Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM
During the past season, a barrage of satanic attacks, assaults and diabolical ammunition was strategically launched against some of the real soldiers in the Lord's Army.
The enemy can't stop the work of God, but will make every attempt to distract, dismay and digress the real soldiers from ANY PROGRESS — whose very presence is enough to evict and erase the impact of the diabolical influence that wants US more than what we can produce or do in His Name..
The setbacks, losses and lacking conclusions have had tremendous implications to God's people, because in many cases and circunstances, there was a life and death struggle that requires very intense agreements and resistance. And, until the necessary resistance was overcome and withstood, GOD HAS WAITED TO BE GRACIOUS!
Head strong children — self-willed and obstinate = overcome as they "let go of the reigns of their own lives"..
Stubborn children — doggedly determined and blindly persistent = overcome as they "let God be in control"..
Pridefully aggressive children — combative hostility and excessively hostile = overcome as they repent and lay down their will for God's will..
#1 — When WE are completely submitted to the Lord Most High with our whole heart, what the enemy meant for evil, God turns around and uses it for our good!
#2 — Until God gives us perspective on "what" things actually mean in the scheme of things, we judge on the surface of issues without really knowing or understanding His Purpose beyond our pain!
#3 — This day, I've been given clarity on "why" God permitted the PAIN and the PROCESS..GOD SAID: I would have never made it to heaven, if HE would have allowed HIS GOODNESS and GRACE to have overtaken me without limitation — BEFORE HE allowed the deepest valleys and the darkest circumstances to visit me to "test" the quality of my commitment to HIS CAUSE, HIS COMMUNITY, and HIS KINGDOM!
I PASSED THE BATTERY OF TESTS Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM
Head strong — self-willed and obstinate
Stubborn — doggedly determined and blindly persistent
Pridefully aggressive — combative hostility and excessively hostile
#1 — When WE are completely submitted to the Lord Most High with our whole heart, what the enemy meant for evil, God turns around and uses it for our good!
#2 — Until God gives us perspective on "what" things actually mean in the scheme of things, we judge on the surface of issues without really knowing or understanding His Purpose beyond our pain!
#3 — This day, I've been given clarity on "why" God permitted the PAIN and the PROCESS..GOD SAID: I would have never made it to heaven, if HE would have allowed HIS GOODNESS and GRACE to have overtaken me without limitation — BEFORE HE allowed the deepest valleys and the darkest circumstances to visit me to "test" the quality of my commitment to HIS CAUSE, HIS COMMUNITY, and HIS KINGDOM!
Sent from my iPad
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