"WHAT are the Greater Works of Christ?"
The "greater works" of Christ relates to the deeper submission and fiery intensity of our passion for His heart and purpose! It's NOT a greater demonstration of miracles, signs or wonders "only", which in the wrong context will lead people to a greater dependence upon us!
Jesus said, "greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father"; but the proper context is sandwiched by Christ revealing that: a) He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; b) answered prayer comes from praying in His name, and representing all that "He is"; and c) His departure was required in order for the Helper or Holy Spirit to be present with us in a representation to the world, which includes demonstrations of power that lead others back to Him, through the redemptive plan that reconciles the lost back to God, not us!
If the ascendancy of Christianity in the earth does not hold Christ as the chief priority and place Him in His rightful position in hearts and minds, we'll package our religion and not a vital relationship with Christ - which should be our only desire and work.
In reality, it's singularly our spiritual zeal and unquenchable thirst that will lead to a pervasive and potent faith, and radically replace every other imagination that may surface, as a manifestation-consciousness does not become a parade of flesh-driven exploits to covet the praise of people.
Even in the ministry of Jesus, the miracles were a magnetic draw or lure for the message in His mouth concerning the Kingdom of God to be heard and received!
But, the subsequent unbelief and reviling that was launched against Him during the moments that proceeded His crucifixion were proof that the miracles did not change hearts; but submission to His will does!
To the degree that we'll choose the will of God above our own will, is the extent in which God's supernatural power and undivided purpose will be revealed - to the confused and lost world that's in hot pursuit for almost everything contrary to His heart!
The more that we stay in the presence of Christ, the greater affect the "Seal of our Redemption" has in empowering, keeping and protecting us in life's winding roads and valley experiences!
"Abiding" isn't God's winey dispositional need or dependence upon humanity to fulfill or to complete Him!
He knows that we're incomplete apart from Him, but until we're convinced of our need and convicted by our inconsistency to represent Him as "salt and light" through our witness, as Christians we grossly limit our ability to reach the world, by living a substandard and status-quo existence.
This is one of the reasons I get so tickled by all the fads, labels and title-crazy fanatics that believe their "function" is more important than their faith; so they waste years on building their own kingdoms, and never truly understand the fundamentals of a sincere walk of faith that sets our focus on what's most important - HIM!
Perhaps, my upbringing and silly personality - with my explicit confidence and commitment to Christ makes me so very consumed with a satisfying hunger for "pleasing Him" and "seeing Him", that this has always been my only pursuit and priority.
I know I'm not the only one that's sold-out for His cause, and not my own! But, would the REAL CHURCH, please stand up!
And, if we're going to participate and SEE these "greater works", we'll need to get off of the side-lines and stop driving from the passenger's seat in our approach to God's work in partnership with Him!
"Living with a submitted heart" then will guarantee that you partner in the harvest that is too come, as long as your pursuit for greatness doesn't cripple your progress, or outshine His glory by acting as a competing voice to His ways "to them" and "for them"!
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
Jesus said, "greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father"; but the proper context is sandwiched by Christ revealing that: a) He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; b) answered prayer comes from praying in His name, and representing all that "He is"; and c) His departure was required in order for the Helper or Holy Spirit to be present with us in a representation to the world, which includes demonstrations of power that lead others back to Him, through the redemptive plan that reconciles the lost back to God, not us!
If the ascendancy of Christianity in the earth does not hold Christ as the chief priority and place Him in His rightful position in hearts and minds, we'll package our religion and not a vital relationship with Christ - which should be our only desire and work.
In reality, it's singularly our spiritual zeal and unquenchable thirst that will lead to a pervasive and potent faith, and radically replace every other imagination that may surface, as a manifestation-consciousness does not become a parade of flesh-driven exploits to covet the praise of people.
Even in the ministry of Jesus, the miracles were a magnetic draw or lure for the message in His mouth concerning the Kingdom of God to be heard and received!
But, the subsequent unbelief and reviling that was launched against Him during the moments that proceeded His crucifixion were proof that the miracles did not change hearts; but submission to His will does!
To the degree that we'll choose the will of God above our own will, is the extent in which God's supernatural power and undivided purpose will be revealed - to the confused and lost world that's in hot pursuit for almost everything contrary to His heart!
The more that we stay in the presence of Christ, the greater affect the "Seal of our Redemption" has in empowering, keeping and protecting us in life's winding roads and valley experiences!
"Abiding" isn't God's winey dispositional need or dependence upon humanity to fulfill or to complete Him!
He knows that we're incomplete apart from Him, but until we're convinced of our need and convicted by our inconsistency to represent Him as "salt and light" through our witness, as Christians we grossly limit our ability to reach the world, by living a substandard and status-quo existence.
This is one of the reasons I get so tickled by all the fads, labels and title-crazy fanatics that believe their "function" is more important than their faith; so they waste years on building their own kingdoms, and never truly understand the fundamentals of a sincere walk of faith that sets our focus on what's most important - HIM!
Perhaps, my upbringing and silly personality - with my explicit confidence and commitment to Christ makes me so very consumed with a satisfying hunger for "pleasing Him" and "seeing Him", that this has always been my only pursuit and priority.
I know I'm not the only one that's sold-out for His cause, and not my own! But, would the REAL CHURCH, please stand up!
And, if we're going to participate and SEE these "greater works", we'll need to get off of the side-lines and stop driving from the passenger's seat in our approach to God's work in partnership with Him!
"Living with a submitted heart" then will guarantee that you partner in the harvest that is too come, as long as your pursuit for greatness doesn't cripple your progress, or outshine His glory by acting as a competing voice to His ways "to them" and "for them"!
Sent from Walter's IPAD
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
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