By: Pastor Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
Liberals Completely Misunderstood Voters Concerns About Democracy in this election; but WHY?
— Subjective Feelings, not Objective Reasoning (WS-3)
— Individualistic Sensitivities, without Historical Thoughtfulness (WS-3)
— Liberal Opinions, over Time-Tested Principles (WS-3)
— Ideological Convictions, in spite of Global Contradictions (WS-3)
— Intellectual Condescending vs Critical Thinking (WS-3)
— Moral Aspirations vs Moral Constraint (WS-3)
Question — What are the biggest contradictions of thought and logic that liberals or conservatives have?
Let's see:
- Conservatives consistently complain about government interference and scale, yet they don't refuse Social Security payments that exceed their inputs (assuming that they made any), they don't refuse Medicare (again even when the amounts they put into the system are far exceeded by their medical costs), they support a massive standing military, not because of need,but because it enriches their employers and their local economies. And many of them want government subsidies for farms and ranches which are simply tax dodges and not viable entities.
- Liberals support things like gun control, but refuse to clearly define what that support entails or what the actually legislation will mean. They come very close to stating that their aims are the repeal of the Second Amendment, but shy away from that when it's clear that there's nowhere near the support for that measure. If they took solid stances and then stuck with them, then they would have more credibility than many of them do.
- Conservatives are demanding what are essentially restrictions on voting that will prevent legal voters from voting. Not only do they not dispute that this will prevent their opposition from receiving votes, they have shaped the restrictions in manners that won't harm White voters so much as it will minority voters, particularly Black and Latino ones. And even when these restrictions are in place (Georgia 2020) they dispute the results of elections that they have essentially rigged to go in their favor.
- Liberals want to end social ills like homelessness,poverty, and access to medical care. However they avoid impediments to those solutions like trimming the defense budget and moving funds to social programs, reopening large mental health care facilities (formerly known as asylums) to assist with the staggering numbers of mentally ill. And the majority don't press for what would resemble the universal health care systems in Europe, not because they wouldn't be effective and aren't necessary, but because they would lose votes by doing so. Basically a number of liberals want change by doing many of the same things that they've always done and then are disappointed and angered when they again learn that change does not work in that manner.
- Conservatives mistake nostalgia and outright fabrications of their history as being templates for the future. States ravaged by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl now present those eras as positives even though they resulted in their populations plunging and many of their former residents never returning. Although brain drain (the loss of their best and brightest) is a cancer that will eventually cost them more financially than stanching it will, most have given up that battle in favor pleasing homilies that appeal to their older and less stellar voters. Finally, even though minorities and immigrants will be required to care for their aging populations, they use coded and open statements to demonstrate how they believe that their racist and ethnic bigotry of the past actually made their locations somehow better than they are now.
People are often poor critical thinkers, regardless of their political affiliations, questioner.
Liberals and conservative both hold many ideas and concepts that are not supported by evidence, nor logic. However rather than sitting down and working through those things carefully and soberly, they instead attempt to market them to audiences who either are not receptive of them or who can see the flaws in their logic that those respective groups cannot.
We all have contradictions of logic and thought.
Recognizing them and addressing them is the key.
https://www.econli/the-internal-contradictions-of-liberalism-and-illiberalism/ >END WS-3
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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