Pastor Walter: Please make sense of the 'Apostolic Government' and 'Prophetic Alignment' for me in laymen's terms? I want to know what to expect?
"Apostolic Government" is about the very power, presence, and rule of Christ and His Kingdom (in the hearts of humanity) being the predominant influence that transforms lives in a greater dimension; because through the acceptance and appropriation of His Finished Work by those that believe — for the sake of the world, we will intentionally suffer, serve, and sacrifice as laborers sent on His behalf to advance the Kingdom of God.
"Prophetic Alignment" is about the conscious commitment that devoted believers make in following the Holy Spirit's leadership for the times and seasons that we presently find ourselves, as “we walk by faith and not by sight”. Through this intentional alignment, the foundational elements of the Government of God infiltrates every aspect of our earthly existence, as we yield to the Spirit and deny the flesh!
So then, Christ's Overarching Agenda (“till all things be made subject unto Him”) is to magnify the influence of His Name and His Love for the lost world that He died to save, by "filling all in all" through revealing Himself in every field, to every nation, and for every person to have the opportunity to live eternally with Him!
"What should you personally expect to see in your life because of this Apostolic Government and Prophetic Alignment?"
The "foundation" of His (Christ's) throne is righteousness and justice, so that as His Government invades space, matter and time, the increasing requirement to live for Him, to obey His voice, and to be a light in the world (by doing things God's way) will or should become our focus and priority, more and more!
Concerning the matter of "justice", we are to "be" instruments of fair treatment and opportunity (equity) that stands in the gap for the ”felt” needs and societal injustices that both directly and indirectly affects our families, our communities, and our world.
From the abortion issue to human trafficking, God's people must raise their voice, commit their resources, and honor the Great Commission's Mandate to "go into all the world" — to right the wrongs of rogue governments, to represent the needs of the orphan, the impoverished and the widow; and to demonstrate the love of God to the world that's waiting to "see" manifesting sons “occupy” in the earth!
A new boldness is available to all who want to see this realized in and through their lives! "Consistent Engagement" is ONLY POSSIBLE, if "staying connected to The Vine is your life-long commitment, aim and focus!
If you have ANY plans to do your own thing, or to pursue your own will, don't waste your time "playing church"! BE about The Father's Business (for real) and the "half has not been told"!
Just ask for the Father's blessing, purpose and and provisions, and THEN — hold on to your seat; because, "the FORCE of God's Presence, Power and Goodness will be with you"!
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180
Pastor Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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