"Law-based Obedience" (Old Covenant Rules) is much different than "Love-based Obedience" (New Covenant Realities), but to understand the great distinction between them both, is to first "lose your life for HIS (Jesus Christ) sake"! No matter how long you and I walk with The Lord, our "strengthening faith" and "deepening trust" is all about "Jesus becoming Lord". HE doesn't become "Lord" because we believe or say that HE is; HE is, period! Over time, we give HIM "place" in EVERY area of our lives, and HE is able to fully influence and lead us to the degree that we allow HIM too, which is actually what "Lordship" is. "Lordship" is defined then, as God's government established in the life of a believer, without "lease terms", restrictions or rationalizations of any kind. So, "loving and making HIM Lord" isn't duty-free affection - it...