— Dallas, Texas

— November 22, 1963

— Quarantined on 2nd and 3rd Floor for several weeks

— Whatever my Paw-Paw "saw", he was NEVER the same person again

— Madalynne Smith ("Darling")

— Darling said (Between May thru October 1997), two things happened: 1) Charlene and I started PIHIM; and 2) I went to visit Darling in Dallas, because she was battling cancer (on her death bed) and she told me about Paw-Paw's decline after being quarantined for two to three weeks after the JFK assassination. He drank his life away; withdrew from his family; and they divorced some years later.

— Divorce Date?

QUERY > List of forensic scientist quarantined at Parkland Hospital during JFK Assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963

Historical Backdrop:

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was in the vehicle with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, when he was fatally shot from the nearby Texas School Book Depository by Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine. The motorcade rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where Kennedy was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after the shooting; Connally was also wounded in the attack but recovered. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was hastily sworn in as president two hours and eight minutes later aboard Air Force One at Dallas Love Field.

After the assassination, Oswald returned home to retrieve a pistol; he shot and killed lone Dallas policeman J. D. Tippit shortly afterwards. Around 70 minutes after Kennedy and Connally were shot, Oswald was apprehended by the Dallas Police Department and charged under Texas state law with the murders of Kennedy and Tippit. Two days later, at 11:21 a.m. on November 24, 1963, as live television cameras covered Oswald's being moved through the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters, he was fatally shot by Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby. Like Kennedy, Oswald was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he soon died. Ruby was convicted of Oswald's murder, though the decision was overturned on appeal, and Ruby died in prison in 1967 while awaiting a new trial.

After a 10-month investigation, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald assassinated Kennedy, and that there was no evidence that either Oswald or Ruby was part of a conspiracy. In 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought the only trial for Kennedy's murder, against businessman Clay Shaw; Shaw was acquitted. Subsequent federal investigations—such as the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee—agreed with the Warren Commission's general findings. In its 1979 report, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that Kennedy was likely "assassinated as a result of a conspiracy". The HSCA did not identify possible conspirators, but concluded that there was "a high probability that two gunmen fired at [the] President". The HSCA's conclusions were largely based on a police Dictabelt recording later debunked by the U.S. Justice Department.

Kennedy's assassination is still the subject of widespread debate and has spawned many conspiracy theories and alternative scenarios; polls found that a vast majority of Americans believed there was a conspiracy. The assassination left a profound impact and was the first of four major assassinations during the 1960s in the United States, coming two years before the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965, and five years before the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Kennedy's brother Robert in 1968. Kennedy was the fourth U.S. president to be assassinated and is the most recent to have died in office.


NBC 5 archives take you back to President Kennedy's assassination in Dallas 60 years

Parkland Hospital: site of the creepiest detail of the JFK assassination

— This article is more than 11 years old
A newly reissued masterpiece contains some horribly chilling stories surrounding Dallas on 22 November, 1963

Medical examiner at Dallas hospital after JFK assassination dies in Iowa
In a May 1992 interview in the Journal of American Medical Association, Humes and Boswell admitted the president's body was moved illegally and that confusion could have been minimized had the exam been done in Texas.

Read the memo to the hospital staff that treated JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963

— A memo from the Dallas County Hospital chief after JFK's assassination 54 years ago today. The ending comes to mind a lot these days.


Office Memorandum
November 27, 1963
To: All Employees

At 12:38 p.m., Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy and Texas' Governor John Connally were brought to the Emergency Room of Parkland Memorial Hospital after being struck down by the bullets of an assassin.

At 1:07 p.m., Sunday, November 24, 1963, Lee. H. Oswald, accused assassin of the late president, died in an operating room of Parkland Memorial Hospital after being shot by a bystander in the basement of Dallas' City Hall. In the intervening 48 hours and 31 minutes Parkland Memorial Hospital had:

1. Become the temporary seat of the government of the United States.
2. Become the temporary seat of the government of the State of Texas.
3. Become the site of the death of the 35th President.
4. Become the site of the ascendency of the 36th President.
5. Become site of the death of President Kennedy's accused assassin.
6. Twice become the center of the attention of the world.
7. Continued to function at close to normal pace as a large charity hospital.

What is it that enables an institution to take in stride such a series of history jolting events? Spirit? Dedication? Preparedness? Certainly, all of these are important, but the underlying factor is people. People whose education and training is sound. People whose judgement is calm and perceptive. People whose actions are deliberate and definitive. Our pride is not that we were swept up by the whirlwind of tragic history, but that when we were, we were not found wanting.

C. J. Price

The Parkland Witnesses Vs. The Autopsy Surgeons -- Who Are We To Believe?


The documented evidence that exists surrounding the 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy does NOT indicate "conspiracy". Not even close. Let's have a Quick Look:

1.) Three bullet shells are discovered in the Book Depository's "Sniper's Nest" by police (shells that positively came from the rifle of Lee Harvey Oswald).

2.) A bullet ("Commission Exhibit 399") is found in Parkland Hospital; and CE399 is a bullet which just happened to also come from the rifle
of Lee H. Oswald.

3.) Two large bullet fragments (also from Oswald's rifle "to the exclusion") are found inside the very vehicle which was being occupied by John F. Kennedy when he was killed by rifle fire on the afternoon of 11/22/63.

4.) Lee Harvey Oswald's fingerprints are all over the "Sniper's Nest" area, including his prints on a paper bag THAT HAD NO LEGITIMATE AND
DEPOSITORY OPERATIONS. (A very important point, IMO.)

5.) Eyewitnesses who place Lee Oswald (or someone who looked remarkably similar to him) in the Sniper's Nest at the exact moment
JFK was being assassinated via rifle fire (or just seconds prior to the murder).

6.) Oswald's actions after leaving his workplace on 11/22/63; e.g.:

6a.) Oswald leaves work three minutes after the American President is gunned down right in front of his place of employment (and lies about why he did so, with his excuse of "I figured there would be no more work today" being one that won't make the grade, even via "CT" standards -- because of WHEN he actually left -- 12:33 PM; there is no way, at that time, he could have KNOWN he could just leave without getting permission first from one of his bosses, Bill Shelley or Roy Truly; which is permission he never obtained).

6b.) Oswald rushes into his roominghouse on North Beckley Avenue, grabs a jacket and a revolver, and quickly leaves.

6c.) Oswald shoots and kills police officer J.D. Tippit with a handgun at approximately 1:14 PM on Tenth Street.

6d.) Oswald is seen acting and looking "funny" (suspicious) by shoe-store employee Johnny C. Brewer just minutes after the Tippit

6e.) Oswald punches in the face and attempts to kill another of Dallas' finest within the Texas Theater.

6f.) Oswald's comments made in the theater: "This is it!" and/or "It's all over now!" ... Now, can some CTer come up with a good and
reasonable "He's Innocent Of Killing Anyone" explanation for Oswald having said those two phrases -- or even just one of them -- just as
the police approach him in the theater on November 22nd? Good luck trying, because Oswald's "It's all over now!" has "consciousness of guilt" stamped all over it.

7.) Oswald's continual lies to the police and to the American people VIA LIVE TELEVISION after his arrest .... e.g., "I didn't shoot anyone" and "They've taken me in because of the fact I lived in the Soviet Union; I'm just a patsy!", among gobs of other provable falsehoods spouted by LHO.

8.) And let's not forget this not-so-trivial little item --- Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (proven to have been used to kill JFK without
a shred of a doubt) is found on the Depository's sixth floor at 1:22 PM on November 22nd -- the very same rifle that just happened to turn
up missing in Ruth Paine's garage that very same day. And what do conspiracy theorists have in their "Physical Evidence Of A Conspiracy/Multiple Shooters" basket? (Stuff like "guns", "bullets", "shell casings", "clothing fibers", and/or "eyewitnesses who positively identified a specific human being to the exclusion of all other humans as being the killer of both JFK and Officer Tippit"? How much of that kind of stuff is on the CT table to date?)
Answer: None. Not a scrap. And there never has been.

The above batch of "single-assassin evidence" (with all of this evidence spelling out "Oswald is a murdering and lying President-killing, cop-killing piece of filth") means little to hardline CTers, I know. But, in reality, that's of little consequence, and always has been. Because what theorists WANT to believe regarding
this evidence is meaningless -- because, like it or not, THAT'S the physical evidence CTers must deal with (and somehow squirm their way
out of in order to paint Oswald as an innocent "Patsy" on 11/22/1963 AD).

And the "Hole-In-The-Back-Of-The-Head" witnesses do not come close to trumping all of the above evidence. They can't. No matter how many there are. Because there's too much OTHER STUFF on the "LN/LHO" table that is telling us that those witnesses cannot possibly be correct regarding the precise location of President Kennedy's head wound; and too many OTHER PEOPLE who would all have to be included in the category of "co-conspirators" in order for the back of JFK's head to be missing
-- way too many to believe such a plot could have possibly been

But, thankfully, there are people like Dale Myers, Larry Sturdivan, and Vincent Bugliosi around who DO still put some value on the physical
evidence in the JFK and J.D. Tippit murder cases, instead of merely screaming "It MUST all have been faked (somehow)", which is nonsense
of the first order, of course, when considering the totality and perfect "LN/LHO Cohesiveness" of such a huge basket of would-be "faked" evidence (in both the Kennedy and Tippit cases).

Ignoring (or deeming as "all phony") the above batch of "One Assassin Named Oswald" evidence is about as silly an exercise as believing that some dumbbell plotters tried to frame a lone "patsy" by shooting up Dealey Plaza from every conceivable angle. THAT goofball plan should have everybody laughing out loud (even the CTers). But, remarkably, many conspiracy theorists have latched on to that "Patsy" theory and won't let go of it, despite its obvious implausibilities. David R. Von Pein (

Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933

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