

"MIXED MESSAGES" are THE WORST, but that's NOT just because they're confusing -- their also FALSE ADVERTISEMENTS for a practice or principle which has NO MERIT; unless it can truly coexist with other ideas and "thrive"! The "liberal progressive" ideology, religion and political philosophy is DISRESPECTFUL, HATEFUL, and GROSSLY INTOLERANT of others, to the degree that hurling insults, threatening violence and doing ANYTHING (harmful, illegal or hypocritical) to "prove their point", seems to be THEIR AIM!?! Sadly, the ONLY advantage for many that are a part of this zealous group, is an "unhealthy" form of "COMMUNITY", that excuses the pedantic behavior of others, while celebrating the "dark" displays and erratic behavior you could easily assign to "spoiled children" -- with NO DISCIPLE and NO DIRECTION too boot! As the Democratic Party remains "STUCK" in a sorted cycle of political...


When we "prophesy", we do not assume a "mantle of inerrancy, immutability and infinity", like Jesus Christ - people of God! Many prophetic utterances over economies, nations and people's lives must follow the continuum and process of Revelation, Interpretation and Application; so calling something a "false prophecy" is not basing what was communicated upon the fulfillment of specific details or degrees of accuracy - although that becomes more and more certain, "by reason of exercise and use". For instance, I've fasted and prayed, knowing by counsel, by God's Word, and other verifiable mature witnesses, that God's Mind on a matter was clearly revealed to me; but what materialized was the complete opposite! Like what I saw during the recent Presidential elections.. God did NOT elect Jimmy Carter, George Bush, Barack Obama, etc - the "will of the people" was revealed; but to assume that was "God's Will...


Through the years, I've seen some very interesting manifestations of God's Glory revealed in our ministry endeavors throughout the world. As I'm remembering some of those unusual and funny times where peculiarly powerful demonstrations brought us to greater dimensions of obedience and reverence for the Spirit of Grace; one instance comes to mind this morning... I had an assignment on the Eastern Shore of Maryland for a season, in which many of the seeds that we'd sown, are still harvesting in the Delmarva region today. One in particular involved a time of prayer with a well-known local pastor, in which his "surprise visit", had me boldly laying hands on him, in my fun pajamas - with some of the biggest and furriest cartoon-character "blue-slippers, you'd ever seen..LOL! At the conclusion of our time, he happened to look down, then he encountered and BEHELD, the "blessing of The Lord", as he partook of the 'man of God's...


THE PARADOX OF FAITH is a very weighty - spiritual (warfare), psychological (mental anguish) and sociological (public embarrassment) dilemma, outside of God's Word, and sometimes the ONLY way to stand - is "TO STAND"! Choosing "any outlet" (alcohol, backsliding, drugs, gossip, sex, etc) outside of Christ's Inexhaustible Headship, is "futility in motion"! It simply reveals that "that which lies dormant", is more-or-less, "hibernating in our sub-conscious", until the the right circumstance or situation arises... "Medicating pain" then, seems to be the only solvent for immediate relief, but it leaves you full of regret, shame and disappointment; and prolongs the season you're seeking to graduate from - if God permit! Some days, "I feel like I'm going to be taken FROM the earth" (to heaven), and other days "I feel like I'm going to be taken TO the earth" (the nations); and, I...


And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22, KJV) INTIMACY "plays big" when it comes to "confidence in prayer", so having an ongoing relationship that is "rich" with CONSISTENCY, DIALOGUE and TRUST -- that fosters a level of expectation and security in the "bond", means no circumstances or strong winds can diffuse or dissuade our faith! So, where does the assurance that what you're "asking for" is a GUARANTEE, since the scripture provides a "blanket approval" on your request? Well, I'm glad you asked.. When we are intimately acquainted with someone, we: "let our guards down"; "we share the most meaningful details in our lives"; and "we're open to their suggestions and feedback", because we WANT TO KNOW "what PLEASES them"! When we "delight ourselves in HIM", HE gives us the "desires in our ...


ABSOLUTELY, because: 1. We send "mixed messages" that has no agreement or alignment with God's Word.. 2. We judge some "sins", while openly committing other sins ourselves.. 3. We treat our confessions, feelings and past experiences, like their holy or sacred; but there not.. 4. We hold grudges and gossip — as much or even more than "the world"; and we don't FULLY represent Jesus Christ in and through every area of our lives.. 5. We reject the "gospel truth", if it doesn't agree with our religious denomination, our contrary decision making, or our political and partisan determinations.. 6. We live our lives for ourselves, but think that we're doing the will of God — just because we "attend church".. Can I ask you ONE QUESTION.. YOU SURE YOU'RE A "CHRISTIAN"? WS-3 🙏🏽💯🎯🔥🔥 w/Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM Sent from my iPhone


"OFFENSE" IS ABOUT "SPIRITUAL CAPACITY"! SOMEONE, please TELL ME "one time" you've EVER seen JESUS "have compassion" on an ARROGANT, PRIDEFUL or RELIGIOUS person in the New Testament? I'LL WAIT... EXACTLY!!  So, "STOP WORSHIPPING PEOPLE's FEELINGS"! "Hurt feelings" are NOT the primary cause of the OFFENSES that are mentioned in Matthew 24; UNBELIEF and PRIDE, with a lack of LOVE (or GOD) "is" the reason for the OFFENSES -- rooted in fear, instability and the questionably erratic behavior and "poor" mental health of people "on full display"; CURRENTLY, all over the internet! In Matthew 24, the disciples asked Jesus as He was departing the temple area one morning, "What will be the signs of Your coming and of the end of the world?" And Jesus' reply to the disciples was:  "... And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And...