BY: Pastor Walter L. Smith III

Consistent civil rights actions, "forced" institutional powers in the US Government to change the laws to be more equitable and "just" for "our people" (Blacks); but ultimately for all people.

Listing the treatment of black people in America as a CRIME, will help to ensure omitting too many important historical facts when recounting the past (in my opinion) further divides the political factions within the African-America communities all over the nation.

I see it nearly impossible for some "political coalition" to form that resolves these issues intelligently and thoughtfully. Because, for far too long, we've become "slaves to the political debate", without finding remedy for what is truly not complicated — IF separating the implications of historical trauma, can be differentiated from the present-day self-defeating irresponsibility and entitlement that has made a small segment of our communities "dependent upon transitional subsidies" that were never meant to become "generational handouts" over multiple generations.

Not only do the crimes justify the need for "restitutional-reparations", in a positive way it also forces segments of the African-American community that are hell-bent on reverse racism, further entitlement, and an unhealthy militant discourse, to face up to the contributing factors of our present day realities; to no longer allow us to be trivialized or ignored through a laissez faire attitude that reckons "politicians alone to solve these issues", which will NEVER HAPPEN!

Our biggest problem with most of the debates and exchanges that occur around these contentious issues is, believing that any of our very "human" attempts to pointedly address these painful issues with dignity and justly, will somehow "magically" right every wrong and bring about "perfect justice"; which is really delusional at best!

The timing of many of these discussion in many respects is definitely "politically motivated", but that's because our communities have been "trained" to respond to the political baiting and demonizing that is fueled "among us" through party politics — which continues to further isolate and politicize the impact of our diverse voices in a way that never seems to move us beyond debate.

The problem is, SOME OF US (Christians) believe that we should simply leave it to this "mysterious deliverer", by allowing any pursuits for justice to be "messianic interventions" only, while large segments of the church sit passively and distantly disconnected from these "felt" issues and demonically contrived strongholds that continue to exist because of our silence.

I believe that it's possible to simultaneously anticipate the blessed hope of His appearing, and fight the good fight of faith "on earth", by allowing the scepter of His Kingdom (which is "righteousness" and "justice") to be wielded in a God-Conscious, eternally motivated, and purpose driven pursuit that is not "so heavenly minded we're no earthly good"..

BUT, also, I'm NOT so deeply spiritual that I don't practically apply and walk out my faith, by being a counter-cultural change agent that genuinely represents the Kingdom of God without apology and without fail! 

I.e. — “RESTITUTIONAL REPARATIONS BOTTOM LINE”: I believe that "RESTITUTIONAL REPARATIONS" has both "spiritual" (KINGDOM) and "natural" (GOVERNMENT) implications.  BUT, “the reckoning” and “the renaissance” surrounding it — MUST BE SETTLED in the Courts of Heaven, FIRST; and then, everything else will be resolved in GOD's GOOD TIMING!! E.g. I BELIEVE that a large part of African and Indigenous Enslavement has already been adjudicated in the Courts of Heaven, through the various forms of restitution; like Americans of African Heritage with exceptional and extraordinary ability in professional sports (NBA, NFL, etc) and entertainment/music. WS-3. 


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