"Understanding God's Intent For True Worshippers"

"As long as my people seek to control My presence, as if you're the authorizing agency in the way it is dispensed and released, only a shadow or fragment of My power is able to reach and touch the people; who desperately need My healing hand to be revealed on every occasion that you corporately meet.

My people are "channels and vessels", but you are NOT "manufacturers and manipulators" - if you permit your transparency and open hearts to be the source of everything that you represent "of Me" before the people.

This casual acquaintance and disingenuousness can "claim an experience" with My presence - and get an emotional response from My people, but truly shares no intimate bond or understanding of "why your access and entrance" into the Holy of Holies is without restriction or limitation; and, its ONLY because of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

The dissidence or clamor that comes from confused agendas in church, is from either seeking to bring attention to yourself, or attempting to share in My Glory - and you end up short-circuiting the extent that My power is able to destroy the enemies wicked works and pervasive influence, through living in this world of corruption, greed and lust.

This does not represent "evil intent" necessarily, but as you continue to nurse what "grace" is meant to demolish and eradicate - through the knowledge of God (applying the Word that you know), and "peace" to govern the fragmented parts (of the nothing missing and nothing broken anointing in you); our "use" does not release the full measure of His Personhood, which is all that you "really" have to give of yourselves to others - as Christ 'in you', the Hope of Glory.

Since this is the state of many followers of Mine, disguises and spiritual facades have become common; because you permit shady counterfeits to loom around and occupy space in My people - that grossly limits or shuts out My Inexhaustible Power from being fully activated.

"Corporate worship" is My people's strategic opportunity to expand and enforce the collective release of My power and My presence, through the willing vessels that have fully developed in their secret place (according to your spiritual age and stage); that acknowledges while pursuing - by My Grace, a vital communion and fellowship with Me.

What is impossible "alone", becomes possible in the intimate moments that occur as your individual uninhibited exchange in the corporate setting, which should be common amongst My children in corporate gatherings - is walked out consistently through your sanctified lives and thoughtful service.

This exchange is only "authentic" to the degree that your hearts are personally laid bare, and "where you really are" is emptied in every encounter that causes My essence to pour into and over your entire lives; as a witness to your requisite honesty and transparency that must be represented before Me at all times.

"Desperate dependence" is the code or language that energizes and marks the true disciple in a passionate pursuit, with My heartbeat and mindset as the foundation of your trust.

David's graduation into an insatiable hunger and passionate thirst for Me, as outlined in Psalm 63, is the key to experiencing a satisfying contentment that never dies - but always drives you to greater depths in Me."

When My people allow Me to principally build character and integrity into their lives, being a "true worshipper" will become as natural as breathing - and the responsibility to carry My presence and power will be treated with a greater degree of equity and faithfulness; which will lead to My Beauty and My Glory being revealed more often."

Inspired by the Holy Spirit on 11/27/11.


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Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)


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