to be a non-issue; we're ALL "one in Christ Jesus"!
What we tend to call advancement of "our color or cause", is partially significant, because as a people, "identity gained through any opinion, personality, or thing" is bound to keep us entangled; and the God-ordained worth and value of every ethnicity or nationality, can only be perceived as the spirit is "born from above; to eliminate bias, malice and prejudice from ever dividing us any further!
My IDEAS may seem unrealistic or hyper-idealistic, but I'd simply call it a "Kingdom paradigm" that is only informed by God's Truth, and NOT the cultural norms and nuances that may communicate "the reality of a thing"; but NOT the substance of HIS plan for the whole world, if we'd only just "receive it"! WS-3
I am NOT SAYING that there is "no progress" being made, or that "people haven't changed" since the flag was first hung atop state building throughout the south.
But, I am saying that "when physical walls fall, spiritual strongholds still must be broken", and we'd be naive to believe anything else!
So, when it comes to the deeply held beliefs, systemic policies, and overt prejudice that's been wrongly championed by both civic institutions and churches throughout the years, we must understand the work left to do to "change hearts" -- through consistent prayer, and one person, one family, and one community at a time.
As CHRISTIANS we should KNOW two things:
1. The BATTLE is "NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and against the rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places" -- that actually works "THROUGH PEOPLE"! SO, we "bind the spirit", "love the people", and "represent our God in every way, at all times"!
2. Until we address "the heart of the matter", we haven't addressed the problem one bit; and THIS is the reason -- just changing "external symbols of prejudice, doesn't result in a change of heart! "In Christ", there is NO DISTINCTION, so the matter of equity or equality is supposed to be a non-issue; we're ALL "one in Christ Jesus"!
What we tend to call advancement of "our color or cause", is partially significant, because as a people, "identity gained through any opinion, personality, or thing" is bound to keep us entangled; and the God-ordained worth and value of every ethnicity or nationality, can only be perceived as the spirit is "born from above; to eliminate bias, malice and prejudice from ever dividing us any further!
My IDEAS may seem unrealistic or hyper-idealistic, but I'd simply call it a "Kingdom paradigm" that is only informed by God's Truth, and NOT the cultural norms and nuances that may communicate "the reality of a thing"; but NOT the substance of HIS plan for the whole world, if we'd only just "receive it"! WS-3
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