Scriptural Basis: Malachi 4:4-6; Proverbs 22:28;23:10; and 1 John 2:12-14

For more than two decades now, I've "curiously watched", "courageously pursued", and "carelessly acted", as both a "DISTANT SON" - waiting in the wings, and as a DEVELOPING STUDENT - "learning from the movements" of BISHOP THOMAS DEXTER JAKES!

One of the IMPORTANT principles of "The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus" is, "Our repentance should reflect "the degree" of our disobedience or missteps, without owning any condemnation, shame or fear about God being "big enough" and "merciful enough" to recognize "when our hearts were right"; but know when our actions or our expressions were NOT!


I have NOT been in communication with Papa Jakes for OVER eleven years, via a face-to-face encounter, phone call, or through ministry attendance, etc.

I am NOT looking for HIM to address, publish or respond formally or informally to this blog. If he'd LIKE TOO, I'd be honored! 

I MUST OBEY, so that MY SEASON COMPLETELY CHANGES, as God has promised me that it would...

As an "additional disclaimer" for ALL "the counselors", "the critics" and "the curious", which may or may NOT completely read this "OPEN LETTER" and blog to the Body of Christ, I'm also sending this to Papa Jakes for no other reason but to make him aware.

I'm also ACTUALLY writing to the many other - "distant sons and daughters" - in Christ's Church; who may NO LONGER BE under the "direct covering" ("in" their church or ministry) of "their Papa or Mama" in the Spirit; but still "keep them in their heart", always!

This letter or blog is NOT some "dark expose" or "tell-all communication" about the "horrible things" that Papa Jakes did too me! THIS IS ALL ABOUT, God wanting me to use my voice to bring REPENTANCE, REFRESHING and RESTORATION to the Body of Christ; but more specifically - to the imbalance in "the American Church".

1> There will be NO "published comments" on my blog or on any other social media platform that I'm on, which I will allow ANY "spewing poison", accusation or ignorance to be given place; concerning Papa Jakes, or ANY OTHER "personality" YOU may have it in for!
2> I am REALLY desiring "a conversation in hearts" to occur, which fosters a "ground-swell" of "private repentance" and "public apologies"!
3> Up-front, I'd like to publicly thank all the men and women who stood in the gap for me, while I've processed the past ELEVEN YEARS. You KNOW who you are!
4> Please SHARE this with ANYONE that you know is hurting, stuck, or NOT the person you knew them too be, BEFORE their hearts were severely broken, etc.

So, here's why I'm writing and publishing this correspondence for the masses to see:

#1 - The Lord has asked me to STAND as a "vicarious representation", through this most public time of "IDENTIFICATIONAL REPENTANCE", for ALL the "distant sons and daughters" in the "American Church"; who still have a heart for "the individual" or "the ministry" that God has graciously and specifically used to "call" us into HIS kingdom work that has shaped "who WE are", as a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ. 
#2 - I have NEVER publicly or openly spoken "my opinions" in large or small settings about "My Spiritual Papa", but with certain associations and close friends - while COOKING in my "catered fires" (By JESUS, that is).  I have spoken about "my experiences serving in his ministry", with NO malice or disrespect EVER shown towards he or the precious staff that faithfully help to "hold up his hands".

BUT, I KNOW that during the past ELEVEN YEARS (since I've moved away from Dallas), there had to be "some spewing of the poison in my heart and my brokenness towards Papa Jakes" and the ministry that really INDIRECTLY relates to my experiences following his leadership; with VERY FEW "direct dealings" with Papa or Mama Jakes.. In other words, Papa Jakes, NEVER did anything that I could personally accuse him of!

#3 - The "American Church" seems to have "epidemic proportions" of bitter, offended, and wounded people that are a part of the dramatic wave of God's Glory that originally hit this country, through the "mega-movement" that really started in the early 90's, and since then, there seems to be a silent gas of regret, resentment and resignation, with MANY "true" sons and daughters about their experiences in these mega-movements..

The ATTITUDE of "most" is, "I've moved on, and God doesn't want me to - GO BACKWARDS!"; but, for some of us - that's JUST "pain talking"!

#4 - I KNOW that their are also MANY "distant sons and daughters" that may have LEGITIMATE GRIPES with their Mama or Papa in the spirit, BUT, in this season Malachi 4:4-6 will bring about a greater movement of healing and revival, BECAUSE - God's promise to me "for doing this" is, "the hearts of the fathers and sons will be turned back to one another"! WHY? God said that "it has too happen, so that the CONVERGENCE of "the old" and "the new" brings supernatural RECOVERY to the Church that nearly bankrupts the enemy's camp!

The "earth" has been "smitten with a curse", and EVERYONE CAN SEE that the "renegade spirit", "the nonconformist", and "the bitterly offended" are scattered all over this country, BUT NOW is the time for CHANGE!


I WROTE this and originally placed it in our international ministry newsletter that my wife and I use to publish (2007-2009), called "Rebel With A Cause".  I've provided a LINK ABOVE, so that anyone who wants to really understand "my process" or context behind "why this is important for ME", if no one else...PTL!

What you will hear are the UNEDITED "heart cries" that are very much "still respectful and appropriate"; BUT, out of it, emerged the most powerful release in my soul to this very day - that makes me quiver in the Holy Ghost..


I've NEVER SHARED this dream publicly with Papa or Mama Jakes, but only with a few of my closest friends and family, BUT - it's time now to share this; and I PRAY that "it is a CATALYST for revival amongst the distant sons and daughters", who want to HEAR what The Spirit is SAYING to the Church!

"The Dream" 12/23/2008 at 2:02 A.M. (Unedited; All quotes and emphasis denote the way that I heard this once I awoke from this vividly colorful dream. This is the "interpretation of the dream" that was given to me, as soon as my eyes opened.)

"The Archetypal Image" that you saw in "your father" reflected characteristics of people that you're "connected to", by spiritual, experiential and physical strands of DNA; which makes you who you are today!

The overarching premise of MY Design and work in you, was to harvest the seed-potential of every one of these deposits sown into your life for MY Glory, without you ever becoming "a clone" of any of them, which would grossly limit your potential "in ME", and your ultimate use for MY Kingdom!
I have both deposited and invested specific data-strands of incorruptible seeds in your heart that have built an inward integrity, holy determination and spiritual stature that will prosper, protect and position you in the days to come, for simply trusting ME in the process of losing your lives for MY sake. 

I've shown you a "moving encounter" with this "father type", with no distinguishable characteristics you'd recognize, but those of Thomas Jakes.

You ascended into a comfortable environment, which appeared to be an office where you were able to share your journey and life lessons that moved both of you to tears, and finally bridged an understanding of "how" I'VE developed and matured you, through all of your unique experiences.

More specifically, you spoke of a "CR" or "censured response", which was a type of "system of integrity and accountability" that alerted you on the path, during moments you may have compromised the Word of God, or mishandled it, by interpreting it for your own self-benefit and aggrandizement.

This is "when" the tears really began to flow, as you share the blessing of majoring on integrity of The Word, as your primary focus!

THOMAS JAKES is NOT your "spiritual father" because:
- You AGREE with his doctrinal stance or position on EVERY scriptural passage...
- You AGREE with everything that he's done in ministry, including his choices and path during the years that you have known him...
- HE IS your "spiritual father", because "your commitment to Me was sealed in the stewardship and care of his spiritual advisement and oversight, which has released a spiritual destiny and purpose in your life that cannot EVER be altered or erased.

I did NOT tell you to "do a thing" about what I've revealed to you!

I'M giving you understanding, because of the work I've completed in you during this season!

You will arrive out of the ashes of every trying experience, and move to the forefront of MY perfect will and intentions concerning you! Do NOT assume anything! Do NOT change anything! Do NOT communicate anything "on your own" - I will make the way!

When I uncover these truths for ALL too see, like "a mystery hidden on purpose" for a specific time and season; I will answer every question and reveal MYSELF in you midst - so that MY Glory is clearly seen and MY Purpose is fulfilled!

"Flesh" can ONLY glory in MY Presence, when these moments are either staged or manipulated!

Oftentimes, "what a father sees in his son", is NOT only the greatest conviction to his heart, but the greatest attestation to his legacy - "when the child reached their full potential!"

"Spiritual Destiny & Purpose" is NOT about a man's agenda or legacy - it's ALL about The Father's Plan and Kingdom Agenda that impacts lives for eternity, like Elijah and Elisha! The mantle was for the "prophetic responsibility", spiritual stature and divine purpose of the Forerunner for Messiah - Jesus Christ; where all things in the history of Israel point towards the fulfillment of their Chosenness and purpose in the face of Jesus Christ!

Every step in their journey, had implications toward the advancement of The Father's Agenda from eternity past, that could only be fulfilled in the personal obedience of "one" man or woman, who explicitly followed ME in obedience throughout their spiritual journey.

The "harvest" is NEVER about the type or shadow of a thing - it's all about the reality of it, like CHRIST in you, the Hope of Glory!

You saw ME through a person (Thomas Jakes) that represented ME to you, but as soon as their representation reflected some flaws, insecurities and weaknesses, you no longer believed that he was following ME...BUT, you STILL saw ME, even after your departure...

I was NOT leading you to "camp out around" or memorialize this "image" in your heart, by your loyalty or commitment to follow them. I was revealing MYSELF to you, through them - so that you would learn to follow ME!

NOW, you can let go of these past experiences in a healthy way that releases you from any associated pain, confusion or humiliation that you've "credited" to that time and season!

TODAY, I release you both from the past pain that has "followed you" in your hearts, and plagued you in your thoughts!

I moved you on from this place - in this space and time, to give you authentic relationship, a foundation of integrity, and a bridge for your spiritual accountability and destiny, for MY Namesake!

What I have permitted to be "hidden" was uniquely packaged for a time too come that would SHIFT the lives of everyone involved, and stake "final claim" to the purpose supplanted in every life that may not have reached their potential "in ME", without this revealing and shaking, first!

I am going to use you to turn lives "upside down" and "inside out", for MY Kingdom!

STAND BY, for launch off!"



Of ALL the Mighty Men of God that I respect in our former and current "leadership guard", Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes, was "peculiarly used" in the last twenty years, which is a part of a foundation laid for the NEXT "prophetic movement" that's going to sweep this country and the entire world; but WE'VE got "to make things right!"

God won't RE-FORM, till "WE RE-PENT"! We MUST "return to the high place" (ZION), so that our alignment, agreement and unity releases a FLOOD of God's favor and goodness upon this land!

I twittered Papa Jakes about a week or so ago about a LANDMARK MESSAGE that I heard somewhere around 1994; that message is called, "DESERT BABIES!"

It is "the" MANTLE-PASSING WORD that many of us have been WAITING FOR...

SEE LINKS BELOW (7-parts to the entire message)


I HAVE TO go visit "My Papa & Mama", as The Lord leads and provides for me!


Every "legally-permitted obstacle" that the enemy has against my life and yours, will be COMPLETELY BROKEN, as WE obey and rebuild these vitally important relationships with our Papa's & Mama's; but, more specifically - The Jakes' Family for ME...

God has allowed me "existence" the past eleven years, but HE's promised me - ABUNDANT LIFE, and - IT'S TIME!

ANOTHER WAVE is coming, but this time, it will NOT be "without - one generation leading and serving with - the other!" WS-3

Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"

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