Because of GOD's Eternal Commitment to PURPOSE for every human being, HE never permits HIS DEALINGS to be crosswise of HIS DESIGN, PURPOSE and INTENT!


  • I AM never leading you to retreating postures, I always provide a way..
  • I give you instructions that may seem illogical; especially when you can only see the part I've ordained and everything else to you is a mystery.
  • I demand of you faith because I consistently provide proof, as all the other ways I've instructed you have led to open doors and resolve
  • I never skip steps, because your advantage over principalities and powers is about your continuous submission to set authorities and situations that you don't control or cannot manipulate.
  • The end of a process is always guaranteed by the rehearsal of everything learned through the possession of keys and critical principles and protection walked out.
  • Evil attestations or real-time manifestations that stand to oppose what you've heard and received, are the first proof and evidence of your faith that only requires proper perspective to see what I'm doing and what is already established in the end.
  • I prove my power. You prove that you've heard ME by obeying what you hear! You never lose when you obey!

BLOG: https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2012/02/satan-is-liar.html?m=1

DISCIPLINES (the enacting of rules, laws and principles {eternally set in motion from Creation} to correct some disagreeable behavior

GOD does NOT deal with us based upon:

CONSEQUENCES (the evidences, effects and end results following acts or incidences done according to the human will)

DISAPPOINTMENTS (sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes and dreams)

PUNISHMENTS (the imposition of an unpleasurable or undesirable outcome experienced by a person or group that's meted out by an authority

The Kingdom of God is NOT upheld by the credibility or reputations of the men and women called to be "living epistles", in Christ!

BUT, it's "tarnished representatives" spiritually suspend the INFLUENCE, IMPACT and INTERVENTION that the HOLY GHOST POWER of Spirit-released — RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and JOY (the work of Holy Spirit in the earth) can make on the world, when the integrity of our actions, words and thoughts play into the scheme of God's Government and Order in the earth..

All of our processes and preparations in this life, are meant to demonstrate that "the treasure in earthen vessels" makes us true trophies of HIS Grace, but not of our eventual "perfection" or maturity in the things of God!

There is a definite responsibility that our "private and public witness", which should be congruent, is supposed to have upon the watching world.

But, our singular focus and mission "must be" to point people to Christ and HIS Finished Work, so that "when" any of us "born again believers" fall or stumble, the onlooking unbelievers or seekers of the Christian Faith are NOT devastated by our inconsistencies, lack of integrity, or brokenness!

In taking responsibility for our own missteps, we're able to destroy the "glass house" that exist around Christians concerning "righteousness and holiness", which is NOT a standard we uphold - but a revelation we cling to, fully receive and walk in - in the Person of Jesus Christ!

PRAY for the entire Body of Christ as a whole! WS-3


While the priests entered a physical tabernacle made with human hands and had to offer sacrifices many times, Jesus entered the holy place not made with human hands and offered one perfect sacrifice—Himself—to resolve sin, providing eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:11–12). In this way Jesus resolved the problem of sin and death—a problem that destined people once to die. The sacrifices of the Mosaic Covenant were many and were temporary. They could not take away sin; they could only point to the need for that sin to be dealt with once and for all. Jesus, as the Perfect Sacrifice, was able to cleanse us from sin and free us from death (Hebrews 9:13–14).

Jesus' sacrifice was once for all, not like the oft-repeated sacrifices the priests brought. And His sacrifice was effective as an acceptable sacrifice to the Father. By His own sacrifice He "put away sin" (Hebrews 9:26), thus resolving the problem of death that results from sin. It is appointed unto men once to die and after that to be judged (Hebrews 9:27). Because of Jesus' perfect sacrifice, we no longer need to fear death because we will be raised in new life (1 Corinthians 15:20–21). We no longer need to fear judgment because it is by grace through faith that we are delivered from sin (Ephesians 2:8–9). We will not be condemned for sin because we are forgiven and made righteous in Jesus. When He comes again, it will not be for judging the sin of those who have been redeemed (Hebrews 9:28).

It is appointed unto men once to die, but Jesus has conquered sin and death, and for this reason, we must pay close attention to Him and what He has done and said (Hebrews 2:1).

BLOG: https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2024/01/trophies-of-his-grace.html?m=1

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