
#Pursuing Purpose..



DISCOURAGEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS, IF PERMITTED.. The "holidays" can be the MOST discouraging time of the year.   But, what actually makes it a solemn reality for many, may go all the way back to a stressful event remembered from childhood that is on automatic "recall" when the holiday season arrives, BUT the key to overcoming - is "what", exactly? Whether its just "privately" dealing with the unforgettable loss of a loved one, or the remembrance of a broken relationship that occurred around "this time" last year, some of the most difficult and tragic circumstances of our lives happens on birthdays, holidays or special occasions - and many of us end up "severely scarred or traumatized" (on the inside) by these events; while it marks us for life in a negative way - if we let it! Well, how do we curb the tide of darkness that seems to engulf our souls, when we allow our remembrance of past events to rob us ...

#Bring GLORY to GOD, not to yourself! WS-3


#Ultimate Truth...



#1  - Christ is "the standard". Christ is "holiness personified" and finally realized for the sake of every believer, and ultimately "all humanity" when we receive and appropriate HIS "perfect sacrifice". #2  - Christ made holiness possible, by meeting every righteous requirement, and by faith - allowing the "believing disciple" to appropriate HIS Finished Work from faith to faith, from glory to glory, and from strength to strength. #3  - All things are fulfilled or consummated in Christ, so all the believing disciple must do is appropriate, apply and apprehend - as the Spirit wills. #4  - Christ Himself said, "Be ye holy, as I am holy."; and this was a commandment for every believing disciple to enter in to the rest of HIS finished work. It was not a command to do work outside of believing upon the work HE accomplished; but to explicitly and implicitly believe upon what HE completed at Calvary.  As long as the believe...




"Black folks" in America NEVER RECEIVED "extra rights", and neither should LGBTQ citizens.. The EXCESSIVE NEED to seek these extra rights, is what will cause delays in the progress that progressives and activists in the LGBTQ community are actually seeking! Q. Do you have issue with LGBTQ persons pursuing "Equal Rights"?  A. ABSOLUTELY NOT! BUT, "equal rights" has CONTEXT, and within the framework of true civility and the commonality that must exist within our human society (as a democratic republic), what is normally based upon a "majority consensus" that has always been governed by the long-standing principles of our historic, factual, and evidence-based society; which now seems to be all about the preferences and agenda of one particular group. In fact, BLACK FOLKS never wanted to be treated as anything - but as HUMAN BEINGS; NOT as animals or "slave labor" for a privileged group, in a government and power struct...