Sometimes, I am directed to take a break from Facebook, and I understand God's reason for requiring my strict obedience to HIS leadership; after all, "social media" tends to have a similar affect on people as other media does "on the human ego" - and the KEY to genuine authenticity isn't just "saying everything that comes to mind", or just "letting it all hang out" - it's REFLECTING, HIS heart, and using your voice and life to lead others to HIM!
Since the end of 2008, The Lord has been speaking to me about "fair-weather friends" and "faddish commitments", and because of my own very intense refining process, I understand the importance of allowing God to purify our hearts and lives for greater usefulness to HIM!
A lot of people who are "being used", neither have God's blessing or endorsement, but "use - means fruit" to most people, and until we're NOT defined by "what we do" - we'll be controlled and dominated by "the lust of the flesh", "the lust of the eyes", and "the pride of life"!
Many people operate "under the curse" in their callings and vocations, and don't even realize that:
- trading your family for opportunity, is assigned to the curse..
- selling your very soul to be heard, seen or recognized, is assigned to the curse...
- dishonoring Biblical values and sound principles in the way that you "do business" and "conduct yourself" may win you popularity - but, is assigned to the curse...
What does it mean to be "assigned to the curse"?
It simply means that "it's under the curse", and devoted to destructive ends; meaning, there may be "temporary results" but there won't be "eternal fruit", and that's really the trade-off as it pertains to "living life the way you see fit"!
"Posting to Facebook", like any other mechanism for attracting attention or soliciting a response from others, IS NOT "heartfelt devotion" - necessarily!
In our performance-driven culture, you may NOT think you have any importance or value outside of "stage performances", "peer approval", and "cravings for recognition".
I'M SO GLAD that God has shown me "my value" outside of applause, approval and accolades - from people!
I appreciate every opportunity, and look forward to even greater usefulness to The Father, in the immediate future...
BUT, understanding the frailty of people, while minimizing the investment of your heart into what really can't EVER satisfy, is both wise and prudent - and what the scripture makes reference to when it proclaims "that you be complete and entire, wanting nothing"!
I AM HIS, and I'm thankful that THING will NEVER own me!
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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