"PASTOR: Why Should I Go Back To Church?"
"PASTOR: Why Should I Go Back To Church?"
"We" are a generation that has been "OVER-CHURCHED", and that's a major reason that what was modeled in the Book of Acts - is NOT a present reality, as much as it should be..
"Well, what do you mean?"
THE CHURCH should:
- "Have all things in common",
- "fellowshipping and breaking bread",
- "partaking of the Apostle's doctrine", and
- "ministering to those in need" - was all that "church" stood for or was about
In "some communities", but NOT others!
But, there are some very interesting dynamics, from both a cultural and ethnic perspective, which contributes to this.
One of my beloved mentors and good friends, Rev. Eugene Williams, passed away in March of 2012, but "his legacy" and impact dramatically affected my life and ministry. His impact has been published by several universities, including his herculean effort to engage on behalf of the prison population - and issues of recidivism, social injustice and community empowerment through "community organizing".
And, through my own active ministry endeavors and pursuits, I'm working diligently to share what I've learned from Eugene, to leverage "it" for the benefit of the entire Body of Christ - as a whole; but, especially for the Black community, that has a unique treasure to share with the world!
I've noticed, and this can be proven through multiple "empirical sources" with objective research and views to share, that black folk - "do church" differently than any other group of people; and even within our community, the diverse administrations and operations are innumerable..
But, many of us are definitely aware of the familiar traditions that we were all raised-up on, which in many cases still has voice - although it's antiquated, outdated and ineffective, at best!
You don't have to "be black" to have those kinds of sadly familiar traditions, but in this community - which God has placed a peculiar and definitive "brand" upon, has as much to celebrate and appreciate - as we do to change, renovate or retool for greater effectiveness in doing God's Work.
At the "same time", what's interesting is, "black folks" tend to be trend-setters in areas, like: the arts, fashion, music, and sports; with accomplishments in many other notable fields and disciplines.
Eugene taught me some important principles that I still use today, but I've expanded upon them to reinvent and repurpose the information to make it palatable for my generation, including:
#1 - The challenge of "bringing vision to reality for church leadership" will ALWAYS exist, if a "trans-generational approach" to ministry is NOT understood and acted upon. And, I'm NOT talking about "having a youth pastor"! I'm referring to the "senior leadership" to LET the "mature" in the upcoming generation to provide a fresh and emerging framework for "doing ministry" that does not require "a fight with the ungodly deacon board"! LOL!
So, "in moving visions forward", the problems have to be addressed, which may include:
- "A prophet, in his own home is not excepted."
- "Big problems can be messy, and when tensions come about - people retreat to the familiar!
- Some people believe "that having correct information, equals behavior change", but it DOES NOT!
- We have to resolve "the admiration vs. respect disparity", which is used as a point of leverage to usurp decision-making, based upon "age alone". I.e. - "We're older, so we know better!"
Confidence + Competence = Numbers 14:1-6
Public arena and private arena meet in the church.
Formal and Informal Organizational Structures – personal pathologies influence corporate movement
Peacock Syndrome (Self-Promotion) – wants to rant and rave without getting his/her hands dirty. Ask a question rather than make a statement – make a point, without prolonging it.
Communication = SENDER and RECEIVER; each has a responsibility!!!
• Deepen existing skills of leaders
• Bring in new leaders and followers
• Can we win?
o By winning
o The fight itself
o Or losing
Apostolic doctrine is authoritative and vital to our understanding of what God has done for us. The writers of the New Testament refer to a settled body of doctrine that is often called "the faith" or "the gospel." Jude 1:3 speaks of the "faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people." Paul strongly condemns people who would change or pervert the content of the gospel in Galatians 1:6–9: "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse!"
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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