IN 2023, I will be starting a new church. 



By: Pastor Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)

"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by constraint but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away" (I Peter 5: 1 – 4).

I've been "in church" my whole life, so, I have the advantage of experiencing the "community life and caring" that comes with being a part of the Family of God

I "loved church" as a child, because the "total package", which (in my six-year old mind) included: playing with my best friend; going over his house to eat and stay the night; and coming back for the evening service - without having to go back home with my own family, felt "very powerful" too me; so I was "in" the third heaven, "at church"! LOL!

I also happen to know what being "unchurched" feels like - as well, once my parents divorced, and I chose to go live with my dad and his "new family"; after my parent’s divorce was final.

I understand what a "blended family" is (looks like) as well, and to "this day", I see my "step brother" as my "blood brother"; although our differences ("my handsomeness", and "his ugliness" - is obvious!) are pronounced!

NO, honestly, we are "truly brothers", and I love him dearly; but, the dynamics surrounding blended families, including the brokenness of divorce; the unresolved issues from the previous relationship; etc., are all dynamics that I'm acquainted with — so, I understand “how” to navigate through, as both a "survivor" and a practitioner of over two decades.

As a Consultant with specialty area of churches, denominations and para-church ministries, I've heard the testimonies of thousands of  people — and I've interacted with hundreds, if not thousands of church leaders from a broad range of different denominations, cultural settings, and doctrinal dogmas.

In consulting and advising hundreds of them through the years, I've heard some real horror stories about their journey of faith; and I can say that my heart has truly been pierced with the pain of shepherding people.  But, much of what I've come to understand from their sharing “is” -- WE (pastors) were NEVER meant to do "it" (shepherding the flock) ALONE!

The "complementary functions" of Christ's Ascension Gifts in the five-fold function of:  apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, were/are meant too be an "enjoining force", to educate, to equip, and to empower God's people.  But, never as an “individual” or “loner” — functioning or operating without the other "necessary parts" ALL “working together”.

After hearing many of the nightmare stories about some of "the hellions" that many men and women of God have "encountered" in the work of ministry, I've "deeply contemplated" whether “accepting the assignment” as an under-shepherd under Christ’s Headship, was:  "temporary insanity", "don't-have-a-clue-syndrome", "bad pizza", or just a "glutton-for-punishment" philosophy, that I can't shake off no matter what I do! (LOL) 

But, I KNOW (without question) that I'm called to shepherd the flock in a vibrant — apostolic and prophetic ministry environment that allows my gifts of administration, government and prophecy to establish and lead many too Christ - The King; while fostering the advancement of HIS kingdom in every nation, as long as I'm given "life" to fulfill this burning mandate and commission in my heart.  AND, what I've been shown, is clearly NOT about ME; but God's People.

Concerning "the horror stories and the abuse" in the church, I've actually seen it "on both sides" — amongst the leaders and the people; with the "lack of love" being the general issue or primary culprit in most of the fallout that you or I could ever imagine, from the many stories we've heard through the years..

One of the "real challenges" of pastoring is, now more than ever before, we can't ignore that we're a "mobile society".  People's commitment levels, desires for convenience, lack of consistency, lack of loyalty, and outright selfishness, can make for "building a ministry", even with the purest of intentions - very difficult.  IF you're looking to the well-known "church growth strategies", innovations in technology, and seeker-sensitive messages to structure your church and see it grow, you’ll need to make sure you’re still “keeping God” at the CENTER of every effort..

BUT, if you're just going to do it "the old fashioned way" (GOD's Way), "relationship building", consistent delivery of the Word, and being a livable, touchable and humble example of "what we preach" as the ONLY focus, moving forward won't be so laborious or negative in the natural consequence of people working together.

One of the things that "qualifies me" to shepherd God's people, and raise-up leaders all over the world is, I'm NOT afraid to lovingly confront and lead anyone - at any time, concerning any issue; while, we all keep loving, growing and being transformed, according to God's Redemptive Purpose and Plan, and not our own.

Because I love "people development", "people empowerment",  and "eternal bridge-building" more than anything else (...except MUSIC, MACARONI & CHEESE, and FOOT MASSAGES - LOL!), I'm pretty clear on where my gifts would be "best served".  But, I also know that I don't have to have a road map to follow HIM; or a detailed plan of action to feel at peace with what may occur in the years ahead.

FOR NOW, I will "give myself" to this - rain or shine, and continue to be led by HIS Spirit for the ebb and flow, twists and turns, and the excitedly unexpected things that are just before me!

In July of 2003, my wife (Charlene) and I had an unusual visitation of The Lord, and the "take away" from that glorious habitation of God's Presence in our home was - "pay attention, while I prepare you to shepherd my people"; and from that moment until now (a decade later), God has given me a shepherd's heart to love people, no matter what they say, do or don't do!

I'm so grateful for "the process", because I'm SO detached from needing applause and affirmation from people.  But, I do need and appreciate encouragement and support (human and financial) from those I touch through the voice of ministry that I've been given; ALL for HIS Namesake. 

The Bible is the ONLY basis or standard for "how people should both identify the characteristics of a good pastor or shepherd"; and, especially in the application of “how” to pray and financially support the work of ministry through "the grace of giving and receiving" that should be evident in any healthy "covenantal agreement" that must exist between every pastor (body of elders) and the people of God.

YES - when you "join The Center for Kingdom Advancement - Hollywood, Ontario, or anywheres else The Lord ordains, we sign and pray over a "Covenant Agreement"; which basically provides the biblical basis for how we should mutually serve, love and support one another.

IF YOU GET MAD (LOL!), the covenant states that "we never part ways without praying and blessing one another".  I will "leave to find" the ONE LOST SHEEP, no matter "what" their socio-economic status, political affiliation, giving record, or ministry position "is" or "is not"! YOU are GOD'S FLOCK, and I (with other elders) are accountable to Christ for your proper oversight, protection and consistent servant-leadership support.

I'm committed "to walking out the paradox of faith and Christian Living", in this crazy, but "blessed" country and world that we live in! I have "no axe to grind" in relation too any of my former ministry experiences or learning curves, and to the "instructors" and fathers (Papa's) that I am still blessed to have contact with.."Thank you for preparing me for this day!"

My "personal ministry mandate from Christ" is "three things", but may change (expand) as I  "go and grow"in the continuum of my fellowship, walk and relationship with HIM!

#1 - "Sexual Purity":  Many people erroneously believe that "sexual purity" is more of a big issue for "unmarried" pastors then for "single" pastors, as far as their servant-leadership goes to the people of God.  But, that's both a lie and a false premise for properly and responsibly building an accountability structure and system of checks and balances around you. 

I was happily married for almost twelve years, and after my wife's departure to heaven, I've had few episodes of "temptation", in regards to sexual sin or fornication; because I've limited my exposure - and, I'm deathly afraid to diminish the authority of my call and negatively impact the witness of Christ for the believers and the unbelievers that I encounter in my walk of faith.

So, "my battle" has not been about being unable to resist or withstand "attractions to beautiful or voluptuous women"; it was ALL ABOUT my facing the brokenness and pain of the many losses and questions that ate away at me, until I had my "breaking of day" experience in my place of wrestling before God! 

I'm NOT limping or scarred outside, but my heart has definitely been circumsized, and "real repentance" has happened for the willful sins and mistakes that I have made, in this journey of faith; without ever allowing an arrogant "casualness" or complacency to come over me - as I've come to understand the  "amazing grace" of Almighty God.  And, I have also learned (and I'm learning) to live in the moment of "now", where HIS grace is available to overcome and walk victoriously over ALL SIN and compromise!

#2 - "Doctrinal Integrity":  In all the years that I've walked with The Lord, with the utmost honor and reverence for the Word of God, and the men and women who I've been privileged to hear preach and teach it; there is no more important thing for me to do,than "to STUDY to show myself approved, unto God!"

I've encountered the danger of words "from The Lord" - being prematurely spoken; mishandling of God's Word for personal gain; and, "zeal without knowledge", by affording a "gifted person" a large platform without time-tested authenticity, real spiritual eldership and accountability, and "church discipline" that perfectly matches and models the Scriptural remedy for the Spirit and Word of Reconciliation that should be common to those God calls to "restore in meekness", employ love to cover a multitude of sins, and deal with the demands that people walk in accordance with their unique grace (context) for ministry, and NOT someone else's.

#3 - 'Christo-centric Priority":  No matter "how big" or successful I've seen a ministry get, nothing bothers me more than seeing "parading flesh"; absent of a Christo-centric foundation and revelation on the "finished work", and the implications thereof...

How we keep "it" that way, is determined by several things, and there all pretty basic, as the critical building blocks for maintaining the integrity and missional focus that comes with really being in relationship with Jesus Christ, consistently; while fulfilling the Great Commission and advancing the kingdom as the singular priority for the life of the work of ministry.

I'm asking "those that God has chosen me to serve", to pray about your connection to me and this ministry, which is an "extension of Christ's Ministry" in the earth. I am a steward of HIS heavenly vision, and I'm both honored and afraid to disappoint HIM.  I also don't carry any debilitating anxiety or pressure to perform that comes along with serving people; but instead a "healthy fear of God" that keeps me godward and at peace.

I've learned, that in order for pastors to remain healthy and sane, these four things are important: 

#1 - Don't discuss any specifics of another person's situation with anyone else, even as a sermonic example; to protect the confidentiality and identity of those that I'm called to serve.

#2 - Let the commitments of God's people "organically evolve", because placing an undue burden upon others - based upon my own level of commitment and passion, will make people offended, gun-shy and feel pressured to perform; when God's House is to be a "sanctuary for all"!

#3 - Not seek to gage effectiveness and impact "on numbers alone", without really evaluating the "qualitative indicators", in the personal and spiritual growth that should be evident in God's people; if their walking by faith - and not "having church"!

#4 - To faithfully serve the place my passions, HIS purpose and my righteously indignant "dislikes" converge (poor shepherding and bad leadership). This is "my lane", and drives the music, multi-media and innovative gospel messages that I'm too share in every available format "for the edification of Christ's Body".

I'm OPEN to your questions..PLEASE write me, if you have any that I can answer before June 2nd, or once things start moving forward...


Q. Will I be the killjoy of your "worldly fun"? 
A. YES! (Just kidding) No...my involvement in people's "personal lives" will be greatly limited, because there is NOTHING in Scripture that either mandates or requires it. And, I must take care of my "own house"!

Q. How can you do this (pastor) unmarried? What about temptation and companionship?
A. I am "framed" to walk alone in this season of my life, and have done so faithfully the past four years (since my wife's death). I AM "single, but satisfied", and it is still my ultimate goal to remarry in the imminent future!

Q. Will you be "open" to dating someone you meet that attends one of the church services or discipleship training meetings that you oversee?
A. Of course, but under real defined guidelines and accountability of my board and presbytery. I'm very careful not to misuse my influence or authority "over people" to my own advantage, and because "so many" pastors "become predatory" in their operating practices and approach to things; I'm very careful to not rule out the possibility of God revealing my wife-to-be that way, but really NOT expecting it too happen that way.

Since it is both God's Will and my desire "to do all things in decency and in order", I'll be discreet, prudent and wise about my "openness"; and always "clear" things and openly communicate them to everyone that would be affected by my actions, publicly. YES - publicly, I would announce a a Courtship, if it was with the hopes of moving towards marriage; not just to solicit the prayers of the saints, but also because "whoever connects with me - next" must be prepared for the spotlight that follows that partnership and covenant arrangement..AMEN!


**For a clear understanding of the theological framework for which ministry is done, please ask to See: "Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.'s Statement of Faith". 

**For both a proper and sound understanding of the pastor's function in Christ's Church, and more on this very important topic, please visit the link below:  "A BIBLICAL STANDARD FOR PASTOR AND PEOPLE", by Dr. Nelson L. Price.


In HIS Eternal Service & Presence,

Pastor Walter (WS-3)


Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario)


"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"

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