

" LIBERAL FELLOWS and TALKING-HEAD COMMENTATORS" IF you continue to keep being TOTALLY WRONG about MOST of your professional opinions, political commentary, and personal judgments about President Donald J. Trump — YOU WILL dramatically ACCELERATE and ENCOURAGE the PHENOMENON surrounding HIS POPULARITY's growth throughout the U.S. and the world.. BUT, it will also be REAL HARD for you to "find a job" if you don't already WORK FOR YOUSELF! BECAUSE, when the "real" HISTORIANS, EDUCATORS, and PROFESSIONAL PRACTITIONERS analyze and study these HISTORICAL EVENTS — you're NOT going to want to be on the "wrong side of history"; leaving the LEGACY of an EMBITTERED NEOCON, without a clue of why we've ALL been blessed to WITNESS this RECKONING and this RENAISSANCE of the 47th Presidency of Donald J Trump. The TRUMP AFFECT is "real"; so RELAX, and ENJOY THE RIDE!! WS-3 SCRIPTURAL JUSTIFICATION: "So in this situation, you should...


LIBERAL CONTRADICTIONS in a SORTED and FEELINGS-BASED EXISTENCE.. By: Pastor Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Liberals Completely Misunderstood Voters Concerns About Democracy in this election; but WHY? I BELIEVE THAT "LIBERALS" : — Subjective Feelings, not Objective Reasoning (WS-3) — Individualistic Sensitivities, without Historical Thoughtfulness (WS-3) — Liberal Opinions, over Time-Tested Principles (WS-3) — Ideological Convictions, in spite of Global Contradictions (WS-3) — Intellectual Condescending vs Critical Thinking (WS-3) — Moral Aspirations vs Moral Constraint (WS-3) SOCIAL COMMENTARY: (WS-3) Question — What are the biggest contradictions of thought and logic that  liberals   or   conservatives  have? Let's see: Conservatives consistently complain about government interference and scale, yet they don't refuse Social Security payments that exceed their inputs (assuming that they made any), they don't refuse Medicare (again even w...

501c3 vs 508c1A

What is the difference between 501(c)(3) and 508(c)(1)(A)? What is the difference between 501(c)(3) and 508(c)(1)(A)? Section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Code is the section that describes charitable organizations that are exempt from paying federal income tax, including churches.  Section 508 of the Code, which is entitled "Special rules with respect to section 501(c)(3) organizations," requires any organization created after October 9, 1969 that seeks 501(c)(3) charitable exemption to notify the Internal Revenue Service and apply to obtain an official recognition, but exempts those organizations described in Section 508(c) from the filing requirement.  Section 508(c)(1)(A) exempts churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches, while subsection (B) exempts charities that are not private foundations and normally have gross receipts of not more than $5000 a year.  Basically everybody who wants 501(c)(3) status, except churches, has to file a ...


CHRISTIANS: Do YOU understand that the EXTRAORDINARY and PROFOUND DETAIL associated with the "Kingdom Operations" of ABBA-FATHER's Heavenly Host — "works" and "wonders" in heaven, in earth, and under the earth — AND, "how" it also intersects with our EARTHLY EXISTENCE, by His Faith, through His Grace, and for His Righteous Community; for ALIGNMENT, AGREEMENT, and APPREHENSION of HIS Will, Purpose, and Plan. OUR INVOLVEMENT in these supernatural affairs, is specific to our UNIQUE "grace", "gifts", and "governmental understanding" (of the Kingdom of God). SO, based upon RANK, AUTHORITY, and CONSISTENCY (faithfulness to HIS Cause, Community, and Convictions) in CHRIST's Graduated Developmental Continuum in HIS EKKLESIA and through CHRIST's Inexhaustible Headship — and the INTIMATE WORK of Holy Spirit "amongst His People" and "in the world", we faintly grasp and actively participate in HIS...


UNMERITED FAVOR is connected with the OBEDIENCE of perfect alignment with MY DIVINE PURPOSE, and I NEVER reward your "flesh" — when you've been in AGREEMENT with MY PERFECT WILL!! Instead, I FORTIFY YOU, and  add MORE WEIGHT of MY GLORY; so you're "never confused" by what I want and I desire FOR YOU!  The PRIMARY REASON my servants GET CONFUSED, is because they give themselves "frequent rewards" for SERVING THEIR FLESH or rewarding their carnality, their performance, or their self-willed antics; BUT, NOT MY VOICE! THAT's the REASON, I've never reinforced your ministry with FLESHLY GIFTS for yourself, MANIPULATIVE FAVORS from people, or RUINOUS DELIGHTS for your ego — I RESERVE your heart for ME; ONLY!  WS-3🙏🏽✝️💯🥲 Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) CEO/Principal WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC. Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933 **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Acti...


"TAKE that bullseye off of your brother or sisters back - RIGHT NOW, PEOPLE OF GOD!  Your fight is NOT with flesh and blood! Whether they lied on you; discriminated against you; hurt you deliberately or intentionally; have it in for you for no good reason; or are the abrasion pad you NEED to become completely surrendered to Christ, don't personalize the attacks (if you're a true Christ follower)! The lines in the sand have been drawn, and there now PERMANENT and irrevocable!  The Spirit of Grace has contended once and for all with the spirit of accusation, judgment and pride amongst "HIS people"! YOU must get on the Lord's SIDE, now!  May The Lord have MERCY upon your soul; but HE IS a God of justice, righteousness and truth! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) CEO/Principal WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC. Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933 **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator...


PRAYER MAKES THE DIFFERENCE... When there's PURPOSE for our lives that's in the center of God's Plan, REDEMPTION is on HIS MIND! "HIS love" must be the foundation of everything that we do! If we make this work "about us", we will FAIL; and, if we don't see how God is at work in and through people, we will mismanage the opportunities - leaning to our "own understanding", instead of seeking to do HIS Will. PRAYER is the forerunner of every effort and endeavor that we are to pursue. And, as long as we "employ the supernatural" and keep YAHWEH at the "center", all principalities and powers MUST BOW; as we do what pleases The Lord, and live to honor HIM! All of our "work" must be done - "in faith", "from the place of rest", in "total dependence upon HIM", "by HIS Grace"! The "redemptive thread of Christ' Finished Work", runs through every aspect of this end-time ...