

Indeed, SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY is a significant subject matter, especially in light of the "end times", and the present state of Christendom -- worldwide. If I were to "drill down" to the (3) important principles of scripture that encompasses the subject, I would include the following passages and principles: #1 - JESUS CHRIST is truly "The Supreme Head" of ALL principality and power, in every dimensional aspect of God's Creation, including the seen and unseen realms! 1 Corinthians 15:12-28  New King James Version (NKJV) 12  Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?  13  But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen.  14  And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching  is  empty and your faith  is  also empty.  15  Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God th...






I'm SURE that most of us "people of color" will see the removal of the Confederate Flag as some "major victory for black folks", but the fight or struggle (as they say) won't go away, because "a long-standing symbol is no longer politically correct"! I am NOT SAYING that there is "no progress" being made, or that "people haven't changed" since the flag was first hung atop state building throughout the south. But, I am saying that "when physical walls fall, spiritual strongholds still must be broken", and we'd be naive to believe anything else! So, when it comes to the deeply held beliefs, systemic policies, and overt prejudice that's been wrongly championed by both civic institutions and churches throughout the years, we must understand the work left to do to "change hearts" -- through consistent prayer, and one person, one family, and one community at a time. As CHRISTIANS we should KNOW two thin...


FAMILY: There is NO WIN FOR CHRISTIANITY, when it comes to the obviousness of the "culture war" currently being engaged against Christians all over the world! The SAME WAY, my Jewish friends that support a "Jewish State", do NOT want any injustice or mistreatment of Palestians or Muslims that live in Israel to EVER occur; is NO DIFFERENT than Christians that do NOT want things that the Holy Scriptures calls "sin" (which actually goes against God's Original Intent and design for humanity) to happen either; because it gives place to Satan, to kill, to steal and to destroy in the lives of those who choose to live in opposition to God's Word! I'M GLAD that the Oklahoma Governor is defending the Ten Commandments Monument at the government building where it has been located for many years, but NOT because "we beat the unbelievers", or "showed them that we're right and their wrong"! I'M GLAD that the HISTORICAL CONTEXT and ...

#An Uncompromised Partnerships!

Walter L Smith III (WS-3) WS-3 Enterprises