SPIRITUAL DISCLAIMER: If you are NOT a student of God's Word, please do NOT HAPHAZARDLY read this blog without first, "studying to show yourself approved". As always, I pen this blog with and in the spirit of openness, transparency and reverence, for the believers and unbelievers that will hopefully benefit from its content. In order to "fully benefit" from what has been revealed to me after prayerfully addressing this subject, I'd ask you to pray before ingesting or digesting "one line"of this heartfelt correspondence. 

My ONLY GOAL is to "help to build a bridge of understanding" that RELEASES "a spirit of generosity and liberality amongst God's people", which accelerates the advancement of the Kingdom of God - and causes financial support to superabound and overtake the "faithful stewards" of God's Storehouse, in and through the men and women of God who willingly give, serve and love HIS Cause - above their own!

I am ALWAYS open to feedback, and desire other theologians, dissenters, or opponents of the Christian faith, to respectfully and tastefully share their views. I KNOW that I still have much more to understand about God's Mind on this matter, and I don't believe that "Christians" are the only people with "absolute truth" (in line with God's Word)..

God is "hidden" in many other bodies of knowledge, but we have to be willing to explore and adjust! That's why, going back to our Hebraic roots in understanding "tithing", is so important. This is NOT a "sound bite" on the subject; its a "study", so all "sleepy readers" shouldn't do this around bed time! Lol.

BLESSINGS as you study!



When I prayed about - even approaching this subject, I thought about a few things that I've really wrestled with in my own heart..Specifically, concerning the struggle many Christian ministers have, trying to get the people to support the work of ministry - which is "hard enough", as it stands..

After all, "if God's people did not believe they would be cursed for not tithing", would anybody consistently support the work of ministry? Hmm..

SO, why don't we just ALL START - GIVING LIBERALLY, instead?

A LAW-BASED THEOLOGY leads to a LAME-DUCK LIBERALITY that "finds freedom in choosing - when to give and what to give", but NOT "true freedom to give liberally and unselfishly"!

For myself, I can't tell you "how many times I've been absolutely grieved", by the "callous attitudes" and "poverty mentalities" of the people that I've faithfully ministered too; who KNOW that I'm in full-time ministry, and will call on me to pray with them about a job; and come to the hospital to believe God for their healing from sickness or disease, WITHOUT "ever communicating" through their generous financial gifts - while selfishly and boldly seeking to receive from the heartfelt "spiritual impartation" that I'm led to share with them..?

BUT, the Apostle Paul said,
- We shouldn't be a burden to the people, so we should be willing "to work with our own hands"..
- We shouldn't manipulate people to give, by misusing our position of authority..
- We shouldn't be greedy and self-seeking, by using ministry for personal gain

He ALSO said,
- You shouldn't muzzle the ox, that treads out the grain..
- A servant of Christ is worthy of his hire..and
- If we (ministers of the Gospel) "communicate our spiritual things, they (God's People) should communicate (give) their natural things"!

Because, we have been "redeemed from the curse", according to Galatians 3, and Malachi 3 states, that we would be "cursed with a curse" for "robbing God" - How could I even suggest that "tithing legalistically - is NOT the will of God, anymore"?

Well, I'm NOT doing that, at all! BUT, I am challenging the long-standing systems of thought - we all have, because God wants to infuse HIS LIFE into HIS people, about the "giving and receiving" that is obviously the will of God; but built upon the foundation of Christ's Finished Work and the perfect liberty that should act as the primary motivation in all of our giving to the Cause of Christ! 

So, I don't casually or flippantly write this blog,  without prayerfully thinking about the implications this will have upon those I've been called to shepherd, and the universal Body of Christ; in which I've been given the opportunity to reach through both the writing and ministry opportunities that I have been given in the past, the present, and (God willing) any/all future doors that I'm called to walk through.

I am CONVINCED that "the greatest impediment" to seeing the supernatural commonly flow in our churches, is the "innocent ignorance" and religious traditions that we hold so closely to, which directly conflicts and contradicts the New Testament Reality of our New Covenant in Christ! 

We're still operating, UNDER THE LAW in our operations and practices, cutting-off the life-giving power "in Christ" that will cause us ALWAYS to triumph and walk victoriously; and "enter in" to the "more than a conqueror mantle" that Christ has made available by "overcoming the world", for us!

My other reasons for moving to boldly proclaim the truths that I've discovered  about "tithing", is:
- The major part of my apostolic and prophetic mandate is to both preserve and defend (by being an effective witness and consistent representative) "sound doctrine", in Christ's Church.
- The consulting that I'm also privileged to do, with a very diverse group of church and para-church organizations from all over the world - has greatly expanded my curious observation and rumination on the matter. 
- Observing the battle "for getting provision, to carry out the vision" in my own ministry, and of those that I'm called to serve", has made me intensely pray, study and seek God; so that "when asked", I could provide the most biblical response to the sincere questions of these devoted leaders wondering how to faithfully steward the "kingdom agenda" in Christ's Church.


I believe that the "spirit of mammon" in its diabolical operation and demonic strategy to oppressively yoke God's people - with lack and poverty, uses the well-meaning devotion of God's people, through fostering a "law-based approach to giving" (tithing), is in turn holding us captive to the "shadow of the intended abundance" that should be common amongst Christians; because of the "grace for giving" that is clearly articulated in 2 Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9...

UH, OH...I lost some "preachers", already..BUT, get free, men and women of God! Lol!

It is the foundational basis for bridging our understanding of "how the tithe should work", which was principally instituted "before the Law of Moses was given" that can help us to clearly identify in the biblical accounts of Cane and Abel (Genesis 4) and Abraham and Melchizedek (Genesis 14), what "the Mind of God is", concerning the tithe..

God is going to get HIS PEOPLE, free!

My ministry philosophy about "all doctrine" is, at the end of any/all theological discourse, if we walk away "offended", "divided", or "out of love" (Agape) - our partial understanding, inexperience, or lack of historical context on the various subjects of Scripture, places us at odds with one another; when we should ALL really just be "slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger" about these kinds of things - as a normal approach to growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ, by learning from one another!

When we "hard-line things" concerning issues of Scripture, UNLESS there "essential doctrines", my experience has taught me that there's a "law at work in our members" - that is challenged or exposed; including any strongholds, traditions and religious uniformity that is common in many "religious circles" or denominations.

In other words, we've "camped out" around things that "kill the life of the Spirit in us", and ultimately hinders the flow of what Christ wrought for us all - through HIS glorious "finished work" on all of our behalf..

LISTEN: God honors our "faith", EVEN IF, it is not firmly planted upon the proper context of HIS Word! That doesn't mean that "HE lets us be deceived, and then turns around and blesses us, anyway!" It MEANS, if honoring or obeying HIM "is the object of our faith", then HE will honor our faith - even when we "miss the mark" or blunder, because of misinterpreting or misunderstanding the Scriptures.

It also means that "HIS ultimate goal", is for CHRIST to be "formed in us", so that "when HE appears, we will be - JUST LIKE HIM"! 

You absolutely can NOT read 1 Corinthians "in context", and believe that God is "okay with our dividedness" as the Body of Christ, surrounding any matters of Scripture!?!

For some of us:
- We've built our entire ministries, through "developing" theological frameworks on certain principles, without fully understanding there context. So, how do we explain to our church, our "publisher" of the last book we wrote on the subject, and/or our "adoring fans" - that we "may have been in error", about the matter which we spoke with so much "conviction" about?
- We've taken someone else's word on the subject matter, because we highly respect their ministry philosophy or methods of interpretation, which closely fits into your system of thought.
- We've arrived at "early conclusions" about the subject matter, without "thoroughly studying for ourselves"!

But, in the current reformation of Christ's Church, I believe The Lord is going to route-out and expose the "strategies of hell", to keep the Body of Christ "divided"- therefore, diminishing the power of our spiritual unity "in Christ".

For many, "it" (the change and transformation "in us") will require HIS withdrawal from our ministry, or a heart-wrenching process (church split, etc) to break the power of those "laws" at work in our members - that have no power to bridge our understanding; to "The Law of the Spirit of Life, in Christ"!

There are only a few New Testament (NT) references to tithing. I do not believe the NT teaches tithing - explicitly, because the entire setting is against the "nit-picking" - Jewish legalism and self-righteousness that was a "result" of attempting  "to keep the law"! 

I also believe that the NT guidelines for "regular giving" (if there are any) are found in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9; which go far beyond "our definition" (10%) of tithing!  If a Jew, with only the information of the OT, was "commanded to give ten to thirty percent (there are two, possibly three, "required tithes" in the OT), then Christians should give far beyond that; and not even take the time to discuss the tithe! SELAH!

"NT Believers" must therefore - be careful of "turning Christianity into a new legal performance-oriented code" (Christian Talmud). Their desire to be pleasing to God causes them to try to find guidelines for every area of life.  

However, theologically it is dangerous to pull "old covenant rules", which are not reaffirmed in the NT (cf. Acts 15) and make them dogmatic criteria; especially when they are claimed (by modern preachers) to be causes of calamity or promises of prosperity (cf. Malachi 3)!

Here is a good quote from Frank Stagg, New Testament Theology, pp. 292-293.

"The New Testament does not once introduce tithing into the grace of giving. Tithes are mentioned only three times in the New Testament: (1) in censoring the Pharisees for neglect of justice, mercy, and faith while giving meticulous care to the tithing of even garden produce (Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42); (2) in the exposure of the proud Pharisee who 'prayed to himself,' boasting that he fasted twice each week and tithed all his possessions (Luke 18:12); and (3) in arguing for the superiority of Melchizedek, and hence of Christ, to Levi (Heb. 7:6-9).

"It is clear that Jesus approved tithing as a part of the Temple system, just as in principle and practice, HE supported the general practices of the Temple and the synagogues. But there is no indication that HE imposed any part of theTemple cultus, on his followers. Tithes were "chiefly produce", formerly eaten at the sanctuary by "the one tithing", and later eaten by the priests. 

Tithing, as set forth in the Old Testament, could be carried out ONLY in a religious system - built around a system of animal sacrifice.

 "Many Christians find the tithe to be a fair and workable plan for giving. So long as it is not made to be a coercive or legalistic system, it may prove to be a 'happy plan'.  However, one may not validly claim that tithing is taught in the New Testament.  It is recognized as proper for Jewish observance (Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42), but it is not imposed upon Christians.  In fact, it is now impossible for Jews or Christians to tithe in the Old Testament sense. Tithing today only faintly resembles "the ancient ritual practice belonging to the sacrificial system of the Jews."  Stagg has summed it up!

 "While much may be said for "adopting the tithe voluntarily", as a standard for one's giving, without "rigidly imposing it upon others" as a Christian requirement, it is clear in adopting such a practice that one is not carrying on the Old Testament practice.  

At most, one is doing something only remotely analogous to the tithing practice of the Old Testament, which was a tax to support the Temple and the priestly system; a social and religious system which no longer exists. 

Tithes were obligatory in Judaism, as a tax until the destruction of the Temple in a.d. 70; but they are not thus "binding upon Christians".

"This is not to "discredit tithing", but it is to clarify its relationship to the New Testament.  It is "to deny that the New Testament supports the coerciveness, legalism, profit motive, and the bargaining", which so often characterizes the tithing appeals given today!  

As a "voluntary system", tithing offers much; but it must be "redeemed by grace", if it is to be truly "Christian giving" - from a New Testament Reality. 

To plead that 'it works', is only to adopt the pragmatic tests of the world that "do it" in principle for good tax breaks, to demonstrate charity, and to lower their taxable income - for "personal benefit"!  

 Much 'works' that is not Christian, and THAT'S why man of "us" give - sadly.  

Tithing, therefore, must be congenial to New Testament theology, and ROOTED in the grace and love of Jesus Christ."

Here are some Scriptural References for "TITHES IN THE MOSAIC LEGISLATION":
1.  For Priests and Central Sanctuary 
a. Lev. 27:30-32
b. Deut. 12:6-7,11,17; 14:22-26
c. Num. 18:21-24
d. Neh. 12:44 
 e. Mal. 3:8,10
2.  For Local Levites
a. Deut. 12:12; 14:27; 26:12-15
b. Num. 18:25-29 (Levites must tithe of their tithe to the central shrine)
c. Neh. 10:37,38
3.  for Local Poor
a. Deut. 14:28-29
b. Neh. 12:44
B. Examples of tithing predate Mosaic legislation
 1. Genesis 14:20, Abraham to Melchizedek (Heb. 7:2-9) 
 2. Genesis 28:22, Jacob to YHWH
 C. The tithes of Israel were used to support the central sanctuary, but every third year the national tithes were directed exclusively to the local poor. 



We were all created to give unselfishly (God's Original Intent) of ourselves, and the life robbed of these possibilities is so horribly limited, unfruitful and clouded; "clouded" with "haunting questions" of who we really are; "debilitating thoughts" that remind us of our secret sins and failures, even to the point of suicide; and "probing voices" that create inferiority and insecurity complexes, beyond words, because our identities are NOT founded in Christ, alone. 

So, we all "seek an escape", but find none - NOT even through our "obligatory acts" (like tithing, not done IN FAITH) which makes us miserable and encourages "unbelief", after never actually seeing "the windows of heaven open", or at least never experiencing "the poured out blessing", in which there would not be "room enough to receive it"!

EVEN IF TITHING were "the answer all", I would think that the "rain that comes upon the just and the unjust", SHOULD NOT be a part of our "benefit's package" as Christians, right(?)

AND, shouldn't "the devourer being rebuked", be included in "the things" that EXEMPT from, right? Lol!


How come "tithers" that you and I KNOW, have lost their homes - right along with "the unbelievers", during some of the major weather disasters; since "the devourer is rebuked", according to Malachi 3?

- They didn't - pray enough?
- They didn't - take authority over the storm, quickly enough?
- They didn't - give their tithe "before" they paid all their other bills?
- They forgot to "plead the blood of Jesus" around their house, the week the storm came?

NOT! And, this is a part of the endless parade of "thoughts on the tithe" from many "Gospel ministers", without a true and sincere study that isn't approaching the subject with "a side to defend", or "a meal ticket to cash in"..

All of those questions above sounds just like - LAW KEEPING, to me! 

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Am I way off of this...I DON'T think so!

I'M A MARKETPLACE PASTOR, and I need God's people to be responsive to HIS leading, as much as any other - Man or Woman of God; but, I want it GOD'S WAY, cause THEN it will work without human manipulation, etc..


Check out some "commentary" from David Guzik..

"Will a man rob God? It seems crazy to think that a man could rob God. What could someone possibly "steal from God"? The Lord makes it clear - they robbed from God, by withholding their tithes and offerings.

It's an expression of astonishment: Will a man rob God?
- Astonishing because it is such a daring thing to do
- Astonishing because it is shamefully ungrateful
- Astonishing because it is senselessly self-destructive
- Astonishing because it will certainly be punished

God calls it "robbery", because they had unlawful possession of what belonged to God. It isn't because "only the tithes and offerings belonged to God'. In fact, everything we have belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). Yet God does not normally command us to give everything that belongs to HIM; HE allows us to keep some, as managers on HIS behalf. But the tithes and offerings are different; they are not given to us to manage - they belong to what the Lord calls "HIS Storehouse"; the House of the Lord.

If you give a tithe - that is, 10% of your income or assets - to God, it isn't as if the remaining 90% "is yours", to do with as you please. It all belongs to God, but He allows you to "directly manage" the remaining 90%.

The Law of Moses had a detailed system of giving based upon a tithing system. (Deuteronomy 14:22-29 is one passage describing this system). If you failed to pay your tithe, you were assessed a 20% penalty (Leviticus 5:14-16; 22:14; 27:31-32). 

Nevertheless, "tithing predated the law"! (Genesis 14:18-20).

"You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed ME": Because God's people did not give as HE commanded, God did not bless them materially or spiritually the way HE would have otherwise. Their stingy hearts "proved that their lives were far from God", because God is "the greatest giver" (John 3:16).

Many people with financial problems, fail to do the most important thing first: "obey and honor God with their resources:. When we put God and His kingdom first, HE promises to meet our every need (Matthew 6:33).

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse": This was the answer to their problems - to actually do what God commanded them to do, and to bring all the tithes to God. It wasn't that they didn't give anything to God; they simply did not bring all the tithes to Him. They must not fall short in giving God everything that He asked for.

Under the New Covenant, are we under a similar command to tithe? 

The New Testament nowhere specifically commands tithing, but it certainly does speak of it in a positive light, if it is done with a "right heart" (Luke 11:42).

It is also important to understand that tithing is not a principle that depends on the Law of Moses. Hebrews 7:5-9 explains that tithing was practiced and honored by God - before the Law of Moses.  What the New Testament does speak with great clarity on is the "principle of giving from the heart". 

**END of David Guzik's commentary...

NOW, what does the New Testament have to say then?

1 Corinthians 16:1-4 makes it clear that our giving must be:
- Periodic
- Planned
- Proportional
- Private

As well, 2 Corinthians 9 tells us that giving must be:
- Freely given
- Cheerful

Since the New Testament doesn't "emphasize tithing", one might not be strict on it for Christians (though some Christians do argue against tithing on the basis of self-interest). Nevertheless, "giving is to be proportional", so we should give some percentage - and "ten percent" is a good benchmark. For some, 10% should really just be the beginning of their thoughts on giving...

If our question is, "how little can I give, and still please God?", then our heart isn't in the right place - at all! 

We should have the attitude of some early Christians, who essentially said: "We're not under the tithe - we can give more!" Giving and financial management are "spiritual issues", not just a financial issue (Luke 16:11). SELAH!

"That there may be food in My house": The purpose of the tithe was primarily to support the priests, who ministered before the Lord. When the people did not bring their tithes, the priests were not properly supported, and there was not enough food for them in the house of the Lord.

The tithe in Israel was also to be used "to help the poor", and once every three years, some of it was put aside for that purpose (Deuteronomy 14:28-29). Still, the main purpose for the tithe was to support the tribe of Levi and the priests (Deuteronomy 14:27).

The same principle carries over in the New Testament. Some think that "a paid ministry" is an abomination before God, but Paul made it clear that not only do ministers deserve to be supported by those they minister to (1 Timothy 5:18; 2 Corinthians 9:4-14) but also that their support is even more worthy than the poor (1 Timothy 5:17). 

Nevertheless, Paul voluntarily yielded his right to be supported when he thought it was in the best interests of the gospel to do so (2 Corinthians 9:12; 9:15).

"And try Me now in this": It's hard to find a comparable passage of Scripture - where the Lord commands His people "to test Him". Here, in regard to giving and HIS blessing of it, HE tells His people "try Me now in this." "See if you can give to ME, and be the poorer for it. See if you can out-give, Me!"

"The context for God's words about tithes is the teaching that "God is faithful". The matter of tithes is only an illustration of that teaching."

"Open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it": This is the response God promises when HIS people give as HE tells them to. HE will bless them both with provision and protection ("I will rebuke the devourer").

The reference to "the windows of heaven" reminds us of the glorious account of provision in 2 Kings 7, when God provided in a completely unexpected way. God has resources that we know nothing about, and it is often of no help to try and figure out - or worry about - how God will provide...


Why the STRUGGLE for so many people - who FAITHFULLY tithe or give then..IF GOD, is "being faithful" to HIS word?

I believe THE ANSWER is, "what they (God's People) do" is NOT done "in faith", but "out of fear", religious obligation and (sadly) - in ignorance!

So, many times in the church, when "the time of tithing or giving" is conducted in the normal order of service in our worship experiences weekly - there seems to be a sense of anxiety and apprehension. 

I always watch the faces of people (Forgive me, Lord!), many times "looking as if their paying taxes" - instead of demonstrating their joyous love for giving to the Kingdom of God, and counting HIS work as high priority above anything else in this life!

Anxiety and apprehension often exists, because people who have been faithful in their giving are weary with not seeing the "windows of heaven opened with the blessings poured out, where they won't have room enough to receive." 

"Why haven't they seen "the release" they've expected?"  

I believe there are three primary reasons:
1) Blatant mishandling of God's "storehouse" by spiritual leadership.
2) Insufficient capacity of God's people to receive the blessing that He longs to pour out!
3) People don't give, "in faith" - faithfully...

Without going into any deeper theological exposition - suffice it to say,that the Old Testament book of Malachi is actually written primarily to and for "spiritual leaders", to correct the misuse of their authority concerning offering polluted food upon the altar; and the subsequent abuse of using their position concerning - "taking the best" (from the storehouse) and "offering the least".


THE SPENDING is disproportionate to the IMPACT upon the "designated benefices" of GOD's STOREHOUSE!  Preachers treat "ministry budgets" like their OWN "personal bank accounts"!

The priest were supposed to eat the "fat" that remained from the sacrifice - NOT "taking from the top", based upon what they believe is "their value" or "their worth", with NO ACCOUNTABILITY in determining their salaries, wise direction concerning "the use of funds", etc.!  

The bottom-line is THEY ARE NOT ACCOUNTABLE WITH THE USE OF FUNDS, most of the time!

You might ask -" What does their abuse and misuse have to do with me?  I am being faithful "to give as unto the Lord"!

Well - your intentions are NOT the issue all together!  God has given us all common sense and discernment.  If the preacher is prospering and the people are not - it is clear what is taking place!

Here is a simple illustration to help...

If I "sincerely give" my money to a licensed broker, who I should obviously be able to trust on the surface, and find out later that all my money was lost in some money laundering scheme - the disappointment and devastation will be quite upsetting; especially if you've been investing for years.  But, there are always "indicators" and signs that we just fail to see because our trust was in the person!

Are we to have a suspicion of every preacher who asks for money, and need to see a tax return or certified financial statement before we decide to tithe?  NO!

But, because we are to know a tree by the fruit it bears, we should discern prayerfully God's mind concerning our giving, and hold our spiritual leaders to accountability to external audits overseen by ad hoc committees and accounting professionals that will not allow the leader's influence to taint the necessary investigation and stewardship of the minister and ministry!

So, being "cursed with a curse" is really an indictment against the people for not being wise in the return of the tithe and offerings they give - and, the preacher who is not seeing God's people prosper as the word has promised.  This should also deeply hurt their hearts (the shepherds) to the core - if they're true shepherds AT ALL!
Well - Why would God let this go on for so long anyway?  In the book of Jeremiah, the second chapter and the nineteenth verse, there is a powerful truth that simply says "your own wickedness is your correction...".  

In other words - we think being "cursed with a curse" means that God expends His energy (so to speak) in bringing correction and rebuke, which He may or may not do.  But, as we all know, when we mature or grow into the age and stage of accountability and responsibility - the best thing our parents could do for our "hard heads" is let the consequences of our own actions TEACH US!  Meaning - literally, license is given to the enemy to wreak havoc in your life, and keep the minister from being truly effective for the Kingdom of God!

I believe that ANY THING that we "make a law" in our New Testament Reality, is a "high place" that must eventually be corrected in regards to it being placed above "Christ's Finished Work" in our hearts and minds; which should really be the ONLY FOCUS of believers...

There is a powerful quote from Pastor Robert Morris' book called "The Blessed Life", and it says: "No matter how much I give, I never have less, and no matter how much I receive, I never have too much - because I'm a river.". 

This does not communicate that we should never accumulate nicer and better things; its simply releasing control to the Holy Spirit "in us", to be the conduit and expression of God's love that both the church and the world needs to see!

In conclusion, please refer to these other (4) blogs that directly and indirectly relates to the subject of "tithing". I hope the information helps to build a solid foundation for being a "radical giver" for Christ's Cause and the Kingdom of God..






Walter L. Smith III (WS-3), Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement (Hollywood & Ontario)
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 524-0654 Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"

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