"A Biblical Response to the Kingdom Message"

·      Since the Hoy Spirit is in the earth to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, as well as empower genuine Disciples of Christ to represent and reflect Christ to the lost and dying world – what is the message that the church is called to share?

o   “Of sin” – because there is only one deadly sin, and that is the sin of not believing in Jesus Christ, or accepting the finished work as the only redeeming sacrifice for humanity’s sins.   God doesn’t care what you have done, or how dark your past sin may be.   I know this - that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses a man from all sin, no matter what it is. (Jn. 3:17-18, Jn. 16:9)

o   “Of righteousness” – because now no matter how godly, moral, honest, good, benevolent, or charitable you may be, you cannot make it on your own. We all need Jesus Christ. We all need to believe in Him. For believing in Him, our sins are forgiven.  I'm no longer condemned. Believing in Him, I now have the righteousness of Christ imputed unto me. We attain righteousness by wholly putting our faith and trust in Christ alone. (Matt. 5:20, 48, Ph. 3:7-9, Jn. 16:10)

o   “Of judgment” – because you don't have to be under Satan's power. You don't have to be under the bondage of corruption, greed or lust – which dominates this world’s system as a culture of death; and potentially face the judgment that is too come. Because of the cross of Jesus Christ and His victory over Satan - there at the cross, we through the power of Jesus Christ can have complete victory and power over the world, the flesh and the devil. You don't have to be under Satan’s power. Actually, what Satan holds today, he holds by what is called "usurped power and illegitimate authority." It's not really his; he must deceive to use it against mankind.

§  And where was the prince of the world judged? He was judged upon the cross. Paul tells us in Colossians, chapter 2, that Jesus spoiled those principalities and powers, which are rankings of evil spirits.  He spoiled them there on the cross, making an open display of His victory, triumphing over them through the cross. Therefore, let no man judge you. The prince of this world has been judged. There on the cross Christ defeated Satan. (Col. 2, Jn. 16:11)

·         The message is:

o   God sent Christ into the world to reconcile every human being to Himself.

o   God sent Christ as the perfect sacrifice to die for the sins of all humanity for all time.

o   Christ is our righteousness and fulfilled all of the law, so confessing with our mouths and believing with our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, is the only requirement to eternal salvation.

o   No one can consistently live up the God’s perfect standard or live a sinless life, so Christ did it for us.

o    Acknowledging His finished work on all of our behalf, and accepting and appropriating it in and to our own lives – is the only requirement for those who believe.

o   The Gospel of the Kingdom is a transcendent message for all times that bridges every culture, ethnic group, religious faith, and worldview in the person of Jesus Christ.

o   Jesus Christ laid down His life intentionally and purposefully, and the ONLY SIN we can ever commit against Him and the Godhead – is rejection of Christ as the perfect sacrifice for all sin for all time for all of humankind.

o   Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, who has authorized and delegated His authority and power to all believers to share the spirit and word of reconciliation in the world in every generation until He returns.

o   The Church is an extension of Christ’s earthly ministry and through His grace is commanded to permit Him to live His life through us as living examples, which never stand in judgment of anyone else.

o   Our methodologies for winning the world involves becoming all things to all people – that we might win some; by relating with and to people in every strata of society in sharing the good news, without a mission to change anyone or judge anyone’s lifestyle.

o   Self-righteousness and legalism is a gross misstep and affront to the grace of God that puts humanity’s inability and insufficiency at the forefront of Christian living and spiritual development – instead of Christ’s finished work and our total dependency of Christ as the focus.

o   Grace is more than a principle or doctrine, it is a PERSON – and His name is Jesus Christ.

o   We are justified by faith through grace, without works or performance as the basis for eternal salvation.

o   Growing in grace and receiving eternal rewards involves our commitment to obedience, abiding in His word, seeking His presence, and allowing Him to live life through us.

o   Grace is the only means by which every Christian may live a victorious life with purpose.






  1. Excellent exhortation and explanation of salvation and regeneration. We truly must embrace our responsibilities beyond the church walls. The marketplace just needs to see His love in us like we saw it in Him...


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