

"A Godly Woman" is Heaven's Greatest Gift to humanity, and as she develops and matures into the earth's finest treasure, her incalculable worth as a — wife, mother, friend, sister, lover, and advocate of strong families, becomes an invaluable and priceless contribution to the entire world!  In our society today, many women with intergenerational representation in the marketplace, in churches, diverse communities, and in throughout the globe, faintly grasp the eternal importance of God's original intent for ALL WOMEN! As we are all well aware — slavery, prostitution, human trafficking, domestic above, hyper-feminism, socioeconomic inequities, etc, are the cause for GREAT PAIN to women; but, a "godly man" can help to resolve the blight and the brokenness they face from every walk of life.. I am NOT an advocate of the traditional mindsets of a woman's contribution to the world -necessarily. But, everyone's not graced ...


 As a Christian, I don't think that there's a more vitally important question to ask ourselves..."Would ANYONE actually miss us?" Miss us "how"; or from what?  In the God ordained way that the Great Commission of the New Testament mandates that every believer "go into the world"!  Where 'literally", we choose too "be" salt and light for the purpose of God getting glory through our story, and using us to lead others to Him — Through our overcoming testimonies and unashamed representation of Him, to anyone/everyone that we meet. WE CANNOT BE PITIFUL AND POWERFUL, SIMULTANEOUSLY Too me — We ALL seem quite distracted by the popularity and trends surrounding "fulfilling our destinies" and "being discovered" (like opportunists) so that we rarely (if ever) allow ourselves to be used for the cause and for the sake of The Kingdom; without being deterred by our fleshly agendas and vain pursuits...


This POST is dedicated to all the great men and women of God that I know and interact with, as well as all the other great men and women of God that toil day in and day out for the Kingdom of God; completely unpopular, unseen, and unimportant to the world that we live..   Growing up, I always viewed the great men and women of God as ones "who were in the public eye". They were the fluent, great speakers. They had charisma. They drew crowds. They were the "big name speakers" asked to speak at all the national conferences. They were the great men and women of God! At least, that's what I was told and what has traditionally been purported to be so..   Let me set a foundation, real quick. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about a man named Shammah. Not much is said about Shammah. There are a couple verses about him in II Samuel. He was one of David's "mighty men", and boy did he sound mighty! Here is the story of him in II ...


There's an INTERESTING "theology" around "getting or completing your education" amongst many Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers, but WHY?  I'm researching it now, but there's a FEW THINGS that come to my mind as I'm thinking about it: - Some people believe that "revelation knowledge" makes "base knowledge", unnecessary..THIS is FALSE, and proves to be if you follow the logical path to that thinking. E.g. - IF GOD "gives us a revelation about a disease someone's battling with -- through a "word of knowledge" or "word of wisdom", the NEXT DAY we can't go "practice medicine"; right?!? RIGHT! "Laugh out loud!"!  YES, that "revelation" may provide insight that makes medicine or the scheduled procedure unnecessary, but has NO BEARING on your "capacity" beyond what was "revealed"! - Some people "say" that "God told t...


For ALL of you "new age fanatics and radical seekers" who believe that through the relative neutrality or dumbed-down emphasis that exists around a "co-exist philosophy", have captured the essence of what seems acceptable to EVERYBODY — YOU are absolutely deceived! How do I "know that"? CALL ON "the universe" next time.. - You're in a fatal accident.. - Your child is in the kind of trouble, that "human" ingenuity, strength, or wisdom can't change.. - You're confronted by an evil spirit, and you need immediate help to be delivered or rescued from the torment.. Some of YOU have chosen this "metaphysical nothingness", because "it" won't hold you.. - Accountable for your SIN.. - Give you anything/everything you ask for, with no responsibility to your CREATOR that even allowed you to enter time.. - When you've chosen an alternative l...

“Keeping One Another Accountable!”

Mutual Accountability is a must in the church at large .. — Leaders to members; and members to leaders.. Brother to Brother and Sister to Sister (Matthew 18:16-18, CSB) Members to Leaders = (1 Timothy 5:19-20, CSB) WHY? Because of the historic church hopping, church splits and church closings that we should prayerfully address, by identifying and tackling the issues that we read and talk about every day that are all over social media! "Mutual accountability" is founded in "mutual submission" that grounds everyone firmly in the "Priesthood of the Believers", which represents the even delegation, the consistent distribution,  and the balanced dissemination of the burden of care, the burden of loyalty, and the burden of responsibility — related to our "biblical stewardship”; that must be "on" ALL of God's people, equally. Does this mean that "church folks" should challenge anything/everything that the "church le...


"INHERENTLY NEGATIVE BELIEVERS" are mesmerized by "the evil in this world", and make the unbelieving postures of the unrighteous - BIGGER THAN REDEMPTION "in Christ"! Their often questioning whether we're making headway or progress, because they gage a false metric (the evening news, political commentary, and the world getting 'darker'), as a sign of the success or impact of the kingdom of God.. YES - seeing and hearing the arrogance, indifference and licentious attitudes of this dark world, is definitely a reason to both pray and desire the Imminent Return of Jesus Christ... BUT "cursing the darkness" isn't the best "sales approach" or strategy for properly representing "the Good News" to the dying world; who truly doubt the possibility of living with ACCEPTANCE, FREEDOM and JOY that's not based upon material things, temporary successes, or satisfying fleshly indulgences! MY ADVICE: ...