— A Lesson in Courageous Leadership and Practical Wisdom
Men's hearts will fail them for fear
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Luke 21:25-26)
The SKY is only falling, if you LET IT…By overthinking your problems, and vowing foolishly to relieve your inordinate tears. The question marks are truly overwhelming, and the uncharted territory is totally consuming your unestablished heart and worldly fears!
The truth is…the train RARELY comes completely OFF THE RAILS! Because, it's generally either just a CREW-MEMBER's FAILURE "to perform their duties" — or someone's quick decision to VIOLATE AN OPERATING RULE; which totally contradicts "the law of guaranteed and favorable results"!
Seeking after EASY OUTCOMES is truly an emotional trap, and an occupational hazard for sure..With very little thought of how youthful actions motivated BY FEAR — always cripples timely progress; as well as meaningful and authentic results in the end.
It's DEBILITATING ANALYSIS that can often create the necessity, for encouraging positive attitudes and creative vibes. To help the whole team actually get the hard work done with consistency; staying the course with focus and deciding to never let ruinous ideas or negative energy hinder progress, or limit results in process; no matter "what" happens or "whoever" decides to object!
It's with both the WINNING HEART ATTITUDE and RIGHT DISPOSITION of proven and authentic team-members — that are seeking uncharted advancement; by employing uncommon courage that actually defies unexpected battlefronts, and overcomes the most peculiar of odds!
There's also RARE ACCOMPLISHMENTS that infrequentiy happen, and open doors that rarely occur! Unless TRANSCENDING LEADERSHIP takes position and thoughtfully emerges, so that the courage it takes to move past the impossible — is actually achieved; without issue or without concern.
The moxy it takes to RISE UP IN BATTLE, keeps things moving forward without delay! Because the ONLY REASON to consider running away or retreating from the situation, is either due to a lack of courage, unbelief or impatience with the "wait".
But, those BORN TO WIN, will ALWAYS "possess the gate"! And, BECOMING THE MIRACLE that's needed in the moment will actually happen; no matter who may come or go, because GOD's WORD never fails!
VICTORY is assured if you keep believing GOD's PROMISES, and choose to CATCH THE SKY with complete resolve, unrelenting joy and unwavering faith!
Sent from my iPhone
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