SOMEONE, please TELL ME "one time" you've EVER seen JESUS "have compassion" on an ARROGANT, PRIDEFUL or RELIGIOUS person in the New Testament?



"Hurt feelings" are NOT the primary cause of the OFFENSES that are mentioned in Matthew 24; UNBELIEF and PRIDE, with a lack of LOVE (or GOD) "is" the reason for the OFFENSES -- rooted in fear, instability and the questionably erratic behavior and "poor" mental health of people "on full display"; CURRENTLY, all over the internet!

In Matthew 24, the disciples asked Jesus as He was departing the temple area one morning, "What will be the signs of Your coming and of the end of the world?" And Jesus' reply to the disciples was:  "... And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because INIQUITY shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."  (Matt. 24:10-13)

The Amplified Bible says,  "And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert [Him Whom they ought to trust and obey] and will stumble and fall away, and betray one another and pursue one another with hatred" (Matt. 24:10).

Webster's New World Dictionary defines offense as "to commit a sin or a crime, to create resentment, anger, to hurt the feelings of or to be insulted." I'm sure we've all had our feelings hurt in our lifetime. An offense is simply Satan's trap designed to hold you back from ever being all that God has called you to be. Notice what Luke says about offenses:

"And he said unto his disciples, It is impossible but that occasions of stumbling (OFFENSES) should come; but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were well for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, rather than that he should cause one of these little ones to stumble." (Luke 17:1-2)

It says it is impossible but that offenses will come. Snares, traps set to entice one to sin are sure to come. So knowing that the opportunity to become offended will come, we need to learn what to do when it comes our way.  Jesus was saying to take heed because they are going to come. Things will come across your life like bait to a trap, and if you take that bait, then you're going to fall into the pit that Satan has set for you.

We have to be so "spiritually smart" (wise) that we don't fall for offenses, and fall for ANY traps and snares that have been set by Satan, to capture us and cause us to never reach the potential that God fully intends for us to reach!

The Greek word for "offense" is "skandalon." We get our English word "scandalize" from it.  It means "the bait of a trap."  The word originally referred to the part of the trap to which the bait was attached to entrap or to ensnare an animal.  That's what an "offense" is in our lives.  It is the actual bait that Satan sets to ensnare us or entrap us to get us to fall into the pit that he has dug for us..

SO, "offense" is NOT "about others"; BUT, it's ALL ABOUT "YOU"!

YOUR CAPACITY to "believe God", "take HIM at HIS Word", and RESIST the flood of ungodly snares, temptations, and traps meant to CRIPPLE YOUR FAITH (or your total TRUST and DEPENDENCE) upon GOD, and GOD ALONE is the REASON "offenses come"!



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