"FAVOR is Fair!"
The dictionary's definition of FAVOR is an "attitude of approval or liking" that is based upon some identifiable characteristics or qualities that attracts the one extending their goodness or graces to another.
"Biblical Favor" is distinctly different because Christ, as our only Perfect Substitute and Perfect Sacrifice, eternally captured the Father's attention and heart, by securing the ultimate approval through His Finished Work; and as the unselfish and undivided unity of the Godhead's composite agenda was realized through the ministry of Jesus, true disciples of Christ become the "beneficiaries" of His resurrection life and power (favor) for all who believe!
With this truth in mind concerning God's favor, all self-righteousness and all narcissistic behavior, will cease! There should be a feeling of honor and reverence for God extending His goodness towards us, but we must never make favor about any fleshly quality or goodness of our own; it's ONLY Christ "in us", the hope of glory that is worthy of the Father's unchanging and undeniable approval!
I'm concerned about segments of the Body of Christ, as our theological framework in Christian music and gospel messages "intermixes" Old Testament theology and realities that are no longer relevant; which we ignore and miss concerning the efficacy of Christ's finished work on our behalf.
As an example, if "perfect performance or perfect obedience" were the requirement, it would be absolutely impossible for any of us to EVER receive it!
There will never be any greater approval or more important attention to covet, desire or receive, whether it be one of the highest level dignitaries of England, or even the President of the United States - God's favor is better than all the rest!
Position yourself to receive it, by making Christ's sacrificial atonement for the remission of our sins - your only "parading" or vocal qualification. No matter how obedient or faithful we are to God's Kingdom Agenda, these things represent our "reasonable service", and not our "statement of earnings" before God!
All that we receive from Him is solely and wholly due to our inheritance in Christ! Be careful not to celebrate your achievements and glory over His "using you", because it's by His grace that we are even considered for use!
"FAVOR is fair", cause there's only ONE WAY to receive it...
Christ leveled the "playing field", and it's only our trust in Him that makes God's favor a reality in our lives!
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
"Biblical Favor" is distinctly different because Christ, as our only Perfect Substitute and Perfect Sacrifice, eternally captured the Father's attention and heart, by securing the ultimate approval through His Finished Work; and as the unselfish and undivided unity of the Godhead's composite agenda was realized through the ministry of Jesus, true disciples of Christ become the "beneficiaries" of His resurrection life and power (favor) for all who believe!
With this truth in mind concerning God's favor, all self-righteousness and all narcissistic behavior, will cease! There should be a feeling of honor and reverence for God extending His goodness towards us, but we must never make favor about any fleshly quality or goodness of our own; it's ONLY Christ "in us", the hope of glory that is worthy of the Father's unchanging and undeniable approval!
I'm concerned about segments of the Body of Christ, as our theological framework in Christian music and gospel messages "intermixes" Old Testament theology and realities that are no longer relevant; which we ignore and miss concerning the efficacy of Christ's finished work on our behalf.
As an example, if "perfect performance or perfect obedience" were the requirement, it would be absolutely impossible for any of us to EVER receive it!
There will never be any greater approval or more important attention to covet, desire or receive, whether it be one of the highest level dignitaries of England, or even the President of the United States - God's favor is better than all the rest!
Position yourself to receive it, by making Christ's sacrificial atonement for the remission of our sins - your only "parading" or vocal qualification. No matter how obedient or faithful we are to God's Kingdom Agenda, these things represent our "reasonable service", and not our "statement of earnings" before God!
All that we receive from Him is solely and wholly due to our inheritance in Christ! Be careful not to celebrate your achievements and glory over His "using you", because it's by His grace that we are even considered for use!
"FAVOR is fair", cause there's only ONE WAY to receive it...
Christ leveled the "playing field", and it's only our trust in Him that makes God's favor a reality in our lives!
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
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