Can YOU "believe" that THE BIBLE holds us all (believers) ACCOUNTABLE for the "state of affairs" in the world -- as CRAZY as it is; but, I don't mean we're held "personally or corporately responsible" for "people's obedience or disobedience", to HIS Commands. What I mean is, as Christians, because we're aware of "the fall of mankind", and the subsequent battle that ensues in the hearts of every human being (the "kingdom contention") we have a responsibility to:
1) "BE" A WITNESS (live godly) to the hurting, lost and unbelieving without fail;
2) SHARE "OUR" WITNESS (share your "overcoming" testimony) by living the life -- and following God's Word in thought, word and deed; and
3) OBEY "HIS" WITNESS (properly represent HIM) by reflecting (at your given age and stage) HIS heart and mind, through Christlikeness and conformity to HIS will; so HE can use you, as "HE wills, or requires it!"
So, what you're saying is -- IT's ALL up to "US", right?
Yeah, Sherlock! (LOL!). I think you got it! (Smile)
I also hear some of you saying, "I hope GOD is NOT expecting ME, to FIX THE WORLD!?!" After all, isn't that called "dominionism", which is some heretical doctrine that says "Christians are supposed to fix and to save the world, before Jesus returns?" "And, doesn't HE KNOW, I have MY OWN PROBLEMS to deal with!"
YES, of course HE KNOWS you have your own issues to resolve, and HE KNOWS that you have your own "devils to fight"; BUT, "the earth has HE given to the children of men". (Psalm 115:16). THAT MEANS, if you were POWERLESS, and did NOT have GRACE "working in you and for you", you would be in a world of hurt; because "APART FROM HIM, we can do NOTHING"! The power of sin and satan, would potentially seduce and suffocate your witness, and hinder you from making the veritable impact that God has already determined you to make for HIM!
And, YES; the burden of responsibility is INESCAPABLE, no matter what "your temperament" -- and no matter what "your denomination" says is acceptable or unacceptable; EVEN WHEN it comes to establishing the Kingdom of GOD "on earth", while still dealing with "spiritual warfare" and "kingdom contention", as a norm in your own heart and mind!
If GOD's PROMISES and PROVISION for the whole of the Kingdom of God, was "totally contingent upon" yours or my ACTIVE OCCUPATION in the earth, where would the church "be" right now?
WELL, don't answer that too quickly, because THAT's the primary reason for our PRESENT REALITY (as we speak) no matter how that may doctrinally "challenge" or overwhelm you at this very moment!
The ORIGINAL INTENT of The Father definitely SHIFTED -- in relationship to our "active" APPLICATION and ENFORCEMENT of the WORD OF GOD; and HIS Will being done "on earth, as it IS in heaven", is a matter of APPLICATION, COOPERATION and PARTICIPATION; as our spirit is governed by HIS SPIRIT, in our "coming in" and in our "going out"!
No doubt...MANY of YOU (like me) have been earnestly looking for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! As a matter of fact, recent national and world events has only exacerbated and increased yours and my "longing for Christ's return", to bring sweet relief and peace from the tribulations of this fallen world; and to witness the sublime reward that every believer can look forward to in partaking of and possessing "fully", the Kingdom of God.
And, while the promise of the rapture of the Church and Christ's second coming is assured and imminent, perhaps today -- just might be "that day", where you "feel" weary and even despondent; but decide that while we all anxiously await HIS "glorious appearing" and the longed-for redemption of these corruptible, frail and weak bodies, you are going TO FIGHT!
Someone else is saying..."I'M DOING, 'THE BEST' I CAN, Pastor Walter!"
LISTEN: I KNOW you are, and that some of us "are fighting for our very lives!" But, what does that really mean to a people who have THE HOLY GHOST living on the inside of us?!?
Well, YOU KNOW "what it means", if you're a "VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN", despite the many circumstances and struggles that you have to face in this life. But, why is it SO HARD, to stay the course and maintain our place "on the front lines", if God means us "to win"?
I'll tell you "why", but you have to promise you'll SHIFT once your spirit "understands", by allowing God to reposition you in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..
This is NOT a sermonette or blog that was written "to pounce on your faith"; "to discourage you in your heartfelt efforts"; or "to condemn you about where you've actually failed or missed it". Because, we ALL have!
THIS BLOG is about YOU recognizing "how easy it is" to be ADRIFT and UNAWARE of the difference between being "actively" or "passively" engaged and OCCUPYING TILL HE COMES, in The Great Commission, The Great Community, The Great Exchange, and The Great Commandment of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God!
In times like these, we do well to remember Christ's admonition to "occupy till I come" (Luke 19:13). And, rather than "hunkering down" and "waiting idly" for Christ's return - apathetically and incoherently, we recognize that HE has called us "to stay busy", using whatever abilities, faculties and opportunities we have to sow, to water, and to reap in fruitful service unto HIM.
Then, we can be assured that HE will say, "blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh, shall find so doing" (Luke 12:43). So, with that in mind, we should all realize that there is still SO MUCH WORK left to do, but ONLY UNSELFISHNESS and TOTAL ABANDONMENT TO HIS will and purpose (in our hearts and lives) will allow us to see HIS plan for us, "all the way through, to completion"!
Active - (of a person) engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.
Moving or tending to move about vigorously or frequently. Characterized by energetic activity. (of a person's mind or imagination) alert and lively.
Passive - Not actively participating in an activity by choice, such as a passive or "sleeping partner"; NOT "silent partner". The implication is: As a "silent partner", you're still engaged and active, but "behind the scenes" -- out of the line of sight of those watching your progress or the lack thereof; you're busy "silently leading".
A "sleeping partner" could be represented by the disciples in the Garden Gethsemane with Jesus, who earnestly "believed" and "loved" HIM; but failed to "actively engage" or "thoughtfully carry" the weight of the burden of responsibility, when they were actually needed the most.
Occupation - Actual physical possession or use of a dwelling or piece of land. Occupation exists, only where it is recognizable as such, and when the occupant has a sufficient measure of control that prevents interference from strangers.
By now, you can deduce what "active and passive occupation" means, from the three separate definitions from above. But, let me take it a step further, as it pertains specifically what it's referencing concerning the Kingdom of God.
"Active Occupation" is being fully activated and engaged in the walk of faith, before Almighty God -- in the Name of Jesus Christ, through a consistent, deliberate and intentional walk of faith that is energized through God's Word, empowered by the grace of Jesus' "finished work" on all our behalf, and sealed with HIS precious blood and Holy Spirit that enables us to properly walk in our authority in Christ.
While we're "seated in heavenly places", postured in HIS perfect peace and rest -- and living and praying from a place of victory, we're in turn "actively occupying" and "exercising dominion" as the scripture admonishes us too. Therefore, the ESSENCE of our "daily assignment", is to "spiritually" UNSEAT illegitimate demonic powers in their earthly operation that is blocking, delaying, hindering or obstructing the advancement of the Kingdom of God -- in the lives of every person that the Holy Spirit is desperately seeking to reach for eternity.
"Passive Occupation" is being inactive and unengaged in the walk of faith before Almighty God, by omission, by commission or by "innocent ignorance", to the importance and the necessity of "exercising dominion" and "taking authority" in and over the earth's biosphere and in every "thing" (except, "human beings") given in stewardship to mankind in the Garden of Eden; and, over all the works of darkness perpetrated through blind, complacent or weak "believers" or unbelievers.
In your world and mine, our "active occupation" has a direct correlation with what is permitted or allowed, according to the 1) "understanding" and 2) "knowledge" outlined in Proverbs 28:1-2 (NKJV):
"The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are as bold as a lion. Because of the transgression of a land, many are its prince; But by a man of understanding and knowledge right will be prolonged."
So, what is UNDERSTANDING and KNOWLEDGE that "maintain orders" in our country specifically talking about?
Understanding means to separate mentally (or distinguish), i.e.(generally) understand:--attend, consider, be cunning, diligently, direct, discern, eloquent, feel, inform, instruct, have intelligence, know, look well to, mark, perceive, be prudent, regard, (can) skill(-full), teach, think, (cause, make to, get, give, have) understand(-ing), view, (deal) wise(-ly, man).
Knowledge means to know (properly, to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively, instruction, designation, punishment, etc.) (as follow):--acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with), advise, answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware, (un-)awares, can(-not), certainly, comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel, can have, be (ig-)norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to let, make) know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have (knowledge), (be, make, make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell, understand, have (understanding), X will be, wist, wit, wot.
The understanding and knowledge of Proverbs 28:1-2, is speaking of a "mentally tough", "perceptively swift", and "intelligently prudent" ability to wield "wisdom from above" in a practical, respectful and skillful way in "every area of life" -- in our ambassadorial representation for the Kingdom of God; no matter how dark or difficult the environment and landscape may be in any or all parts of the world.
The result of this battlefield of the mind (in every believer) is seen through the CONTENTION, the STRONGHOLDS, and the VICES of the enemy, which are wielded through every possible device and strategy of Satan and his kingdom to be exercised through the known principalities and powers over regions and territories; and are TOTALLY bludgeoned and weakened by a discerning and knowledgable "believer" in Christ Jesus! But, NOT WITHOUT "actively employing discernment and knowledge", as your "daily guide".
The ANOINTED ONE (Jesus Christ) by virtue of HIS proximity to our lives through HIS inexhaustible presence and power, removes burdens and destroys yokes, as HIS "resident occupation" in every true disciple is ENLARGED and EXERCISED! As "Jesus gets bigger inside" of every believer, the influence of HIS presence and power is released in every way, so the world that we live, which both requires and demands "it" (the burden removing, yoke-destroying power) is met and realized as "creation groans" -- for "manifesting sons"; who are "spiritually" PACKING and ACTIVELY OCCUPYING, "in HIS name"!
In this regard, to "passively occupy" then means that we'll probably "lose ground, quicker than we gain it", because we're totally ignorant or ignoring: 1) What our insensitivity to HIS leadership will negatively produce or induce in our environment; 2) What our desensitization to the 'ways of the world' -- and how we tend to improperly align and allied ourselves with corruptible influences (unknowingly), without having a clue to the destructive doors we're opening in our own lives; and 3) What our preoccupation with personal desires and "pet sins" means to our "diminished authority", which is the primary reason "demons are trampling believers" -- instead of "believers trampling all the power of the devil", as the scripture declares should be a REALITY for every believer!
EVERY SEED we SOW, is like an umbilical cord to the future that we desire to see manifest and materialize in our lives; and HOW "we sow" -- and WHAT "we sow", really does matter in EVERY AREA of our lives!
FIRST, let's address the biblical principles which governs "how" to "actively occupy" without "passively aligning" -- innocently or ignorantly, with people, places or things that contradict our Christian witness.
Some Christians believe that actively boycotting a company is "judgmental and self-righteous behavior" that may 1) potentially jeopardize someone's current or future employment, 2) create a negative witness to people who think Christians believe that "their better than everyone else" -- who acts or believes differently then them, and 3) creates more divides than openings for our Christian witness, BUT, is this correct thinking?
WELL, is it "CORRECT THINKING"? Of course it IS! BUT, the Bible doesn't say anything in regards to "boycotting a company". Of course, Scripture does contain no direct command to boycott or not to boycott a business. However, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:9-10, that although we are "not to associate with sexually immoral people," we are still part of the world; and therefore cannot disassociate ourselves from all immoral people "completely". To totally avoid "all corruption", we would need to leave the world, and NOT return! (Smile). And, in the scheme of our divine placement in the world we live as "salt" and "light", we're responsible to be "PRESENT with power", not "PREGNANT with worldly compromise" or in fleshly pursuits.
As an example of consciously investing in and monitoring whether we're "actively or passively occupying", some Christian people and organizations have "declared boycotts" of companies with "anti-Christian policies", for every little thing they hear in the news. Starbucks, Amazon, Nike, and other corporations, have been the target of such boycotts. Those calling for the boycotts, want to get the attention of business executives and decision-makers to communicate the fact that Christians will not support an "ungodly agenda" or product. Many, who are involved in these boycotts, are also trying to be "good stewards" of their money, and often say: "Why should I feed a company and help it to stay in business, knowing that this company is going to use some of my money ad influence to support an anti-Christian agenda or cause?"
According to Jesse Carey of Relevant Magazine, "Most of the time, when a Christian group organizes a boycott, it's not over dangerous working conditions, child labor or environmental irresponsibility. It's usually because of some perceived "attack" on a social value or religious belief. The reason these "boycotts" almost never work is because they were never about principles in the first place. They're almost always about grandstanding (Cultural Grandstanding). Just like any consumers, Christians are free to support whatever companies they want with their business, for whatever reason they want. It's not illogical that some people will do business with companies that share their values, opinions or ideas. It's a free market and a free country, after all. But freedom works both ways. People are allowed to have ideas that other people don't like. The problem with these "pop culture boycotts" is that they operate under the notion that certain people's ideas are so superior to anyone else's, that the others don't even deserve to exist."
DO I AGREE with Jesse? YES, FOR THE MOST PART! AND, there's MORE that Jesse has to say that's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to FIND THE BALANCE in our consistent engagement and representation to culture, as we "actively occupy" in HIS name.
"Engagement Vs. Suppression" is what we need to address now...The Apostle Paul demonstrates a different way of interacting with ideas and values that we may not always agree with in culture. Instead of just "suppressing them", we should know how to "engage with them".
In the book of Acts, Paul is in the cultural hub of Athens. While in the marketplace, he was "distressed to see that the city was full of idols." Paul went to a meeting of cultural leaders, but instead of admonishing them for their beliefs and values, he praised them, and used their own culture as a means of civil engagement. "People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god … The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands." By using an example of one of their own cultural ideas (even though he didn't agree with idolatry), he was able to show that they were inadvertently "ignorant of the very thing you worship," not in a way that trashed their culture, but in a way that actually used thoughtful, gracious engagement. He then referenced one of their own cultural influencers saying, "He himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else ... God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'"
If Paul would have marched through the Athens marketplace attempting to drive everyone out of business for selling things he didn't personally agree with, he would have missed an opportunity to share his own beliefs. Boycotting would have made it about him, instead about the people he was called to serve and to love. There's a time to stand up against real injustice. Boycotts have been used to draw attention to actual social evils. But when Christians simply organize ineffective boycotts every time a celebrity, TV show or company does or says something they don't disagree with, these Christians start to look like they are more concerned with protecting themselves than actually engaging with others. We're called to spend our lives "making disciples", not closing down people's businesses for not effectively celebrating our holiday. Christians shouldn't be afraid of culture. We should be helping to shape it. And it's hard to do that, when you're 'boycotting it'."
To ENGAGE CULTURE, we have to be "in the culture" with a counter-representation that is not CRITICAL, HATEFUL and NEGLECTFUL of recognizing Jesus' command "to be in this world, but not of this world"; while positioning our witness in the culture that is NOT hostile to GOD's Ways, by reflecting our values without "imposing them" onto others!
The pendulum is really starting to recklessly and wildly swing the other way now (by "the world's" attempts to silence "the church") but the "sleeping giant" is awakening on how "to best engage society, without endorsing it", and figuring out how "to express our views, without encroaching upon others"; as we "make our gentleness be made evident unto all"!
Its TRUE..The "political correctness" that doesn't want to "acknowledge Christmas" (as a current, "real life example") because someone is "likely to be offended", must also be willing to recognize that the celebration of the holiday that is lawfully permitted in our country -- and the "free" expression thereof, should NOT be suppressed by groups indifferent to the occasion due to bias, lawlessness or prejudice against Christians and our "sacred holidays".
So, Paul's focus in 1 Corinthians 5, is specifically to Christ's church. Christians should NOT partner (or even eat) with a person who claims to be a Christian, yet their lives and the way they conduct their affairs is "contrary to God's Word"! The only way to ultimately "avoid contact" with immoral people in this world, is to leave the world all together; and that's NOT what "active occupation" should look like.
To properly apply this principle to "the boycott issue" specifically is "to avoid businesses that support ungodly practices", or to leave this world completely -- which we said isn't an option. OR, we consciously investigate "where" and "how" we're expending our resources, and begin to use all of the tools at our disposal for querying whether our investment in "said company", is "wise".
YES, we could certainly "go to extremes" with this, and become quite "the legalist" about things like this and others, but THE ISSUE is ALWAYS "conscience" or "consciously obeying", for the believer! To POSSESS INFORMATION and do nothing with it, is SIN! The moment we become CONSCIOUS, we should "actively" change, retool and repent, if necessary!
OBEDIENCE is "the key", NOT some "legalistic formula" that doesn't truly "place hot coals upon the heads" of unbelievers by truly "presenting yourself in love, to unlovely people"; by sincerely "reaching the unreached; by being uncomfortable with their appearance or smell long enough to share Jesus with them; or by passionately "displaying your allegiance and your love for God" -- no matter how "corny" or "fruity" your calmness, peacefulness or quietness may translate to the "worldly folks".
CASE IN POINT: I've had MANY barbers through the years that were CLEARLY "not Christian" in practice or in principle; but they could CUT SOME HAIR! Lol!!
WELL, do I actually "compromise my faith" by soliciting their service for my hair?
ABSOLUTELY, not! UNLESS, I "engage in the behavior" or "participate in the coarse language" of that barber or stylist to "fit in" -- or to "seem normal" to the culture; instead of being distinct and unique in the midst of them all!
#1 - In Romans 14:2-5 deals with the doubtful issues or "gray areas" in our lives, the one principle here is that "each one should be fully convinced in his own mind" (verse 5). Whatever one does, he or she should do it "in honor of the Lord" (verse 6) and give thanks to God. "For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord" (verse 8). Believers are to follow their "sanctified" conscience in the gray areas, because "each of us will give an account of himself to God" (verse 12). If God's Word has not clearly spoken on an issue (and, THAT's "rare") each believer has the freedom to seek God's will and be fully convinced in his own "renewed" mind.
There really are NO GRAY AREAS in this life, but perhaps there may be "unanswered questions" that -- "if we seek, we shall find"; but, ONLY IF, our hearts desire HIS will more than our own!
In Albert Barnes' Commentary on 1 John 3:21, "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not - If we so live as to have an "approving conscience" - that is, if we indulge in no secret sin; if we discharge faithfully every known duty; if we submit without complaining to all the allotments of Divine Providence. Then have we confidence toward God. The apostle evidently does not mean that we have confidence toward God on the ground of "what we do", as if it were meritorious, or as if it constituted a "claim to his favor"; but, that we may so live as to have evidence of personal piety, and that we may look forward with a confident hope that we shall be accepted of him in the great day.
The word here rendered "confidence" (παῤῥησίαν, parrēsian in the Greek) means properly "boldness;" usually boldness or openness in speaking our sentiments. The confidence or boldness which we have toward our Maker, is founded solely on the evidence that HE will graciously accept us as "pardoned sinners"; not in the belief that we deserve his favor.
Also, in another related commentary on 1 John 3:21 says it this way: "If our heart condemn us not", then we should have "confidence" that "in Christ, there is no condemnation". If we be conscious to ourselves -- of our own sincerity, that we practice no known deceit and use no mask, then have we confidence toward God. That means we can appeal to HIM from a place of "earnest sincerity", and then we can come "with boldness to the throne of grace, to obtain mercy, and to find grace to help in time of need".
If we will get understanding about "how the enemy" -- STEALS OUR WITNESS, renders our VOICES and PRESENCE -- INCONSEQUENTIAL, and SILENCES OUR VOICES, we will no longer walk in the "darkness of IGNORANCE" that plagues too many well meaning Christians; who are ultimately NOT as wise as "the children of the world" in our STEWARDSHIP and in our STRATEGIC "SEPARATION".
LET's consider what "passive occupation" means now after providing a detailed explanation from above, in the following areas: "Passive purchasing", "Inactive witnessing" and "Political allegiances".
PASSIVE PURCHASING (STEWARDSHIP) means that we "take no thought" for our stewardship when we actually should -- from the standpoint of the "Actual Total Cost" (ATC) of our every purchase or pursuit, as "Christians".
The (3) distinctive's of ATC includes: VALUE, PURCHASE and DISPOSAL.
#1 - What does "value" represent in our Kingdom economy, which "is" a determining factor for what "God will entrust me with in the future". Although God will grant us the "desires of our hearts", there is NO LICENSE to be covetous, greedy or gluttonous.
#2 - What does "purchase" represent in our Kingdom economy, which "is" a determining factor for what "things we place in esteem and in priority, above God". Were we "supposed to make the purchase", or were we "supposed to sow a seed", instead? God wants "believers" to be properly governed by intentions and motivations that are "prayerfully made", NOT "anxiously pursued".
#3 - What does "disposal" represent in our Kingdom economy, which "is" a determining factor for how we "dispose of, give away or properly invest" in agreement with The Lord's will concerning every "thing" placed within our stewardship and care.
INACTIVE WITNESSING (TESTIMONY) means that we have no active pursuit of the Great Commission on a "personal level", and we "leave the witnessing" to five-fold ministry functionaries; instead of actively doing the work of ministry ourselves.
When we intentionally invest our time and prayer -- and actively pursue "relationship or social evangelism" (as an example) through "healthy" social interaction and conversations, "the dialogue" become a platform that allows us "to advance the kingdom in our and others lives"; and in turn PRODUCE THE FRUIT that Jesus has called all disciples -- "connected to The Vine", to produce for eternity!
POLITICAL ALLEGIANCES (RELATIONSHIPS) means we "incorrectly assign" or "temporarily borrow" society's labels from parties and politicians, BEFORE we investigate or represent ourselves politically or in any other way that potentially "negatively" affects our witness for Jesus Christ.
These allegiances (sadly) for too many of us, are "soul ties" that have deep emotional and mental struggles attached to them -- anchored deeply in the unrenewed areas in our minds; which actively keeps us duty-bound and paralyzed from "the freedom and the liberty wherein CHRIST has made us 'free'"!
As each of us maintains "the ear and eye gates" of our hearts and lives, with a special cautiousness and carefulness that is characteristic of a Christian living their lives -- "fully conscious" of God's care and involvement in our lives, we can be assured that we'll always be prepared for HIS return; no matter "when" HE comes back, or no matter what HE may require of us individually, to fully represent HIS heart and HIS kingdom "on earth, as it is in heaven".
One of the sad realities of the "Christian's warfare" is, we tend to be "so inconsistent" in our devotion with The Lord, that we constantly open the door for unnecessary warfare and unwarranted attacks!
IF YOU KNEW, leaving your property gate "open" would allow repeated burglaries in your home -- as you've been historically reminded through the stories that you've heard others tell; WHY WOULD you EVER "leave your gate open"?!?
GOD's PEOPLE have a tendency "to assign responsibilities to GOD -- that clearly belong to them", and then "abdicate responsibilities" -- they should be taking on themselves; AND, in turn, "ignorantly or lazily" shift their responsibility to GOD -- but, it does NOT belong to HIM! WHY? Because we "passively occupy", because we MISREAD -- "when to fight", "when to be still", and "when to press in".
The URGENCY for INTIMACY, MATURITY and UNITY "in Christ", is ONLY going to become an even greater priority in the days too come!
BECAUSE, "of the increase of HIS KINGDOM, there shall be NO END", the ONLY WAY to stay properly aligned is to "ACTIVELY OCCUPY". And, because "the zeal of The Lord of Hosts shall perform this", the believers role is to consistently and persistently ABIDE!
GOD cannot use EVERYBODY, to "carry the weight of HIS burden" and position themselves to OCCUPY on the front lines in this battle of life.
BUT, if "the complacent" amongst us will REPENT, BE REFRESHED and BE RESTORED in the presence of The Lord -- in this season that is pregnant with POSSIBILITY, "ACTIVELY OCCUPYING" will neither be an issue or a way for the enemy to hinder us; as THE KING advances HIS Kingdom in the midst of us all! WS-3
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