Dr. Jack Hayford Graduates To Heaven — January 8, 2023
Very few men born into time, are able to achieve and reach the heights of servitude and greatness, while also carrying the torch of humility and faithfulness as they've consistently represented Christ's Kingdom wisely, thoughtfully and victorious — over many decades without controversy, like PASTOR JACK HAYFORD (Jack Hayford Ministries) absolutely did!
As a member of Angelus Temple The Church of The Dream Center, under the leadership of Pastor Matthew Barnett, which I believe is part of The Foursquare Church and Foursquare Missions International, I am honored to share in the life and legacy of both Dr. Hayford and the Legacy of Aimee Semple McPherson (Founder of Angelus Temple) that includes INTEGRITY, PRAYER, and HEALING!
May our generations be eternally changed and transformed by his words and life message that I pray will be an encouragement, inspiration, and relevant motivation for our youth and young adults through the sharing of his legacy, life and the personal stories of Dr. Jack Hayford both now and in the distant future!! "Let's make his memory a blessing!!" WS-3
Pastor Jack Hayford, The King's University and Seminary (TKU) founder and chancellor emeritus passed away on Sunday, January 8, in his home in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, California. He was 88 years old. His family said he died peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of the morning, having eaten dinner with his wife, Valarie, and having spoken to one of his grandkids the evening before.
In addition to founding TKU in 1997, he was the founding pastor of Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California, President of The Foursquare Church from 2004 to 2009, bestselling author of more than 50 books, and he wrote more than 500 songs, including "Majesty." Today, we mourn his loss but celebrate the homecoming of a great leader in God's kingdom. We know that this great servant and worshipper is now experiencing the greatest worship service of all.
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