
"What Is Apostolic Christianity?"

THE ANSWER... First of all, I'm NOT referencing a denominational preference or religious dogma, "Apostolic Christianity" is "a vision that wholly embraces the entirety of the gifts that God gave to the Body of Christ for the purpose of its maturation and effectiveness". (Apostle Carlos L. Malone, Sr., R.A.I.N.'S Sr Visionary) A.  It is Kingdom-centered - Jesus is building the church (of kingdom citizens) that will openly triumph over the all the powers of hell (Mt. 16:18). The New Testament presents salvation in context of the Universal Church’s identity as a spiritual family that walks out love, honors all its members (i.e., gender, age, ethnic, economic, etc.). B.   It results in wholeheartedness - as it embraces holiness and discipleship. In other words, the fasted lifestyle is described in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7). It resists the “pleasure seeking Western Church culture” that results in “lazy friendly churches” that refuse self-de...

"The Master's Pitch"

Some years ago, the Lord began to speak to be about the "Master's Pitch", and it has expanded in me since He originally spoke it - and now I know why! The noise of "competing voices" is one of the enemy's major strategies for grossly limiting and altering the ability of God's people to hear and know His voice above all others! The "Apostate Church" has already revealed itself through the many blatant compromises to the Word of God, and cultural norms and political pressure is causing entire denominations to cave in to society's humanistic influence, which is at enmity with the Kingdom of God; while grossly corrupting the nominal believer with heretical and seducing doctrines that feed the flesh and starve the spirit! "Mixture in the message" is not simply about the introduction of humanistic philosophies and sterile doctrines that only spiritual midgets gravitate towards. It's also about the declining literacy amongst Go...

"What is Kingdom Advancement all about?"

“Kingdom advancement” does not necessarily mean the ascendancy of Christianity (from the standpoint of religious denominations), and especially in the scope of the proliferating and heated debates amongst global thinkers, world religions and spiritual seekers.   But, true kingdom advancement is revealed through the exaltation of the Headship of Christ in thought, word and deed - by His ambassadorial representatives in every dimensional reality of our earthly existence. As long as Christians are "for Him" (in agreement and allegiance) in pursuit of His purpose and in pure devotion to His will, we are a part of that never-ending expansion, or increase of His Kingdom – in which there shall be no end.   The end of a pathology or conformation associated with a dispensation of church (human) history is NOT necessarily a sign of disappointment or correction from the Father; but simply a developmental expansion of our understanding of His will and purpose through the climax of the...

"Spiritually Impotent or Biblically Negligent?"

The BIG Question : “What contributing factors have limited the impact of The Church’s witness in the world, on Christ’s behalf?” ·          Disobedience to :   Essential Doctrines and The Great Commission ·          Ignorance of our :    Apostolic Identity and Kingdom Priorities ·          Negligent towards :   Christo-centric Unity,   and Servant-Led Leadership The Centerpiece of God’s Great Plan For the Ages , and the Central Figurehead of all eschatological and historical preeminence in the Old and New Testament is the Savior and Lord of all mankind, Jesus Christ – King of all kings and Lord of all lords. ·          Returning to God’s original intent   ·          Relying upon His Inexhaustible Headship ·       ...