"SATAN is a LIAR!"
As long as “the devil made me do it” exists within the 4-walls of the church, darkness, depravity and defeat will render God’s people - in a state of excuse for untamed lust, deflective irresponsibility and ruinous deception, because - Holy Spirit is either grieved or quenched in the life of the believer, due to "flesh" glorying in His presence.
"Satan" means adversary – to "divine" purpose (to worship God), to "divine" design (to be made in HIS image and after HIS likeness), and to "divine" destiny (to steward the earth) – which are all, connected as one.
In I Peter 5:8, the Bible says, “Be sober (self-controlled), be vigilant (watchful), because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he my devour."
READ: Revelations 12:7-12, Isaiah 14:12-17 (verse 16), John 10:10, I John 4:1-4
Satan, playing or fulfilling his role as "deceiver", is able to kill, steal and destroy - where an individual, who is either an unbeliever, a "carnal" believer, or is a "immature believer" that is ignorant of their:
1. Purpose: Denotes the "original intent" and determination of GOD, for the existence of something or someone; the objective use or plan of an object or person’s origin. a) "Wandering" and "deception" occur, where "purpose" is perverted and questioned, through the detractors of "pure faith", which includes: fear, doubt, unbelief and impatience. B) Satan’s goal is to deceive the nations, by causing them to question their purpose and accept the temporary circumstances - as God’s will; or to believe that God "intended a hard road - for His own amusement". Our primary purpose is to worship God and represent and re-present Him to the nations of the earth.
2. Design: Denotes the "deliberate intent" of "The Designer" (Father God) to lay out the pattern or to sketch out the outline of HIS plan, so that no other substitutes, imitations, or depictions of The Designer’s Blueprint, are ever accepted - unless it meets the exact specifications, as related to "the original manuscript" designed during the conception of the idea (person, place or thing). a) Since we are made in the image of God, Satan’s greatest victory comes as a result of seeing God’s creation - through mankind both subjugating and demeaning ourselves, by falsely prostituting ourselves to a "lesser identity", by seeking fulfillment and acceptance - where it cannot "really" be found. b) Until we fully understand The Father’s Intent, concerning ‘being made in His image’, we wrestle with "being", by performing. "By design" - we are who God said that we are, possessing HIS "divine DNA", and were made to simply "walk consciously" and aware of HIS amazing and unchanging love, as HIS beloved sons and daughters.
3. Destiny: Denotes the inevitable succession of events in time, which reveals the pre-determined intentions and purpose of The Creator, to direct the future affairs of His people, in spite of all the tragedies, difficulties, or unexpected obstacles of life. While we learn to walk with HIM and fulfill the ordained purpose of God, which is forever "settled in the heavens", and forthcoming to those that will continue to believe.
So, why is there so much evil - if Satan does not possess power any more, because of what Christ's "finished work" at Calvary accomplished for the entire world?
The HEART of humanity, is the simple answer...Because, our volition, or "free will" is either joined or opposed to HIS will and purpose.
The power of "perception perverted", is the root of deception in the earth. As long as mankind "buys into the lie", mankind will: kill, hate, murder, envy, criticize, and lie to or about one another.
This is why Jesus said that "love is the greatest commandment"! The Love of God is "the strongest force" in the material and immaterial world. So, the devil’s greatest deception - is the mismanagement of all leaders in their stewardship of nations and people groups, by believing "the lie" that leads to the imprisonment and mistreatment of billions (made in HIS image); to a life of greed, debt, defeat, despair and destruction.
READ: I John 3:4-15
· Sin is "lawlessness" – or simply choosing to live apart from God's "original intent", by missing the mark in "aimlessly striking", as one with their eyes closed. "Seeing" and "hearing" result, as a believer comes to the place of understanding, and living out truth in practical ways.
· The "seed" of God (incorruptible influence) or Satan (corruptible influence), represents - the correct or incorrect belief systems that determine behaviors, which causes us to either ‘practice righteousness’ - and love our brother as we were originally created to do; or 'practice lawlessness' - and hate our brother, as the curse upon humanity has caused many of us to mishandle our brothers and sisters; as we were NOT created to do!
· ‘Destroying the works of the devil’ means that we are "no longer ignorant of his devices", and we don’t become prey to his lies, or buy-in to the defeated mentality of ‘the devil made me do it’!
· Therefore, "every choice" that is in agreement with God’s word, inevitably leads to the pre-determined and foreordained plan that He established before we ever entered the earth. The obvious nuances are, will "we" (humanity) be responsive to what HE wills, or follows our own way, which is what we generally refer to as "the best, WE can do"!
As a "deceiver", Satan works to: (Revelations 12:9; John 8:44; I Peter 5:8)
- Undo God’s work "in us" (Mark 4:15)
- Influence mankind to turn from God (Job 2:4-5)
- Instigate evil amongst humanity, and especially God's people (John 13:2,27)
- Secure mankind's worship and adoration (Luke 4:6-8; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
Satan accomplishes these things by:
"Satan" means adversary – to "divine" purpose (to worship God), to "divine" design (to be made in HIS image and after HIS likeness), and to "divine" destiny (to steward the earth) – which are all, connected as one.
In I Peter 5:8, the Bible says, “Be sober (self-controlled), be vigilant (watchful), because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he my devour."
READ: Revelations 12:7-12, Isaiah 14:12-17 (verse 16), John 10:10, I John 4:1-4
Satan, playing or fulfilling his role as "deceiver", is able to kill, steal and destroy - where an individual, who is either an unbeliever, a "carnal" believer, or is a "immature believer" that is ignorant of their:
1. Purpose: Denotes the "original intent" and determination of GOD, for the existence of something or someone; the objective use or plan of an object or person’s origin. a) "Wandering" and "deception" occur, where "purpose" is perverted and questioned, through the detractors of "pure faith", which includes: fear, doubt, unbelief and impatience. B) Satan’s goal is to deceive the nations, by causing them to question their purpose and accept the temporary circumstances - as God’s will; or to believe that God "intended a hard road - for His own amusement". Our primary purpose is to worship God and represent and re-present Him to the nations of the earth.
2. Design: Denotes the "deliberate intent" of "The Designer" (Father God) to lay out the pattern or to sketch out the outline of HIS plan, so that no other substitutes, imitations, or depictions of The Designer’s Blueprint, are ever accepted - unless it meets the exact specifications, as related to "the original manuscript" designed during the conception of the idea (person, place or thing). a) Since we are made in the image of God, Satan’s greatest victory comes as a result of seeing God’s creation - through mankind both subjugating and demeaning ourselves, by falsely prostituting ourselves to a "lesser identity", by seeking fulfillment and acceptance - where it cannot "really" be found. b) Until we fully understand The Father’s Intent, concerning ‘being made in His image’, we wrestle with "being", by performing. "By design" - we are who God said that we are, possessing HIS "divine DNA", and were made to simply "walk consciously" and aware of HIS amazing and unchanging love, as HIS beloved sons and daughters.
3. Destiny: Denotes the inevitable succession of events in time, which reveals the pre-determined intentions and purpose of The Creator, to direct the future affairs of His people, in spite of all the tragedies, difficulties, or unexpected obstacles of life. While we learn to walk with HIM and fulfill the ordained purpose of God, which is forever "settled in the heavens", and forthcoming to those that will continue to believe.
So, why is there so much evil - if Satan does not possess power any more, because of what Christ's "finished work" at Calvary accomplished for the entire world?
The HEART of humanity, is the simple answer...Because, our volition, or "free will" is either joined or opposed to HIS will and purpose.
The power of "perception perverted", is the root of deception in the earth. As long as mankind "buys into the lie", mankind will: kill, hate, murder, envy, criticize, and lie to or about one another.
This is why Jesus said that "love is the greatest commandment"! The Love of God is "the strongest force" in the material and immaterial world. So, the devil’s greatest deception - is the mismanagement of all leaders in their stewardship of nations and people groups, by believing "the lie" that leads to the imprisonment and mistreatment of billions (made in HIS image); to a life of greed, debt, defeat, despair and destruction.
READ: I John 3:4-15
· Sin is "lawlessness" – or simply choosing to live apart from God's "original intent", by missing the mark in "aimlessly striking", as one with their eyes closed. "Seeing" and "hearing" result, as a believer comes to the place of understanding, and living out truth in practical ways.
· The "seed" of God (incorruptible influence) or Satan (corruptible influence), represents - the correct or incorrect belief systems that determine behaviors, which causes us to either ‘practice righteousness’ - and love our brother as we were originally created to do; or 'practice lawlessness' - and hate our brother, as the curse upon humanity has caused many of us to mishandle our brothers and sisters; as we were NOT created to do!
· ‘Destroying the works of the devil’ means that we are "no longer ignorant of his devices", and we don’t become prey to his lies, or buy-in to the defeated mentality of ‘the devil made me do it’!
· Therefore, "every choice" that is in agreement with God’s word, inevitably leads to the pre-determined and foreordained plan that He established before we ever entered the earth. The obvious nuances are, will "we" (humanity) be responsive to what HE wills, or follows our own way, which is what we generally refer to as "the best, WE can do"!
As a "deceiver", Satan works to: (Revelations 12:9; John 8:44; I Peter 5:8)
- Undo God’s work "in us" (Mark 4:15)
- Influence mankind to turn from God (Job 2:4-5)
- Instigate evil amongst humanity, and especially God's people (John 13:2,27)
- Secure mankind's worship and adoration (Luke 4:6-8; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
Satan accomplishes these things by:
- Disguising himself (2 Corinthians 11:14)
- Bound (Mark 3:27)
- Insinuating doubt (Genesis 3:1)
- Cast out (John 12:31)
- Misuse of scripture (Matthew 4:6)
- Judged (John 16:11)
- Wicked schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11)
- Bruised (Romans 16:20)
- Afflictions (Luke 13:16)
- Assigned to Hell (Matthew 25:41)
Satan has a "kingdom", or established infrastructure of evil/demonic cohorts, who have fallen for his lies and deception, and call him "lord", while completely doing his bidding. He is able to imprison a people or nation, where purpose, design and destiny are mismanaged or misunderstood.
- Principalities/powers/rulers of darkness/spiritual wickedness in high places are a part of the established structure and system, and have their authority through the minds of a people or nation.
- Demonic warfare is real, but it’s only a smoke screen for deception, as having the control of the minds of a generation leads to every kind of evil! Where the mind goes, the man follows!
- The strength or impact of this warfare is really determined by the level of deception or perverted perception that controls our minds, and gives license to the enemy of purpose, design and destiny!
- Satan’s power to deceive has not changed or increased, but ignorance and misinformation often informs our fears, which are false evidence that appears real!
When we demonize culture, we actually give way to religious judgment and false discernment. When we trivialize - the demonic, we actually give way to deception, delusion and destruction, because Satan intensifies his advancement against the nations.
When we sincerely "live for Christ", "the life that we now live - we live by the faith of the Son of God"! We don’t give credence to any thing or any way that is contrary to "the truth"!
When we sincerely "live for Christ", "the life that we now live - we live by the faith of the Son of God"! We don’t give credence to any thing or any way that is contrary to "the truth"!
When man attempts to "create freedom", he has already failed! Freedom is – without human origin, manipulation, and license! "ONLY" Christ, can make us FREE!
"Life on earth" is man’s opportunity - given by God, to regain our God-consciousness through accepting Jesus Christ (The Way), who completely satisfied and resolved "the eternal breach" between God and man!
"Identity" is not just becoming - but discovering, who Christ is "in you" – as the essence of your nature and character, outside of the human limitations and curse associated with our "natural bloodlines".
How can “no good thing dwell in us” and “we are fearfully and wonderfully made” co-exist?
- The flesh (shell of man) dwells in darkness – un-renewed in intention towards the base part of the nature, which came as a result of man’s original sin.
- The soul and spirit are darkened by a perception and consciousness of sin rather than the righteousness of God.
The original sin is "prideful disobedience" – and, everything that produces "death" comes as a result of this "disunity" and "dissimilarity" toward God’s immutable laws and ways, both in the natural and supernatural realms.
"SATAN is a LIAR, and once "we" (God's People") realize it, by walking consciously of our need for one another, we will kick him out of our midst, ONCE and FOR ALL!
"SATAN is a LIAR, and once "we" (God's People") realize it, by walking consciously of our need for one another, we will kick him out of our midst, ONCE and FOR ALL!
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