“BEING THE DIFFERENCE, WITHOUT CONFORMING TO CULTURE..” TODAY, our culture is VERY LOUD!! A lot of: political correctness, opinions, hostility, rawness, licentious behavior, rebellious attitudes, hyper sexuality, and finger-pointing judgments.. BLOG LINK: https://www.askpastorwalter.com/2022/12/making-difference.html?m=1 COMMENTARY : “MAKING A DIFFERENCE” To ALL of my co-laborers in the gospel, I want to affirm your call, encourage your faith, and support the unique work in the vineyard in which God has called YOU to serve! Many times, the isolation and loneliness that's associated with being a true messenger of the Gospel of the Kingdom is just NOT easy to bare! So, private struggles and internal battles become even more pervasive, and a point of satanic access in the "gates" and "armor" of the believer - is compromised, so we end up cycling in defeat for much of our Christian walk! Noah was a real-life example of what "swimming up stream" loo...