"Friends of God?"

“I do NOT want you to casually use the term “friend”, when it comes to your relationship with Me. Many times, more than you could imagine – this spiritual concept is misconstrued with a casual response to My commands; a looseness with My gentle prodding or dealings; and a deteriorating intimacy that becomes a cloak of sterile complacency with those who have shared sacred moments with Me, and falsely believe that any of My directions or instructions can be “massaged” or “re-prioritized” based upon their feelings and whims that they attribute to My spirit speaking to them.

Abraham’s “friendship” was not based upon him gaining rank or special privilege with Me – born out of his perfect performance or giftedness. Abraham was My servant, and his intimacy was based upon him taking me at My word! His obedience to My commands opened the heavens over his life, and his submission to Me during the times of testing and strict obedience concerning offering his son Isaac – was more than the normal relationship that my children want from Me!

This kind of decline in the fellowship and communion that I long to share with My people - marks the unending harlotry and adultery that Israel modeled in their journey. One moment, their passion is unbridled and consuming, and the next moment – they drift like a piece of wood in the ocean without direction or purpose.

When you value My fellowship with you based upon the desperate need you actually have for My presence and power to be centerstage in your life – recognizing your own frailty and proclivity in doing “what you feel” instead of “what I say”, you follow the same cycle of defeat that you’ve despised seeing in others through embarrassing and humiliating circumstances.

What is it that we need deliverance from, Lord? How can we safeguard ourselves from this inevitable and pervasive failure? The Bible reveals that the systematic development of your faith through abiding in My word is the ONLY salvation from defeat, despair and destruction that lie closely beside individuals that have other priorities above their life-line in Me!

What is actually believed in the heart wreaks of the same poisonous heart-attitude that Lucifer demonstrated in his treasonous actions against My love and My loyalty to all of My creative works and wonders in heaven and in the earth!

My dealings with humanity are NOT out of a selfish intent or totalitarian dominance that satisfies My need for power or authority! As a self-contained and self-sustaining force of ALL life, I neither gain nor lose in the human sense of feelings or emotions. Although I have feelings – they are NOT based upon finite things or corruptible influences, but based upon the integrity of My purpose and My will alone!

What does this mean? It means – if I could be moved back and forth – topsy-turvy like frail humanity, neither would “covenant” or “eternity” be possible. BUT, the constancy of My ways in faithfulness, justice, mercy and truth would be corrupted by fragmented and failing principles – like human wisdom and intellect apart from Me. My word is immutable, inerrant and indisputable – ONLY because I am unchanging, unwavering and absolutely PERFECT!”    (A Word From the Lord, given on 2/19/08 to WS-3)

End of Blog. WS-3


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